meeting him again

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Lily Pov

I looked up and to my surprise, it was Xinlong,  again!? I tell myself while staring at him until "are u gonna stand up? " he said annoyed not even trying to help me stand up or anything   "o-oh yeah " I said getting up from the floor looking embarrassed *silence* ( silence like kaw kaw kaw lol :D )  then he broke it  " umm are okay ?" he finally says awkwardly "u-uh me?? "  I ask  looking up wow he looks so ... tall... and ... handsome... I could stare at him all my life if I could  "yes of course u who who i talk to in this empty hall?? the wall ?? " he says looking at me like I'm exaggerating  with my question, he forgot I had my friend with me.

xinlong pov 


i was walking while listening to music not bothering to pay attention to were I'm going then all of the sudden "Lily careful!!"  a girl shouted as I felt someone bumping  into my chest "geez watch were your going" I exclaimed looking down at the girl as she looks up at me with her e/c (eyes color) eyes, she looked really pretty she just stared at me without saying anything (a/n:yeah cuz ur  handsome lol. xinlong: of course i'm 😌💅🤳 . a/n: ugh lets just go back to the story shall we??  xinlong: of couse back to my hansome face being admired 😌. a/n:i-)  we just stared at each other for a minute then i cleared my throat and talked "are u gonna stand up?" I say annoyed . oops i didnt even helped her up (a/n: u ungentlemanly boy seriously!?. Xinlong: shut up u little baby u don't disrespect your elders like that. a/n: meany T~T.  xinlong : thats what u get for disrespecting me and why are u even talking to me?. a/n: idk whatsoever back to the story. xinlong: wait u didn't-. a/n: i said back to the story and no more talking. xinlong:u-) 

well who cares i told myself  "u-uh yeah" she say getting up she looks embarassed, then both of us are silent until I clear my throat and decide to break it "umm are u okay" i ask her "u-uh me?" she ask "yes u u would I be talking in this hall except u the wall!?" (bruh what about Raepark  don't u see her? 0_0)  I say to her, this girl is exaggerating or what? plus she kinds of stutters in some of her word and looks down. wait is she shy?? aww you met the wrong boy to be shy around  cutie  i decided to tease her a bit "why are you stuttering?" I ask her raising my eyes brow  "i-i'm not stuttering" she says putting her hair of her face "really? is it that your shy or i'm I that scary?? " I smirk. 

3rd person pov

the boy smirks leaning closer to the girl who was now a paralyzed blushing mess "pfft w-why would I scared o-of you" she said trying to look brave but failed as she lowered her head not daring look at him "then why won't you look at me and stutter when you talk?" he said with his  normal deep voice approaching her  (i don't even try imagine or else i'll die lol). the girl tried getting out of he's sight taking a step back  but her space came to a limit as she realized she got pinned to a locker "will you answer me i don't have much time" he said looking impatience. "leave her alone" Raepark said looking a Xinlong with anger in her voice "ph Jie you're here, why should I? " he said looking at her with a mix of surprise "because she did nothing wrong"...

a/n: hii I'm back .this is gonna be the end for now hehe now i gtg or else I'll be late for school hehe bye next chapter is coming soon :3.

mr.bad boy fell for the shy girl (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now