the bathroom

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as i reached the park i saw the others look at us and their worried face dropped "finally you guys are here we almost cried thinking you 2 died" Lily's sister said "haha sorry then we didn't mean to make you guys that worried anyways, let's go home" i said  we all nodded and May called her driver , he then took us to their house where we spent the rest of the day there until tomorrow the girls and the boys sleeped separately  


I got shaken by Hanyu ge waking me up "Long long wake up we have to go eat" he said as i nodded and got up going to the bathroom to do my business and went out to eat with all of them "morning Long come eat" Lily said as i smiled and sat beside her "you look happy today" i said as the maid gave me plate and a thanked her "well i today is school and i'm eager to learn in Math and dance class" she said and i looked at her as if she was crazy "you like math!?" i said surprised and she nodded laughing "ikr my sister is the weirdest person on earth" May said stuffing food inside her mouth "nah she a smart girl tho" i said , they looked at me mouth hanging open that's when i realized t was the first time something nice actual came out of my mouth "i mean both you" i replied to her and her sister as they nodded

~after breakfast~ 

"i can't believe it's almost winter" sooyoung said "same it's getting colder and colder" Wei lei replied shivering , making Mingrui and Zeyu chuckle and putt there jacket on their girlfriends shoulders "that's what happens when you don't dress hot"Raepark jie said as the girls rolled their eyes "that also means the dance show is near " Zihao ge said "welp i hope it's gonna be good" I said and they nodded "since we mastered the couple dance part let's do the next part, dancing together" Raepark jie said "when are we going to do it?" Lily asked "let's start tomorrow so we have a chance of getting much better when it approaches " she replied and we agreed going to get ready for school 

boystory's outfits

boystory's outfits

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the girl's outfit's 

the girl's outfit's 

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at school

Lily pov

the weekend was great me and my sister  got closer with the girls and also the boys ,theyre like familly to me and May,  i escpecially got closer to Xinlong he's actually not a bad person "hey Lily are you with us?" sooyong asked as they all were looking at me confused "oh yeah haha just zoned out a bit,i'm gonna go to the bathroom" I chukled nervously and they all nodded "we'll wait for you" amelia said with a smile while i nodded and returned it walking towards the bathroom and entering fast to do my business and went out to wash my hands fast to return to my friends

atleast what I thought because Chenle came in with her minions behind me "well well look who's here Jeon Lily what a coincidence" she purred and made a shook face making her besties giggle i fake smiled "oh hey didnt see you there it really is a coincidence" I said drying my hands with a paper towel and trying to get away "wow not so fast" she said as her minions blocked the door "what do you want from me Chenle" i said annoyed "nothing just wanna tell you to stay away from Xinlong he's mine!" she said in a menacing way "okay it's not like we are dating or anything, are you done with your childish talking?" i replied "you-better-stay-away-" she said with gritted teeth "nice your his mommy now aren't you?" i said rolling my eyes "it looks like you don't understand" 

she said annoyed "well nobody understand childish talking " I replied "I'll show you what's childish" she said and her bestie circled me "hey what are you doing?" I said as her bestie hold me "LET ME GO" i said debating there hard grip "shut up!" she shouted slapping me then punched me in the stomach making me fall weak "he's mine understand Mine!" she screamed like a crazy lady and kicked me making me choke on air "next time i see near near me i'll do worse" the last thing I heard from her before i black out 

Raepark pov 

we were so taken in our conversation we didn't see the time pass and the bell ringed "where's Lily?" May said looking around "Idk she said she was going to the bathroom not long ago" I said worried "she never takes that much time" May said and we saw chenle and her minions getting out of the bathroom Lily went in "are you guys thinking what i'm thinking?" Hanyu said as we all looked at each other "we should check it out" Amelia replied and we all agreed "you girls go we'll be behind" Hanyu said as walked towards the bathroom 

wei lei opened the door and gasped "what's wrong-" sooyong said not finishing her sentence and also gasped as we all entered to see the frightening scene "are you girls okay?" we heard Xinlong knock.


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