I found you!!

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Still A/n pov

(Xinlong is still on the phone)

Him: B-but mom I can't do that plus I already told you-

Mom: I know you love somebody else, but please


Mom: Just for the sake of our company, then after that you can divorce. It's a 3 years contract anyways

Him: *sigh* fine

Mom: thank you so much I knew I could count on you, btw way I hope to meet that someone you love so much one day

Him: don't worry you will mom

Mom: but after that you will meet your fiance in Korea on Friday

Him: But I have a fanmeet that day *frowns*

Mom: I know you manager told me that so we arranged it on the after noon when youre less busy

Him: okay...bye mom see you soon love you

Mom: Love you too son

End of OTP

After hanging up he went downstairs to talk to the members ''I'm getting married" he said as they all fell silent looking at him surprised, they all knew he hadn't moved on so how can he fall in love so fast and get married? Was he hiding something? "Why?" hanyu asked "for business purpose, it's a 3 years contract and after that I can divorce'' he said as the members nodded "Have you met the girl yet?" Zihao asked as Xinlong shook his head "i'm meeting her next friday afternoon " he said "in China?" Zeyu asked as "nope in Korea '' Xinlong replied "I know there's great news to share but can we please get moving? We have an upcoming performance soon" Their manager as their groaned and got up

*skip South korea*

"Finally we get to rest" Hanyu said falling on the soft mattress after he helped the members unpack their stuff "guess what?" Mingrui said entering Hanyu's and Xinlong's room followed by the rest of the members" "what?' Xinlong asked "were staying here in Korea for 3 month" he said, just as he said Hanyu's phone vibrated "it's Amelia she's video calling" he said "well then answer'' Zihao said as he did "hii" a groups of girls voice boomed "yah Jia hanyu, why didn't you tell me you were staying in there for 3 month?" she said scolding him already before Boystory could say hi back "yeah we thought it would be short" Sooyeon added "i'm sorry we didn't tell you guys I just learned it too" he said "well tell that to-'' papa!!" a little voice interrupted popping on the video sitting on his mother's lap "hey how is my cute little son" Hanyu asked waving at his son "not good papa let me &mama'' he pouted "aww don't worry papa will try to be back with you and mama as soon as possible take care of mama for me okay?" he said as Jihan's face got replaced with a smiley one and he nodded happily

Making Boystory and the girls laugh at his cuteness "hey Xinlong congrats on your wedding" Wei lei said happily "why are you excited bruh" he said confused "haha don't mind her she's weird sometimes" raepark said "we have to go guys see you soon bye hanyu" Amelia said waving at them and her husband "bye loves" he said waving at Amelia and Jihan.

"I'm going to take a walk around the city" Xinlong announced wearing a black hoodie and mask "okay, be careful, and be back soon" hanyu said from the kitchen "I will" Xinlong replied going out of the hotel "ah... it feels good to take some fresh air" he said inhaling again, he then walked around the park looking at couples enjoying the sunset.Somewhere on benches talking and feeding ducks, he stared at them thinking of himself and his someone special, until he spotted a girl with long brown hair sitting alone on a bench "she looks familiar" he thought to himself staring at her, and their eyes met but got interrupted by a guy calling her name, her face light up as they hugged and holded hands walking away leaving Xinlong in his thoughts.

*skip friday*

"Are you nervous?" Zihao asked Xinlong who was getting ready for the meeting with his future bride "not really" he replied checking his phone for any texts ''what's wrong?" Zihao asked seeing Xinlong frown "she looks like the same girl from the park" he said showing the picture to Zihao ''your right she looks like Lily but matured" Zihao replied and Xinlong agreed "shoot i'm late see you soon ge'' Xinlong said wearing his coat rushing out "see you soon bro" Zihao replied as the youngest waved closing the door.

Lily pov

"He should be here by now he's late. '' The woman said, apologizing "It's okay we'll wait. '' My mom said, '' I wonder how he looks like, "I'm sorry I'm late." A deep voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked up from my phone and my heart almost stopped "X-Xinlong?" I said as his eyes widened "Lily!?" he said as he approached me, I got up and we hugged "you 2 know each other" Xinlong's mom asked "mom remember when you talked about meeting someone special of mine?" Xinlong said "yes?" she replied "well you just did" he replied putting his arm around my shoulders as his mother gasped "i knew it!" she exclaimed "how?" I was confused. "Well I'm sorry Long long but I looked into your box and saw your polaroids and letter from Lily so I searched for her and I gotta say you have good taste son" she replied "he sure does" his dad replied as my parents chuckled.

3rd person pov

They all ate and talked for a bit before entering the main subject "since you two know each other we thought about making the wedding next month" Mr.He said making Lily and Xinlong gasp "but what about my career and all? I don't live here" he said "you're both gonna live in the house bought by us in China after the marriage here ofc" Mr.Jeon replied as they nodded "now since we finished you 2 can go outside and take a walk to catch up or stay" Mrs.Jeon said "umm we'll take a walk" Lily said as Xinlong nodded and they both got up "be back before 9 okay?" Mrs.He said as they both nodded and went out "aish I can't i finally found you i missed you'' Xinlong said putting his head on Lily's shoulder "me too i'm sorry for leaving early and never contacting you" she said "what matters the most ist that you here" he said "and we'll be together forever" he added "forever? Isn't it a 3 year contract?" Lily asked "nah my parents will change since they now know what's happening" he replied "then ofc forever" she said as they make a pinkie swear


mr.bad boy fell for the shy girl (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now