Changes in Behavior

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Lily Pov

Weeks passed by fast, and we were one week away from the dance competition. Chenley has been acting differently ever since i talked about her behavior "she's barely seen with her minions" Wei lei said making us chuckle "she even stopped bullying people" Sooyeon said. Chenley's sudden change seemed to be the hot topic of our school, even teachers and her group would talk about it "Lily jie what did you tell her to make her change like that" Wei lei asked "i told her what was needed to be told" I said smiling proudly as Xinlong chuckled "comon more details"

she begged "fine, i told her to stop acting child and think high of herself" i said "that's true tho she thinks she owns everything

*skip dance class*

"It's D-Day soon i'm so nervous" i said "me too" Rae jie exclaimed "me 3" Xinlong joined "me 4, we all are" Zihao ge said appearing out of nowhere "sorry for scaring you guys" he laughed "but don't worry we got this" he added confidently "let's go" Xinlong said as we nodded and walked our way to dance class

"Hey guys sorry for being absent the past weeks, since we haven't chosen dancers yet I decided we will be before the dance competition which is in 3 days " our dance teacher said as we nodded "Who wants to go first?" Chenley raised her hand "sure then you and your partner can come fist" she said as Chenley nodded coming with her partner who was Minghao, then after her we all went in partners "thank you for all your performances it's gonna be really hard choosing because all of you worked really hard but i really like Lily and Xinlong performance it was really( something) i think...i'll choose them" she said and the students cheered us "well then that's it for today, any question Lily?" she asked, seeing my hand in the air "umm yes is it possible to do our dance with 2 other people?" I asked "of course we've rarely have groups of 4 on stage. It would be a surprise" she said "who is it?" she asked "raepark, and Zihao ge,but we want to show it to you only" I added "sure then, i guess that's all for today you can all go except our group of 4" she said dismissing the class "good luck guys" Amelia jie said going away "can i see your dancing now?" she asked since there wasn't anybody left "sure" Raepark jie said, then we potionned ourselves and started dancing "whoa you guys are amazing and all sync together" she said clapping "but i think it would be better if you guys did more of those moves..." she showed us some moves and tips for our dance.


"It's today," I said to my squad. "yep don't worry guys, let's do our best, okay?" Raepark jie said and we nodded, and went to the auditorium "yep" Xinlong said as we were backstage and it started to fill up "let's get ready guys" Raepark jie said as we nodded and they all walked away to do their own things, before i join them Chenley came to me "i know i was rude towards you but i just want to say sorry and goodluck" she said with a smile and a wink "thanks" i said smiling back but surprised at her weird behavior "anyways let's go before i get late" i muttered joining my 4 friends.


there's a wedding that we will have to attend with my familly irl for the first time and we had to get the flu, aish curse you flu TvT

it's almost the end of the school year and grade 9 for me i'm gonna miss my crush who's going back to Japan TvT

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