Coming Out..

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Oh My God It's long! This chapter I just love but you know not alot of Larry fluff but you will see!

Harry POV

Yep had fun having dinner with lou last night. I had to go home early because you know school night and all. "Harry Styles, Get out of bed don't forget you have school today" mum yelled down the hallway. I grumped as i got out and threw on my navy blazer, jeans and chucks. I headed down the hallway grabbing some fruit and heading out the door. "Boys!" I smiled as Liam,Niall and Zayn were on my doorstep.

"Nice ta see ya curly" Nialler ruffled my curls. "Well i could say the same about you leprechaun" I flicked his cheek. "Harry be careful with my boyfriend please!" Liam chimed while turning around glaring at me. "Sorry daddy liLi" I wiggled my eyebrows at him, Talk about protective of his Niall.

"Hey Harry?" 

"Yeah Nialler?"

"I was thinking of something you could today" Niall announced.

"I'm not sure what page your on Niall"

"Well......." He whispered a plan into my ear.

"Oh My God! Your a genius but will you help me?" 

"Hell Yes, I shall bring the old girl along?"

I chuckled, "It's so cute how you still call her that"

"Leeeeyyyuuummm" Niall slurred.

"Yes sweetie" Liam replied.

Niall explained the plan to both Liam and Zayn because we are going to need their help because I am not brave enough to do it on my own. Oh my god the nerves are seriously kicking in.

We made it to school in one piece but with me feeling like an emotional wreck. "What if I stuff it up guys?" Zayn patted my back hard, "Harry, we know you! You won't and if you do we are there to help you" I smiled what great best friends I have. The boys accompanied me to the front office to ask for permission to complete our plan. Thankfully the principal likes us but if he found out about Louis and I, yeah we wouldn't be anymore. 

"That's fine, we are looking forward to it. As long as you are in there 10 minutes before to set up" I hi fived the other boys. Liam began instructing us, "Alright i will check what class we have before it" he flicked through his timetable. "Ahh perfect we have history" Liam winked at me. We all headed to our lockers, I am still centre of attention after the photo was released but let me tell you I will remain centre of attention after todays plan. 

We dordled along to the history classroom 13 A and we headed through the door. There were a few people in the classroom who's attention turned to me. Just have to ignore them, I headed  down the back and grabbed my normal seat with Zayn seated to the right of me on his desk and then Liam on the right well at the moment Liam with Niall straddling him. "Guys save it for the bedroom please" I pulled out my bag of jellybeans and began tossing them at the Niam couple making out. 

Zayn and I just made gagging noises. "GET A ROOM!" Zayn yelled, i carried on tossing jellybeans. "Styles, Please unless you want to stay after cleaning up your jellybeans I suggest you stop throwing them" Louis announced as he walked through the door. i am physically growling at myself, he looks so hot and my body just wants to go and show Niam up by just jacking him off right here and right now. "Harry, calm down" Zayn turned my attention to him. "What are you talking about?" 

Zayn chuckled and pointed towards my crotch. "SHiiiiit" he laughed and turned away from me whistling innocently. I am going to have to sit in a way to cover my erect penis. Why does this happen to me. Everyone started filing into class, no one flirts with me anymore as the rumors I am gay. Well after today everyone will know I am well in truly gay. "Horan! Please remove yourself from Liam's lap and find your seat" Niall turned a bright red and did as he was told. Awkward, you could see it from Nialls face. 

The History Teacher Student/Teacher (Larry Stylinson & Niam Horayne)Where stories live. Discover now