Breathing, Holy Cow..

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HELLO! I promise you I will do better to update but wait for it GASP i went to update these last night and wattpad was down so that was the end of all story updates so they are all going up right now! Sorry all and I love you and hope you have started rreading my other story The Uni students and guess what it is another Larry and Niam! Hahahahahah xxx

Harry POV

I grabbed a seat down the back in like a little pod kind of thing with those spongy seats. I am super nervous, What do I say? How do I act?  I am the school jock who chats up girls who I don't even like and yet right now I am freaking out like total freak out! what if I am weird,awkward or like ugly even. Ok Harry breathe, breathe Holy mother of cows! Mother of pussy cats more like it. Louis doesn't exactly have a pussy            tat so well hmm well not a girl pussy cat any way. Wink Wink.

Louis POV

To be completly honest I don't know what I am doing. This is illegal but my attraction to Harry is like a magnet he just draws me in and I feel like I need to know more about him he's just attractive and mysterious and sexy god what am I saying I am like verbally whipped if that is possible. I hope I look ok, I mean all i hear from girls passing is that no one is ever in Harry's league. I have told him I am gay and yet he still wants to know me? I don't know what is going on!

I waltzed in, I am feeling so nervous i am shaking like I don't know loads? this is my student this is soo wrong but so right because I like him. I am having a fight with myself. Louis be chill and just go talk to him. Doesn't have to turn into anything else other than a get to know or something ahh just go! I walk over to him which he spots me and gets up.

"Hey Louis" he smiles and his cute little dimples appear. Louis cool,calm and collected or some shit like that. "Hey Harry" i took a seat opposite him and we both just kind of sat in silence. "Sorry i'm nervous" he just smiled. "Me too" the waiter came over and we just ordered a pizza to share. "Sorry about this but honestly that party was not my thing" "Harry your the schools im too popular jock guy shouldn't you be there maintaining your reputation instead hanging with our teacher" I had to say teacher extremly quietly more like a whisper.

"But I like your company, not that I have had much" he winked at me. This guy is such a catch, we kind of small talked our way through dinner only talking about backgrounds and I found out he has a sister Gemma and his mother is called Anne and his best friends are obviously Niall,Liam and Zayn. He also told me he wishes Niall and Liam would  just get together already.

"Why aren't they together" I didn't mean to be nosey but you know questions never killed anyone. "I don't know they just are too blinded by there love that they just don't see the other likes/LOVES them" I chuckled Harry is so cute. "Oh Haz" "OMG sorry I just kind of word vomited didn't mean to call you Haz" "No I actually like it" "Fine Haz it is" I have a nickname for him and its Haz i like it.

"Well I know this one is a little odd but can I call you Boobear?" "I sound like a kid? You act like a kid Louis" I smiled "Fine! But not in school hours OK!" he winked. "Ok Boo" he is adorable. I paid for dinner which was a little of a mission because Harry wanted to pay so that was a little argument but he is so cute when he is defending himself I am thinking debating in class so I can see his little sexy cute argumentative face? No maybe that's so obvious.

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