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Lily pov*after class* 

the bell ringed while the teacher was talking all of us started packing and some we're getting out of class when the teacher yelled "wait i'm not finished talking yet!!" we all stopped what we we're doing and looked at her  even Xinlong stopped to look at her, wow i thought he wouldn't listen I guess he's not that bad as much as I thought  "I was saying finish page 16 of the math book and then tomorrow we will have a discussion and a group project." She says

 I seriously didn't understand why the teachers we're giving us so much projects to do, first it's dance then after math and what's next Chinese? lol all of the students groaned  and continued to pack and leave. 

I waited outside for Rae unnie  to get out  "hey sorry for keeping you long" she said "it's okay " I assured her "do you want to come to my house or your house to practice the dance project" "umm is it okay if  it's my house then next time we can go to yours?" I asked her "sure we can even have a sleepover" she replies "omg yesss that would be cool, but after the detention stuff " I laughed and she joined.  

When we arrived the teacher was there waiting "omg thanks you guys are here I thought I was gonna be late well I have to go bye" she waved and so did we, then entered the classroom , I saw Xinlong and Minghao sitting glaring at each other "you know guys glaring at each other will make you both have another detention because I'm scared it might cause another fight again" Raepark unnie said to the 2 boys and they looked at her, Xinlong and rolled his eyes. 

What if detention last more longer what do I do?"  he said laying  in his chair at this point i was getting kinda tired of he's attitude and decided to get out of my little buble "if it does then you will have to stay longer and maybe play on you phone or something, don't get me wrong it would be YOUR fault we stay longer" i said emphasizing the word your. 

He laughed at me " what's so funny?" I ask "aww sounds like the shy little baby decided to talk i thought you were kinda mute"  he laughed, oh how I wanted to kill him with- aish I should calm down i don't want to get in trouble, it's just my first day of school, and there's my bias who I thought was the best making my blood boil.  "first of all I'm not mute mister "bad boy" *role eyes* and second of all i'm not a baby I wouldn't be able to talk to you then"  he laughed "well then as you please babygirl" he said winking he's so- at this time I was gonna go slap him when Raepark unnie who was silent for a moment stopped us "that's enough of u Xinlong stop teasing her"she said  he rolled his eyes "keep rolling your eyes maybe you'll find a brain out there" I said madly wanting to beat the heck out of him at this point I didn't care if he was my bias in boystory or not i hated him...or...hated must be too much let's just say i didn't like him as much as before. end of pov 

xinlong pov

I find it cute when she's mad tho, I literally wanted to tease her more when Raepark jie stopped me. I rolled my eyes in annoyment then i heard Lily say "keep rolling your eyes maybe you'll find a brain over there" the look in her eyes didn't look funny at all, she looked like she could explode and murder me in a second, bet she's probably stabbing me in her mind quietly but I heard Minghao laughing he's a*s of on the chair almost falling. 

"Oh shut up before you get a black eye" I glared at him he continued, if it wasn't for boystory and yhboys being friends I would have beaten this guy to death (a/n: dude chill longlong :0  xinlong:how can i!?  a/n: whatever-)  he laughed more louder and harder then Raepark unnie joined giggling but ending up laughing only me and Lily glaring at me still mad weren't laughing, but she joined them laughing in, I just sighed and putmy earphones to listen to music.

 after they calmed down Lily and Raepark were talking while minghao did the same and got on his phone then Raepark unnie yelled something at me "hey xinlong what are you doing? aren't you supposed to not use your phone" she in an annoying manner and Lily giggled.

 "what do you want from me why don't you say it to Minghao?" I ughed  because I want to she repeated my sentence in a mocking way "bet 100$ if i guess what your doing on that phone of yours" she said the smirk not living her  and Lily looked confused , sometimes it's annoying to have her as a family member "whatever" i said going on my phone again "let me guess jackson wang? got7?" 

i mentally facepalmed myself but good thing she forgot or elses it would have been and embarrassing moment "it's mixed playlist so whatever " i said "oh i your listening to L&M jeons " (i literally don't know if it exist L&M jeons but it passed randomly in my mind lol)  she said laughing at this moment 

I regretted giving her the hint but I just affronted her "and what if I do they're better singer and dancers than you" I said to annoy her "oh please your just jealous because i'm more talented than you" she said "then why aren't you an idol like me" I argued "why should i? I just wanna keep it a secret for now" she chuckled Lily looked surprised   "what really you like the L&M jeons!? "  Lily said surprised "yeah why?" "nothing  haha" she freaked out  looking another way something didn't looks right with the way she acted but I just shrugged it off and continued what I was doing. 

Raepark pov

"hey wanna know something?" I whispered to Lily after i finished annoying xinlong  "yeah what is it?" she asked 


a/n: this is all for now lol i will update when i feel inspired again wich is pretty soon,  so i wanted to share with some of you an embarrassing moment your author name had just remembered  it literally impacted my life lmao so nce my mom was talking with us about how my uncle as a baby farted in the front of my grandpa's friend whos was the president at that time in my country while visiting his house the then when she said the last sentence that he farted my brother started laughing and me in my wanting to laugh and gasp at the same time i let out a high pitched screech and we we're in the lobby of your building with a woman and her daughter i swear my mom looked like she was gonna say i wasnt her daughter the women and her daughter looked like they we're traumatized by my laugh and now i never laugh out loud i laugh silently to avoid scaring people i became more silent now snfnfksnd

whatever bye enjoy the memes😭💀

whatever bye enjoy the memes😭💀

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