Secret Admirer..

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Oh hey there!!

*Firstly… SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY SORRY. A thousand apologies I didn’t mean to like not update for like totally ages but I was just so damn busy with school, working and competitions and trying to fit my Larry fan fic writing in there was just well a little too stressful. Anyway hope you all forgive me.

*Secondly… Your comments well guess what… I may just keep going! I dunno for how long, but until I run out of ideas.

*Thirdly… Well you know you who are actually voting and commenting. Thank you! But some of you, I do see you who don’t vote and comment….. I am watching you.

*Fourthly… Omg I read this over the other day and I can’t believe how shit my writing was at the start of this story Oh my god! How did you all stick with me? I mean some of the mistakes, I blame that on the fact I didn’t have Microsoft word until yesterday so there would have been mistakes everywhere because the programme I used didn’t pick up grammar and spelling errors.

*Fifthly… Just all of you who stuck with it and are reading this update now. I love you! I can’t believe how much support you all give me. It’s amazing! And I don’t take it for granted.

 *Sixthly….. WHO WANTS ME TO MAKE IT AN M-PREG? Dunno if it is happening but you know? I am trying to decide…. If you read this let me know what you think about the M-Preg idea.

*Sevently… With the comment. Larry Stylinson are Bread Baking With WeHeart1Dxo and THT Readers.


Well off you go you amazing sunflowers who stuck with me this whole story and I love you for it…. Don’t forget to read above about my M-Preg idea. ALSO 30 COMMENTS AND 40 VOTES FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER. #SorrynotSorry You won’t get a chapter till you reach the goal oh and I just hashtagged on wattpad. You have a rebel on your hands.


Harry POV

Well, talk about a boring day. Well that’s what it has been so far, thankfully Liams parents took me in so I can get some income to help pay for everything. But that doesn’t make this job any more fun or easy, I am constantly bored while waiting to serve customers. “You are welcome to take a lunch break Harry” Mr Payne smiled at me. “It’s alright, I will go soon. I’m not hungry at the moment” He just nodded and smiled getting back to the work he was previously doing. I rested my head on the counter waiting for some customer to come. I could smell new bread whiffing through the shop, man that smells good. I smiled standing up right sipping on a coke from this morning.

I heard the familiar bing of the bell when someone entered the bakery. I looked up expecting a lost customer deciding on which bread loaf or bun they would like to buy but instead was greeted by a delivery man holding red roses. “Hang on I will grab the owners” I smiled at the man bringing Mrs Payne from the back. “Hello dear what can I do for you?” Mrs Payne questioned the man. “I have a delivery for Mr Tomlinson-Styles ” The guy held the flowers out. I looked at Mrs Payne confused and she just smiled lovingly. “Obviously for yourself Harry” I grabbed the flowers smelling them. “Thank you” I headed back to my place behind the counter. “What lovely flowers, who are they from Harry?” Liams mother questioned me.

“I have no idea there isn’t a card or anything” I shook my head still inspecting the flowers. What confuses me is no one has ever called me Mr Tomlinson- Styles. I mean who would know? Oh well I smiled then leaned over to find a vase for the time being but a card fell out from underneath. I placed the flowers in the vase opening up the little card. The card had rather unfamiliar writing though. I knew Louis writing and this was not it.

To Harry

Meet me in the park in 10 minutes.

- Your secret admirer xx

I looked at the flowers cautiously. Who was this person! And why didn’t they get I was happily married to the love of my life. I don’t know whether I should go and give this person a what for and tell them I am happily in a sexual relationship with my sexy husband or I should just ignore it. But what if they pester me again? “Go on your break Harry, you need to get some food into that tummy of yours” I smiled at Mrs Payne. “Alright then, I will be back asap”

“No please we don’t need you for around half an hour, you deserve a proper break” I grabbed my stuff and headed out. It’s like she wanted me to meet up with this person. I would be going past the park even if I wasn’t planning to go there. I think I will just stroll past and see whose there and just keep walking if I don’t recognise them.

I briskly walked past the park but I was stopping by a stranger. “Hello Harry” The man smiled. “Umm hi, I best be on my way” I tried to walk past but he stopped me. “Harry, you are supposed to be meeting someone” I was pushed in the direction of the park. This person had me surrounded. I slowly walked carefully into the park, who the hell wants to see me this desperately. I strolled around the pond looking for someone who wasn’t here. “Psst Harry” I turned around and was met by a guy who was a little shorter than me, he was a cute height. “Thanks for coming Harry” I just beamed and pulled the guy in for a hug. “I missed you, I can’t believe you haven’t caught up with me sooner” I kissed his cheek.

“I can’t believe you tried escaping me!” I chuckled. “Well when someone sends you something like that, it’s a little creepy” his lips met mine. “But you love me” I laughed. “Of course I do babe, I mean who wouldn’t”

“I haven’t felt those lips in what feels like forever” He kissed me again and I couldn’t help but wrapping my arms around him taking in his scent. “Well love you felt my lips this morning, it hasn’t been that long” Louis chuckled flicking me lightly. “Why did you want me babe?” He shrugged. “Can’t I miss my husband?” I rolled my eyes. “Of course you can but you didn’t need to hire someone to give me flowers and some security guy to make sure I came”

Louis laughed. “Andy a security guard, hardly. He’s such a softie”

“I hope you’re not crushing on him Lou”  Louis let out a stiff chuckle. “Hardly, I mean look who I sleep next to every night, hes a god”

“I want to meet this guy Louis, he sounds special”

“Of course he is” I laughed before pulling Louis in for another quick peck. “Wait Louis! Where are the kids!” He laughed and smirked at me. “At school, in lunch with their new friends”

“No way! They have friends” I beamed being the proud parent I was. “Of course they do Haz, They are social butterflies like you” I pecked his cheek. “Anyway was there a purpose for this meeting? I would quite like to grab lunch before I have to head back to work” Louis pointed behind me. How could I have missed that? There was a little picnic laid out. “Aww aren’t you a sweetheart” I grabbed Louis hands before grabbing  a seat down on the picnic blanket. “Feed me Louis?” Louis nodded and picked up a sausage roll feeding it to me. “Gosh I love you” I mumbled out dropping a tad of the pastry out of my mouth. “And I love you, when you don’t embarrass me by dripping food everywhere” I rolled my eyes. “Your cheeky”

“Don’t talk with your mouth full Haz, that’s the oldest rule in the book” I shook my head and carried on eating. “Yes dad”

“You make a very good dad Haz” I smiled.

“Why thank you Louis”

“Please call me Boobear”

“Alright BooBear, this was a lovely first date but I do have to get back to work”

“First date my ass”

“I know, I’m not sure it just came out, anyway I love you!” I gently placed myself on his laps connecting our lips. Louis tongue grazed my bottom lip and I easily let him in as our danced together in a kind of unknown dance. I pulled back needing air. “See you tonight babe” I walked off swinging my ass that little more dramatically for Louis sake and tried to hold back a laugh as I heard Louis gasp.

Well off you go you amazing sunflowers who stuck with me this whole story and I love you for it…. Don’t forget to read above about my M-Preg idea. ALSO 30 COMMENTS AND 40 VOTES FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER. #SorrynotSorry You won’t get a chapter till you reach the goal oh and I just hashtagged on wattpad. You have a rebel on your hands. xxx

The History Teacher Student/Teacher (Larry Stylinson & Niam Horayne)Where stories live. Discover now