Try to convince her

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Lily pov 

It's been a hard time trying to ignore Xinlong and Boystory because they we're close to my besties, Xinlong tried approaching and talking to me but i would always turn him away or ignore him, I don't want my peaceful life getting tormented by that psycho of obsessed Xinlong girl, I want to finish my school year in peace.

Putting my stuff in my locker i sighed  when the demon herself appeared behind me with a smile "your doing a good job avoiding him,but make it better" she said I rolled my eyes annoyed "i did what you wanted, now leave me alone for gosh sake" i said as she glared and slapped me accross the face "if you want to desobey, then you'll have to suffer the consequences think tice in that pea brain" she yelled madly as i only glared about to slp her too but i just restrained myself looking at her walk away, she was riht on a part I saw it with my own eyes what would happen to people who tried standing up for themselve, she somehow got to do something to make them suffer throughout the school year 

i felt a presence behind me and turned to face it annoyed "i swear if your here to-""omg what happened to your face?" Xinlong made me widen my eyes and cover my injury "it's nothing go eat" i said walking away, but i couldn't this time. Xinlong hold my hand and led me somewhere "hey where are you taking me ?" i asked but he didnt listen "here" he said as we arrived in the nursery room and he started treating my wound i sighed "what do you want Xinlong?" i said "it's her isn't it?" he asked ignoring what i said as my eyes widen, but i kept calm "can't I just have a wonderful, peaceful school year with no bother it would be great, i'm busy with-" "no" he interupted  "what!?" "i'm sorry but i can't" he said making me raise my eyebrows "you have Chenley why don't you go annoy her instead, she's pretty, rich, and she likes you" i stated "but i..." he whispered something under his breath "what?" i asked omg how many times i'm i gonna say what it's so annoying 

"i like somebody else not her" he said as i felt a pang  in my heart "then go annoy that someone, not me" i took my wrist off his hold and walked to the rooftop The person must be lucky" i sighed sitting on the bench looking at the beautiful view in front of me "who is lucky?" I heard someone say "Oh hey Minghao ge" said smiling "hey how are you? And what's the matter with you coming here frequently?" he asked " i'm good, and i just like to come here just for...thinking" i said "mind sharing?" he asked "sure" i replied explaining my situation rn. Minghao ge is like a friend to me, or should i say a second brother, he always listened to my rantings even if they were stupid sometimes "I think you should confess to him" he said as i finished explaining "i guess so but how?" i said looking at my shoes playing with them "i'm Xinlong's friend even though his acts like brat sometimes" he said "then will you help?" i asked "ofc i will" he replied messing my hair "hey don't mess my beautiful hair " i whined pouting


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