I'm not a puppet.

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Lily pov

It's been 2 week since Xinlong's confession I came back to hanging out with them even tho Chenley kept warning me "stop warning me and telling me what to do Chenley, i'm not a puppet" i snapped tired of her queen behavior " who said you we're" she said "your words and actions, just because your in love or should i say obsessed with Xinlong does not mean he will like you back" i said "so the shy little doll decided to speak" "i'm nor obsessed with Xinlong, plus you know nothing about me and Xinlong's relationship neither what we went through together, so don't think he will like a shy brat like you" she added scoffing "i may be a shy brat but atleast I don't force nor run after my childhood friend to like me" I replied.

You could see the anger her eyes as she raised her hand to slap me but i stopped her "people change jie not for the worst but for the best, maybe you would still have kept your friendship with him and somebody would have liked you if you considered changing and stop being fake" I replied. She yanked her hand away, i her eye the still burning anger mixed with sadness, and fastly replaced with pride "what ver shy brat" she replied walking away, sonne after she walked away someone back hugged "you did great babe" I heard Xinlong say , making me chuckle "you and your nicknames'' i replied booping his nose

Chenley pov

I knew she was right. I know what I have to do but I'm scared of losing everything. I've always wanted to be friends with Lily from the beginning, but my friends didn't agree to the idea, you may think i'm the one making decision but wrong Xianning jie is the one under everything she's the leader of our group it's else i do it or i get into problems that i don't want to face, i wanted to hangout with my friend but somehow my feets took me to the school rooftop, I sat on the floor as tears ran down my face and i was sobbing , i felt someone sit beside me " can you please go way i'm not feeling like having company at the moment" i said hugging my knees with my face between them " you know, sometimes life doesn't give you something you want, not because you don't deserve it, but because you deserve more." the voice said as i sobbed, and they caressed my back

I wanted to shout at the person but at the moment it felt nice and warm, like I had somebody beside me who could comfort me so I let them be. After a moment the person stopped as i felt better and stopped sobbing " you know i think you are not wrong, besides it's nice having company" i said making them chuckle "no problem" they replied, "what's your name?" I asked after a bit, turning my head to look at them, but I was met with air. "Was I dreaming? It was a nice dream then" i muttered to myself looking down to see an embroidered tissue left by my side, i looked at it to find writings on it "don't worry, it wasn't any kind of dream. We'll meet soon ;)" i chuckled at the note "i hope so" i said as the bell ringed announcing our next period is about to start


A/N note: The reason why Chenley is being mean to others and bullying them is because she's scared that if her father finds out he will hate her, especially that if she stops being friend with Xianing her dad may lose his job since Xianing's dad is the boss of Chenley's dad, and Xianing helped Chenley with a lot of her problems which makes her thankful and feel like she indebted towards her.


"You never know what somebody is going through until you hear their side of the story" -a/n

See ya soon Dinos

mr.bad boy fell for the shy girl (under editing)Where stories live. Discover now