the group project

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Xinlong pov

As Lily dashed out I looked at her happily running in the hallway I heard a  fake cough getting me out of my stare "you like her don't you?" hanyu ge said with a smirk "no I don't stop hallucinating 😑" I sai and he laughed "whatsoever come eat" he said and went away. I got up and went to eat I saw the others talking happily and eating, a maid passed the food to me and i thanked her politely then started eating.

I couldn't help but look at Iily eating and talking happily, I never saw her like so outspoken like that. I saw her look at me and smile and I did like i was eating my food.

Lily pov
I was eating and happily talking when i felt a stare on me. I looked in the direction to meet with Xinlong looking at me and I smiled at him, but he went back eating his food and looking at something else, I then went back to eating myself too "wait what are we gonna do today?" May said as we all looked at each other. "Me,Raepark,xinlong,and Lily have to work for our math project " Zihao said as Raepark agreed "we are free for the week-end" hanyu ge said and the other members nodded "what about studying today and tommorow we go out?" Wei lei asked as everyone agreed and we all choose somewhere where we can study.

me, Raepark unnie, Xinlong, and Zihao choosed to go to my little library which suprised me because it wasnt little but big enough to find lots of books there was a lot of space to do anything we wanted we went in pairs searching for something that could help us on our math work. Its on statistics -_- (statistics is math based on data management if u dont understand search it up hehe) I was looking for a book my dad used to read when he was learning about marketing, and statistics "ugh where is it?" I said frustrated. A deep voice boomed in my back "u mean this?" I heard jumped a bit and turned to see Xinlong behind me with the book.

"Oh yes it is hehe thx" I said coming towards him" where do you want to be?" I asked as he shrugged " anywhre"he replied. " Fine then...let's go read it over there" I pointed at the fluffly carpet with the little bean bags, and he nodded following me he took the book opening it and he started to read while I just stared at him. I have to admit I do have a crush on him i can't help but feel butterfly's when he talks to me "are u gonna read or stare more?" he asked making me get out of my daydream "sorry!?" I said not knowing what to say "comon come closer your not gonna read it a thousand miles away from me are you?" he said and I laughed awkwardly realizing how i was sitting a bit far away "oh yeah true of course not". he chukled and I pushed a bit near him.

He sighed "I'm not gonna bite you know" he said a bit of annoyance in his voice after what took like a million years I finally decided to sit next to him and we started our researchs and reading then, Raepark joined in with Zihao they were both blushing. It looked like Xinlong saw it too cuz he looked at me and we both chuckled "what are u 2 laughing at?"

Raepark unnie asked " you guys are litteraly blushing hard. What happened? " he asked "nothing we just searched a lot and got tired" Zihao said and Xinlong raised his eyebrows "really did u guys run outside to search too?" he asked mocking Zihao " gosh I said its nothing" Raepark said annoyed "guys I have an idea" Zihao said his face lighting up " what is it ge?" I asked " since we have a talent show at the end of the year why dont we all make a team and try out? All 4 of us what do u guys think?" he asked and Raepark nodded in agreement that'ss a good idea what do u think Lily?" i noded and hummed in response and Xinlong nodded with a slow yes.

Since it was couple themed we decided to make it memorable with 4 of us dancing. We choosed a song and made teams: me and Xinlong , Raepark and Zihao. This is gonna be fun, we have half of the year to learn it.

I'm still alive Dinos don't worry school is just really annoying and i have lots of stuff to do but I'm decided to finish this book soon so please don't mind if i make them all skip a bit of the time hehe bye Dinos

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