Pulling The Strings..

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HEY guys! :D Hope this story is going good and you are enjoying it I am working hard on getting updates for you asap you know! :) <3 The only thing is that I am trying to make this story long but short at the same time because I will be writting a short Niam after this I'm thinking you know but only if I get the support from you guys and you would like one leave a comment and i will think about getting onto that once I finish this one or when I have spare time but anyway! Leave me a comment :) xxx

Louis POV

I thought I would get the class instantly working so I don't have to make contact with Harry. Secretly I hope he doesn't work so I have to keep him back afterwards. Everyone seems to settle into their work. I see Zayn raise his hand at the back, "Yes Zayn?" "Mr Tomlinson could we play some music?" "I guess so you may play some." The song LaLa comes on by kids of 88 well this is awkward if you know that song. 

"Nice to meet you might see you later, 

come away be my motivator" 

This is awkward I hope Harry isn't thinking about this song like I am. I started figiting in my seat and I can feel Harry's eyes on me. Dammit how did I get stuck in this position, with a sexual song playing. I start playing with the pens just waiting for this class to end. "I can see you Harry please get to work" he just winks and looks at his workbook.

"Dude, Why aren't you working do you want to be held back" I could hear Niall whispering. "I can't be bothered" I could zone in on their conversation. "We are all going to hang out a zayns but if you don't do this you will be stuck here" He just grumbled and started working. Dammit I was hoping to get to talk to him later. I feel like I should slip him my number well i shouldn't but I want to then he can do his work and go to zayns. I have this in the bag.

"Styles please come up here with your book" he walked up with extra spring in his step. He is being obvious that he doesn't mind coming up here. I growled and shook my head, I have written my number on a sheet of paper and i will slip it in his book. "Harry what have you done so far" he shows me his page with only a few things in it that are totally wrong.

"Harry what is this?" "Sorry Louis it's friday cut us some slack" "Well Harry I let you play music that is generous but if you don't start working harder I will get the music turned off. The class booed at Harry but I mean he isn't being reasonable. I very slyly snuck my number in his book on a piece of paper reading. "Haz, Please start work! You want to go to Zayn's I know but here is my number so text me maybe? ;) 021 ---- ----" He seemed happy and strutted back to his seat. He has a nice plump ass. Louis control yourself.

Harry POV

OMG he gave me his number, I can text him at Zayn's tonight score. I was about to get angry when LaLa came on about motivators because I wish Louis could be my motivator but you know he is soo irresitable up there, I could just go up there and have my way with him. I do hope I am good enough for him.

The bell rang and i winked at Lou as I headed out the door. "Thank god Harry I thought he was going to make you stay behind." "I wish he had" i muttered... "What?" Zayn asked. "Nothing nothing" we all just raced out the gates to hang round at Liams tonight. He was having a party apparently only a few people but knowing Zayn everyone will be there. 

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