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Lily Pov

I woke up with my eyes adjusting to a certain bright light, that's when i realized i was in a clinic , i looked down to see Xinlong sleeping peacefully in a chair holding my hand, how come i never realized he was this handsome , i thought to myself staring at him "take a picture it will last longer" he said with eyes still closed "huh?" i said startled by "how are you feeling?" opening his eyes sitting straight on his chair "i-i'm good" i said as he nodded "what happened?" i aked "you fainted in the bathroom" he responded and i just nod "you we're covered in bruises,who did it?" he asked staring at my soul "i-i just clumsily bumped myself in the bathroom while falling" i created a lame excuse, he didn't say anything he just nodded smiling "next time becareful okay?, i don't want to see you hurt" he said as i nodded ,he ruffled my hair chuckling showing his dimples, i knew he did'nt believe me but i wasn't ready to say it yet "EONNIE" i heard a familiar voice says as she hugged me like there was no tommorow "hey May, i-i can't breath" i said as she chuckled "sorry" "she didn't stop annoying me the whole day" shuyang said sighing "ikr she's so annoying" i said as we all laughed "hey i'm not that annoying" she pouted "ofc i believe you" shuyang said still laughing 

*out of the clinic* 

"finally we can go home now" Zeyu said and I gasped "what I missed a whole day of school at the nurses" I shouted frustrated "don't worry I took notes" Raepark jie calmed me down, I sighed in relief  "thanks jie I wouldn't know what I would do without you,love you " I said and she awed "love you too meimei" she replied "what about me" May pouted "your my little sister,ofc I love you -_-" "as you should sis" she said as I rolled my eyes "you should say big sister, just because your 13 doesn't mean I became younger," I said "haha ik Unnie I was just annoying you" she giggled as the other chuckled at their bickering "well our driver came see you guys tomorrow" Hanyu said waving along with Boystory, after they left Amelia spoke breaking the silent "do you mind if we stay a bit more at your house, I kinda don't wanna go home" she spoke "yeah me too" all the girls except May and Lily agreed "sure then you guys are welcome in whenever you want" she replied making them thank her as the driver arrived just in time to pick them up

A/n pov

At Lily's house 

"are you sure this is the formula?" Lily asked as Raepark tried explaining to her what she understood from math class on Algebra "to be honest child,I'm not sure myself, I just copied it from the board like a crazy lady" she said making Lily giggle "how about we ask Zihao get he's also in Math class right?" she asked "right how come I didn't think about it" she said calling Zihao on her phone after 1or 2 rings he picked up "hey Rae how are you?" he asked "I'm good haha, I kind of need help" she said "what is it?" he asked "I don't understand the homework on algebra equation neither can I explain it to Lily" she replied as the oldest boy chuckled  "how come, that's easy" he said "well for you,not for us" she said "here let's video call and I'll help both of you" he replied, after a minute they were all on call with Zihao explaining the homework "so Lily was right" Rae said after Zihao explained "can you try it then" he asked her "I guess so" she said uncertain "don't worry jie I'll help you" Lily said explaining it to her giving her tips to make it easy "wow your really good Lily I think I should try your strategy, I wont have to get headaches" Zihao said making them laugh 

they continued for an hour and Zihao looked t his phone "wow time passes fast  it's 10pm gtg to bed, see you guys tomorrow" he said as they waved goodbye finishing the call "waah we're done out math homework woohoo" Lily cheered making is laugh "I never saw this side of you" she said and Lily smirked "just wait till you know me, it gets crazier" she said elbowing Rae "whatever" she replied back meeting the girls to go sleep, they all sat in circle "Lily will you tell us what really happened in the bathroom?" Amelia said, Lily knew she couldn't lie anymore. "fine I will" she sighed explaining what happened "so what are you gonna do?" Sooyong asked "well i'd rather not get close to Xinlong, I do what she want and she leave me alone" i said as they sighed knowing i wouldn't change my mind "okay we'll support you but be careful we don't want you hurt again" Raepark said hugging me "don't worry i won't" we all hugged and talked for the rest of the night and slept.


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