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Hey guys! for your amazing comments here is a long chapter! Sorry it's late wattpad was upgrading! I need to get back to my competition but you love me for this update I know haha! Anyway 3 comments for the next chapter <3 xxx

Louis POV

Harry is causing trouble, Dammit I do want to hold him back after class but It's like sex in a bed is way better than a classroom. And I would have to keep the others behind because they are provocing him. "Josh Devine outside now!" Someone has to get told off.

I followed Josh into the hallway. "Sorry Mr Tomlinson, We are just" 

"Provocing Harry don't worry I am onto you, that was unessesary because the class will be suspicious now"

"Sorry Mr Tommo"

I smiled, "hey I like that, My new name yuss I think so"

"Can I go now?"

"Sure you can but please tone it down"

We headed back into the classroom.

"Anyone else want to get irritating will be out the class within a flash" 

"Mr tomlinson?" Eleanor batted her eyelids at me.

"Yes Eleanor"

"Are you busy tonight?" The whole class gasped and harry was sending daggers to her from behind.

"Yes I am, Eleanor I am gay and please stop flirting with me it's innapropriate" 

Harry smiled and gave me a wink, I have this under control.

"Alright Class you can do what you want for the last 10 mins of today. I can't be bothered teaching and need to save my energy" I whispered the last few words, I think the boys down the back picked up because they all began punching Harry.

Harry POV

Louis is saving his energy for tonight, this should be a good night.

"Alright Class your dismissed" 

I gave the boys a hug and told them I would see them tomorrow. "Let me know how it goes tomorrow" I flicked Liam a smile, "Li and Nialler remember to use protection" I yelled. 

"I can say the same to you Harry" Liam is really cute.

"Text Me Curly" Zayn yelled. 

"Will do, I may not be at school tomorrow we will see, Hopefully I can walk" All the boys cracked up, thank god we were the only ones in the classroom block.

I headed back into Louis office, Ring Ring Ring.... I picked up my phone.

PS Harry will be normal and Anne will be in italics.

"Harry Styles"

"Yes Mum" 

"I know where you are staying tonight Harry"

"Yeah well i did tell you where i was"

"NO! Come home immediatly and we can talk about it, Oh and bring Louis."


"Oh I know Louis is your teacher...."

Awkward, she hung up. 

"Louis before we go to yours can we pop by mine, mum knows about you" 

"Sure harry, are you alright?" He pulled me in for a hug.

"It's alright Harry come on lets go"

Louis POV

We got out of my car and walked up to Harry's door. I would be lying if I didn't say I am terrified. Harry knocked on the door, "Come In"

We both walked into his house, His mum was sitting on one of the lounge chairs, I have never actually been in his house. "Alright boys grab a seat" Harry and I sat on the couch opposite his mum.

"Hello Louis or Mr Tomlinson I am Anne, Harrys mother" 

"Hello Mrs Styles" I smiled, this is going to go badly.

"I heard some things about you two" I looked at Harry, Oh dear.

"Look Louis how old are you? 22?"

"20 actually" she smiled at me.

"Sorry Louis a tad off"

"that's alright Mrs Styles"

She was dragging this out.

"If I am correct Harry was going to stay at your place tonight?"

"Yes thats right"

"Well Louis, welcome to the family" She got up and pulled me into a hug.

"Mum What the fuck?"

"Your teacher is around Harry watch your language!"

"I accept of your relationship as there is only 2 years between you but Louis don't you dare break Harry's heart" 

I smiled, I can't believe this is happening. "I would never dream of it"

"harry go pack your stuff for Louis and then you may stay at his house, but no having sex!"

"MUM!" Harry yelled and headed up the stairs.

"Well Mrs styles thank you!"

"Please call me Anne, Harry talks very highly of you not that he mentioned you were his teacher but you are perfect for him, He is fragile so please don't hurt him."

"I would never ever dream of doing that I promise Anne"

She smiled and slapped my back, "Please just don't you know take advantage of him"

"MUM stop interogating Louis" Harry interupted. 

"Alright off you go boys, maybe this weekend Louis could stay here for a few days when Gemma and I take our trip to London to go shopping?"

"I WOULD LOVE THAT Mum thank you! I can't believe how supportive you are"

"That's what mums are for! Louis would that be alright with you?"

"Of course, what time would you like me around?"

"Well we leave at 8pm friday and are back sunday around 2 so your welcome between then"

"Cool thank you"

"Alright now go" His mum shooed us out the door.

"Are you as shocked as I am Harry?"

"Trust me I don't think I could be more shocked right now"

The History Teacher Student/Teacher (Larry Stylinson & Niam Horayne)Where stories live. Discover now