sleepover with the boys...

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Shuyang pov 

Me and the boys we're on our bed bored because we had nothing to do when I started texting May I was in the middle of telling her something when mingrui ge snapped the phone away from me "let me see  who u texting "  he said looking at my phone "it's none of your business ge " I said trying to snatch away the phone from him, but he was faster "texting Lily's little sister are you 2 dating!?" he shouted making the boys attention go to me "wait shuyang my little bro u didn't even told me u had a girlfriend" Zihao ge said and touched his chest like he was hurt  "please stop the drama ya'll I don't have any girlfriend, May is my best-friend not girlfriend -_-" I said and sighed Xinlong ge only looks at us from his phone scoffing "u guys are annoying i should ask Jyp for a new room" he said annoyed "hey i'm the one who should ask for that" Hanyu ge said 

 Long ge then rolled his eyes in annoyance "keep rolling your eyes maybe you'll find a brain to stop being rude" Hanyu ge sighed at his rude behavior " you sound like Lily" Xinlong ge replied smirking " and so? I guess you like her" Hanyu ge said tesing as he made a serious face " she's not my type" he said. While all the ruckus was happening I took the opportunity to snatch my phone from Mingrui ge's hand and text May "omg yay!!" I said catching the boys attention again "what do you mean yay??" Zeyu ge asked  "May invited us to her sleepover with her friends" I said happy , the boys smiled except Xinlong ge who was on his phone watching random stuff.  "That's good cuz we're not bored anymore" Hanyu ge said excited  "but where exactly are we going?" Mingrui ge asked and all of them looked at me "May gave me the address the other day, it's at her and her sister's house "

 I said as all of them nodded except long ge  "are u going long ge?" i said as he looked up at me and smiled sweetly "I don't really know yang yang" he said softly, when it comes to the Didi line his has a soft and kind side you forget he can be cold lol  "aww come on bro, you'll get to see your crush what's that girl's name again?" Zihao ge teased "oh you  mean Lily?" I asked and saw Long ge blush and smile a bit, but his face got serious fast. "She's not my crush" he denied "pfft we all know you had a crush on her the first day she came in the school" Hanyu ge said and the others nodded "come on gege please🥺🥺" he chuckled and ruffled my hair "fine since you asked nicely not like those ones" he glared and hanyu and zihao ge as the older boys sighed. After I convincing him to go we all got ready and went to the girl's house,  

when we got there we knocked and found a maid who told us to enter "damn the whole house is big" zeyu ge said then all of the sudden we got attacked by some girls "ouch girls its us" Hanyu ge  said and they all looked at them with shocked faces one of then practically jumped off of us. "Omg im so sorry Xinlong ge" Lily said repeatedly since she know how short tempered he is, then Long ge did something that shocked us.

Lily pov

Gosh im so stupid I shouldnt have done that now his gonna be mad I cant even look at his face aaaaah then i felt someone pat my head "its okay"  I heard Xinlong said and I shot up my head suprised, then i saw him smiling whaaaat but then he leaned and whispered in my ears with a deep voice "but be careful next time" which made me flinch and I saw him smirk. After the chaos we all went to eat, then went to the living and played the traditional sleepover game: truth or dare "Amelie jie truth or dare?" I asked and she stoped thinking a moment "Dare" she said and i thought something really evil hehehe

"I dare u to kiss Hanyu ge on the cheek" I said and her eyes went wide "why u little- aah cant u change it?" I shook my head a nope "unless u want it to be worse" I said smiling she glared at me and then kissed Hanyu ge on the cheek they both pulled apart blushing like little tomatoes we all started teasing them, and continued playing "now its my turn lily~ truth or dare" Amelia jie said with an evil smirk oh no, Karma id really a bish. " Dare" I said and immediately regretted it "oh well ur gonna regret this bestie" she said laughing evily "i already know😑"  I said and she chuckled "ofc u do lol" she replied  "i dare u to sit on xinlong's lap for the whole game" she smirked  "okay" i said suprised and looked at xinlong he was blushing!? Must be my eyes sight is getting bad, but i'm sure i saw him blushing right??

I sat on his lap and he sat me properly on his lap then putting his head on my shoulder to see the game "now Sooyong truth or dare" I asked her after i sat on xinlong's lap gosh my heart was beating loudly I bet he could hear it "truth"  she said and i had an idea "tell us who is your crush?" I said, I was and she looked at me suprised " oh my what are you trying to do with us tonight? cant u change?" she said blushing  and looking at me with pleading eyes "nope u have to say it" i said and she sighed she went silent for a moment.

Sooyong pov
I was debating whether to tell or not than looked at Lily with a  " why are u so mean" look  "we dont have all night ya know " wei lei said as they all stared at me even zeyu "fine its...-its Z-zeyu" I said and hide my embarrassment all the others wooed at my confession i looked at zeyu who was blushing too "I like u too" he said and everyone went full time teasing us then we all calmed down we continued playing but I couldnt stop repeating zeyu's confession he likes me uwu

Lily pov
My job now is finish they confessed to each other hehe i'm such a great matchmaker, we continued playing until I fell asleep in xinlong's arms.

Xinlong pov
We we're playing when i felt something heavy on me. Lily was asleep, I smiled at her cute face and continued playing but I felt her move a lot gosh this girl what is she trying to do? I tried not to mind her moves and continue when she moved to somewhere she shouldn't move and I yelped (omg poor Xinlong ge . xin:its ur fault a/n😑 a/n: oh well pardon me) the others looked at me "are u okay Xinlong?" zihao ge asked "yep t-totally fine" I said stuttering a bit "then why we're u moaning bruh" shuyang said "I was yelping it's different Yang yang" i said lying and Amelia jie talked taking the attention away from, I think she understood and saved me thankfully  "most of the girls are asleep we should too" Hayu ge said "yeah ur right " Zeyu said agreeing with him. we all took the girls to their respectful room thanks to our host still awake May, but since Lily looked comfortable hugging me like a cute baby koala not wanting to let go I asked slept with her.  

Lily pov next morning (ooh this is gonna be fun😂)

I wake up and hear murmurs and clicks of photos "omg they're so cute I hope they date one day" i heard Raepark jie says "what if they're already dating" Shuyang whisper shouted "bet shuyang pay me food for one month if they're not dating by the end of the school year😏" mingrui said and shuyang agreed "bet" they gigled  and hanyu ge shushed them "don't ruin the moment" he said as  i felt someone talk "gosh leave us alone you might wake her up" I heard Xinlong say and I immediately closed my eyes doing like I'm sleeping the others apologized and got out after a moment of silente i heard Xinlong talk

"you know ur really bad at pretending, u can wake up now they're gone" he said and I got out of the covers embarrassed "morning time to wake up shy baby" I choked on air at the name he gave me "i'm not a shy baby " I protested "yes u are u blush almost like 24hour on 7, and get shy easily too" he laughed as I looked at him annoyed " if i'm a shy baby then your..." I said trying to find a nickname for him "your greatest nightmare grrr" he said doing like he was playing with a baby "nope ur cat boy" I said "I'm not" he said "yes u are. One point that's all not more agurment" I said and before he could do anything there was a knock at the door we both said enter at the same as the door opened revealing hanyu ge "as much as its fun to play and laugh i also think u guys should come downstairs cuz theres food."

He said and my face light up "yes food I'm coming~" I said and  dashed out of the room after as I heard hanyu ge and xinlong chuckle.


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