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a/n pov

Soon it was the Wedding day and the 2 (Lily,and Xinlong) grew a bit nervous but excited "how are you feeling Mrs.He?" Wei Lei joked teasing Lily as she was getting her hair and makeup done "i'm not mrs.He yet Wei Lei'' Lily said laughing "aish I can't believe she's getting married" Somi said crying at her little sister (I haven't put Somi anywhere in this story lmao) "yah stop crying unnie I might cry too" Lily said laughing again "done, you can now wear your dress" Raepark said as Amelia bought the dress and Sooyeon helped her with it "wait we forgot the shoes'' May said bringing the shoe box "thanking little sis" Lily said "you welcome" she replied "my daughter you look gorgeous" her mom said amazed "sorry to interrupt ladies but it's starting soon the bride should be here by now" Mr Jeon said as everyone nodded "we'll be going see you soon" Amelia said "okay see ya everyone" Lily replied going away and standing beside Jungkook ''how are you feeling?" he asked seeing her fixed stare "nervous and excited" she replied making him chuckle "don't worry sis i'm here" he said "may I have your hand m'lady?" he asked as the music started "of course you can sir" she said giggling and giving her hand.

They walked down the aisle as the flower girl threw petals and the way, she looked at her future husband who had tears in his eyes but tried not to cry, Jungkook stopped mid way to switch with Mr.Jeon so he could bring her Xinlong. "You better take care of my daughter Mr.He" he said as Xinlong nodded chuckling, he took Lily's hand in his as the Mayor spoke talking about why they're here and then finally the vows "do you He Xinlong agree to take Jeon Lily as your beloved wife and to love her through hunger,and poverty until death pulls you apart?" the mayor asked "I do" Xinlong replied he then asked the same thing to Lily "I do" she replied happily "I pronounce you you husband and wife" the mayor said as everyone applauded "oh wait I forgot the wedding rings" the mayor said making Xinlong look at him weirdly "seriously A/n how did you forget that" he whispered but the mayor heard "hush Xinlong as the Mayor I shall not be deconcentrated" "but you just did " Xinlong replied.

Little Jihan ran towards them with the rings on the cushion and they took it putting it on another's hand "*ignoring Xinlong's complaints* you may now kiss the bride" the mayor said, and they did as everyone cheered the newly married couple.

*at the party*

"Yah Xinlong you better take care of my sister or else" Jungkook came an warned Xinlong "don't worry hyung I will" he said chuckling whoa Lily you look stunning i wish I was your husband" a guy with black said with a smirk making Xinlong get Lily close to him and look at the guy with a weird look "aren't you the guy I saw at the park with Lily the other day?" Xinlong asked "oh now I see you were the one in black hoodie staring at Lily right?" he said as Xinlong nodded "well then yes it was me, and nice to meet you your wife is gorgeous" he said as Xinlong thanked him with a raised eyebrow "oppa don't make him jelly for no reason" Lily said chuckling "i know lol I'm Taehyun Lily's cousin" he said as they shaked hand "nice to meet you too" Xinlong said cursing himself for his weird behavior towards her cousin.

Then it was time for the married couple to leave for their honeymoon "wait can you stop here?" Xinlong asked making the driver stop as Lily stared at him confused "why what's wrong?" she asked "I want to show you something come with me" he said leading his wife out of the car "whoa" she said looking at the view and place "i remember when we were in Highschool you said you wanted to see the sunset at the beach and get your first kiss there but that's all I can do I hope you like it" Xinlong said scratching the back of his neck "I don't like it....I LOVE it" she said emphasizing the word Love "glad you do" he said as they stared at each other and kissed.

"The end" Lily said as Meilin gasped "that's it?" she said "yep" "what are you guys doing?" Xinlong asked sitting beside Lily "your daughter wanted to know how we met'' Lily chuckled "I can't believe appa was a bad boy " Meilin said laughing "yeah but I stopped when I met your mother" he said and they heard a knock "Jihan ge!!" Meiling exclaimed hugging the older boy and he hugged her in return "I missed you '' she said making puppy eyes ''well even if you're annoying I did miss you too" he replied as their parents chuckled.

The End 

mr.bad boy fell for the shy girl (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now