Didn't See That One Coming..

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HEY GUYS! Wooo still sick but you know marginly better or something! Soo yeah thanks for your votes and comments! I APOLOGISE FOR THIS NOW! but some other stories are like saying 90 votes and 60 comments for the next chapter LIKE THE FUQ! I am not going to do that to you guys but for this story seeing as I get 196 reads I would like to get 20 votes and 15 comments?? Sorry guys but It's getting harder to update now! So yeah love you all and IM SORRY!

Liam POV (Sneak Peek At LiLi)

"Come on you lot let's go check on Harry" We strolled down the street towards Louis apartment where no doubt Harry was. I know he isn't sick he can fool Niall as much as he want's but I know that he and Louis will have got it on and he can't walk because well they have waited this long and they finally had a night together I know he is pulling a blindfold over our eyes or well he is trying to of course.

Harry POV

Ok I can walk... ish ok If I am slow I am alright but you know. "Aww Haz baby" ding dong, knock knock. Louis picked me up bridal style and carried me down the stairs and stood me up by the door because if I was sitting down it would be very obvious. "Harry!" Liam,Niall and Zayn barged in and tackled me on the floor. "OUCH!" my ass FML!. "Shit guys we hurt him!" Niall helped pull me up, "Cheers Nialler" 

We all headed over to the couch me just attempting to take it slow but not make it painfully obvious I was well had a sore ass after anal with my teacher, I really have to stop saying my teacher I shall replace it with my boyfriend. 

"Harry can I ask you something? You know get down to business" I smiled innocently, "Sure LiLi what's up?" Yeah well what came next I totally wasn't expecting in the slightest.

"I know you and Louis had anal" Yeah well at this point Niall spat out the drink he had gotten himself and it went all over Louis furntiture yeah nice one Ni. 

"YOU wHAT!?" Zayn raised his voice you know as he does.

"I did not! What the hell Liam"

"Harry you cannot fool me"

"Well I'm not fooling you"

Liam and I began having a screaming match and it wasn't pretty.





The whole neighbourhood would have heard us by now. Zayn,Niall and Louis were just sitting there with wide eyes and bushy tails or whatever watching the drama unfold in front of their eyes it was a Harry vs Liam and I was winning yeah until.

"FINE LIAM YES I DID HAVE SEX WITh lOUiS!" I yelled and then that was my cue to hide into Louis chest.

"YOU WHATTTTT!" Zayn piped up now.

"WOO yeah go Louis woo woo go Harry" Niall was doing some kind of victory dance and I have no idea what he gets out of this.

"You go Louis" Niall was being seriously strange.

"HARRY! you had sex before me so not cool SOOOOO not cool" Zayn yelled or persuasivly accused me.

"Sorry Zayn but yeah you know"

"Look Harry sorry I started Yelling but like you can't lie to daddy Liam and get away with it. I can tell by the way you walked" Liam confrunted me.

"Is it that obvious? HANG ON! back up your truck HOW do you know!?"

Now it was Liams turn to get defensive but he blew his cover by blushing.

"YoU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME" I yelled. Zayn looked like he had no idea going on,

"ZAYN think!" Louis finally found a voice. Yeah Zayn clicked then yelled maybe a little too loudy.

"OH MY GOSH NIALL AND LIAM HAVE HAD SEX" that was our turn to have all 3 eyes on Niall and Liam. This caused Liam to blush and Niall to look terrified and chew harder and faster on his food which appeared out of no where.

I APOLOGISE FOR THIS NOW! but some other stories are like saying 90 votes and 60 comments for the next chapter LIKE THE FUQ! I would like to get 20 votes and 15 comments?? Sorry guys but It's getting harder to update! 

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