Rushed Goodbye

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Lily Pov

"I'm sorry but she requested to have you both back in Korea" he said making me shocked "s-so we have to go back?but... this is so rushed the year isn't even finished yet" I said "you and May have been enrolled in school back in Korea you'll both finish the school year too" he said as his phone vibrated and he picked it up, but it was short and brief "we have to go now, call May and we'll go home" he said

*at the house*

I sighed trying not to get teary looking at the box i made for Xinlong "Eonnie we have to go" May said standing at the doorstep as I looked at her and nodded and stood up to walk out of the house "i'll miss you guys" Shuyang said standing at our doorstep "us too" may said and I agreed "can you give this to Xinlong?" I asked giving the box "oh sure" he said taking it "i'll be in the car bye" i said leaving them alone, I saw them talk and they shared a hug then May walked in the car as we both waved to him, and it was the last we went to China for studying

Xinlong pov

"Guys have you seen Lily? I thought she was with May a minute ago but i can't find them anywhere" I asked the others as they shook their heads with Concern written on their faces "I haven't seen Shuyang either'' hanyu ge said Maybe they're at Lily and May's house" Sooyeon said "maybe we should go check" Raepark jie said Suggested, then Hanyu ge's phone ringed and he walked away to answer it. Later he came back telling us we had to go to Lily's and may's house

*at their house*

"Shuyang where are Lily and May? and why are you crying?" I asked him "ge...they...left" he said between sobs "what!?" i said "they had to leave quickly because their mother was sick" he explained "Lily left this for you" he said giving me a purple box decorated with flowers, this can't be true it must be a joke right? I opened the box to see a letter I then read it


Hey longlong, as you're reading I'm already on the plane to Korea. I'm sorry i left without telling you all, returning to Korea rushed like this surprised me and I didn't have any time to reply to your confession, and if I was still there I would have said yes if i knew what was gonna happen soon we hope to be back in China soon but it's not sure. I put our memories together in the box as a souvenir, and don't worry I kept your bracelet with me, it will always be on my wrist so when we meet again we can recognize each other.

With love Lily 💜

"Don't worry i won't forget you" i said tears falling down my face

*weeks later*

"Hey Xinlong ge Have you seen Lily I can't find her anywhere" Chenley asked "why are you asking, so you can bully her again?" I scoffed "no I decided to stop that a long time ago I want to apologize" she said "she went back to korea" i replied coldly as she made a oh sound disappointed "can I sit with you? Where are the others" she asked "No I don't want to hangout with brats" I rudely said ignoring her other question as she sighed "I changed ge, don't you see that? I'm done with being a bully and mean brat, I want to be better now,I want my old life and the best friend/Brother I had when we were younger I hate myself now" she said as i kept silent "please you know when I take a decision I don't back up, please believe for once" she pleaded.

I could sense sincerity in her voice so I answered " fine but don't flirt or try anything else on me" I warned as she happily nodded and sat a bit far from me since she saw that I wanted to be alone.


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