catching feelings

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Xinlong pov
After studying for what felt like an eternity we finally finished our project we all took a little pause and went somewhere we wanted and came back later to discuss our upcoming dance and seperated in couples so we would leaen the first step faster than reunite to do the rest

not gonna lie but Lily looks pretty when she dance, the way and smiles it makes me feel weird... Could it that can't be but it looks like i'm inlove ugh its confusing whatsoever "Aah how do u do this" Lily whined trying to do the failing dance move she can't do i scoffed and went to her as she tried again but failed tripping on her leg and falling on the floor,luckily i caught her at the right time making our faces close to eachother one move and we could kiss

I just stared at her as she did the same my eye trailed off to her lips with our faces getting close slowly we we're about to kiss until "Noona did u see my..." we both heard someone say and turned our heads to see May "oh sorry I'm interrupted something" she said and we pushed away "no it was nothing what do u need yodonsaeng ?"(I'm pretty sure this is how its written but tell incase of I'm wrong)  Lily blushed and looked away "i wanted to have a pen because mine broke and i lost my pencil case" she said and and Lily nodded taking her pencil case and giving it to her immediately "thanks Noona" she said cutely and went away "haha no prob sis" she said and we looked at eachother akwardly and restating our dance i helped her with her dance moves on the hardest part

(Skip to next day cuz i lazy sorry 👯)

*they practiced again the next day*

"gosh it's afternoon already" Lily said as our eyes widen in surprise "damn we didn't saw the hours pass by since we had a lot of fun" i said and she chuckled and we both packed our bags and went out to join the group

As we went to the living room  the boys and girls looked at us

Lily pov
"damn what took u both so long?" sooyong said and we both looked at eachother "we didn't saw the hour pass by sorry" I said "next time careful of the hour,we almost thought u guys got kidnapped" Hanyu ge said and Xinlong  laughed sarcastically
There he goes to his mean side again 😑

He was so bubbly and when we we're dancing it was cute to see his dimples showing while he would smile and talk-"LILY" i heard a shout "uh what?" Amelia jie chuckled "u zoned out are u okay?" she asked and i nodded "okay then lets go eat" May said as wei lei agreed "same I'm so hungry" wei lei whined as Raepark rolled her eyes "u ate not long ago" she said "but its afternoon and food is life " wei lei responded back "haha i agree with u wei food is a life saver" i said putting my arms around her shoulder "see i got a point" she said proudly as Raepark unnie sighed and went to talk with May "lets go to a cafe to eat" May said and shuyang agreed as well as the boys "thats a great idea lets go i know a good cafe" Amelia jie said and well went out

"Hey u thinking what I'm thinking?" i told Wei as she looked at me and got what i said,we both laughed evilly "what are u guys doing?" Raepark jie turned to us suspiciously and May did the same

We told them our plan and the agreed "let's make Amelia and Hanyu ge more closer" May said and we both agreed looking at Amelia and Hanyu talking casually

May went and pushed Amelia jie lighted causing her to jump being scared and almost tripping (its almost winter so its a bit cold out but not a lot) luckily Hanyu ge caught her and she thanked him blushing while we laughed "yah who did that?" she said angry whike we all stayed silent "it was May" shuyang said and May gasped "Yang yang how dare u betray me" she said mad and shuyang said nothing but laughed "u brat come back here" Amelia jie shouted as my lil sis took the run for her life "go ahead don't die lil sis" i said trying to control Amelia jie with the girls

At the  cafe
After we calmed down and everything we entered the cafe to be welcomed by the scent of coffee "damn it looks great here" Rae unnie said and we all hummed in agreement

We took a table and sat down making Hanyu and Amelia sit together but she also sit beside one of the boys, I was between Wei on my left  and Xinlong on my right soon a girl dressed up as a waiter came to us and wei started to get nervous "are u okay wei?" i asked her as she shaked her head a no "whats wrong?" i whispered so the others won't hear "T-the girl she's..."


Hii  Dinos i didn't die i'm still alive sorry for lack of uptdating i'm trying to do school and write at the same time hehe and little note

Me and my friends made an account: its Liliaying200.
Please follow this acc and if u wanna join don't hesitate to contact our accs : Yingying613 , MingtotheRui  and mine thanks have a good day/night😳💖💖

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