We won!!...unfortunately

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3rd person pov

"Ladies and Gentlemens welcome to our 4 but not last talent show" the announcer said as the crowd clapped "today as you know is a really special day, because it's not only our talent show but also Dance competition" he said "every year at Wenxiang High school we have great duo performers, but this time i hope to be impressed by this little surprise, i was so excited i didn't even finish my lunch and came earlier" he said making the crowd laugh "now before we start let's welcome our 4 judges Miss Quiang,Miss Ting,Mr Han, and lastly Mr Zhang" he said as the crowd clapped and the 4 judges got up and waved at them then sat back down "now let's start our competition with Number 1 Goodluck dear competitors" he said as the windows closed to let the Dancers start appearing.

"Which number are we?" Lily asked panicked "we're number 10 the last ones " Xinlong replied "you should calm down before you mess up on stage why don't you try sitting down first" he said as she nodded "here" he gave her a water bottle and she took it with shaking hands "you're an amazing dancer Lily, you can do this if you stay calm" he said caressing her back "why don't we try breathing in and out first hmm?" he said as she nodded trying to follow his instructions as Zihao and raepark looked at them in awe.

Soon it was their turn and they grew nervous but tried to stay calm "now let's welcome the surprise because it's not only a duo but 4 talented performers it's been long since we've had that in Wenxiang High school" he said "and they even have a name...Ladies and Gentlemen let's welcome 4youth" he said as the crown cheered and the curtains opened to reveal the performers, Lily looked at the crowd to spot her sister doing a thumbs up and smiling along with the rest of Boystory and her 3 other friends "don't worry we can do this" Xinlong smiling giving her a smile that returned before the music starts

Xinlong and Lily are the first couple then the second is Raepark and Zihao)

*after the dance*

They bowed together as the audience and judges stared at them speechless and clapped their hands "no wonder it was a surprise" Mr han said as the 3 other ones chuckled. Soon all the previous performers came on stage to get judged and see who would be the winner, and that's when real nervousness started among them "i feel like it will be really hard because all your performances were wonderful, the music and styles were all unique in their own way" Miss Ting said "I like 4youth's performance it was striking" Mr Zhang said " their performance for me went beyond the expectations, you could some chemistry between the dancers really romantic" Miss Quiang said "i'll give them 100" Miss Quiang said and all the judges agreed making them the winners of the competition.

*after the competition*

"Congrats guys" their friends said hugging them, they were now backstage as there friends came to cheer congrats them "thanks I was so Scared and nervous, but thanks to Long long i was less scared" Lily said laughing but stopped surprised "OPPA" she said happily hugging her brother " i thought you wouldn't come" she said "your oppa couldn't bear not supporting his little sister, especially when she aced it on stage" he said booping her nose as she giggled happily "but i also wanted to tell you something" he said " what is it?" she asked a bit scared since his face became serious a bit, he took her far away from the others.

"It's about mom" he said "what about them i haven't gotten any calls from them" she said "because mom is sick, she's in critical conditions h-her sickness came back" he said.

Lily pov

Mom was sick a long time ago but I never got to know about her sickness. Whenever I asked they said it was just a little pain that would go away soon, until my brother told me later when she became better, I kind of stopped worrying since she was better. Until recently..."s-so what do we have to do?" I asked " we have to..."


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