Big Announcements

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 Hello Guys!

*Firstly! .... You guys better like this chapter, the feels were going crazy for me. oh my god.

*Secondly... thanks for the votes the comments were pretty slack but anyway.

*Thirdly... The support for this story is decreasing and I just think I might end it in the next chapter or the one after but you know depends what you guys want so comment and let me know.

*Fourthly.... Picture on the side... I wouldn't look at it until you have read half the chapter??? Idk but i know you will all look before hand because you can't hold yourselfs.

*Fifthly... I THINK THIS CHAPTER DESERVES 40 VOTES AND 28 COMMENTS! I mean it's probably written like shit but the things that happen should make you all happy! KAY WELL VOTE AND COMMENT! <3 

*Sixthly... Larry Stylinson Is Rasberry Racing With WeHeart1Dxo and THT Readers. Alright so I'm going to go. ANYWAY I love you all so go vote and comment!!!


Harry POV





“LOUIS! For fuck sake!”

“Alright fine, sorry!”

Louis finally stumbled down the stairs yawning and stretching and annoying me because I told him to be ready by 10 oh and wait it’s 10.30am thank god they’re late. “Aiden and Lil you ready?” They both beamed. “Alright well we need to congratulate them as soon as they walk in ok?”

“Yes daddy!” Aiden smiled up at me. I picked him up and kissed his head. “You know I love you right?”

“Yes daddy you tell me all the time, I love you too” I put Aiden on the ground and gave lil a kiss too. “Love you too Lil” she just clapped her hands and was smiling like an idiot.

“Louis babe are you ready?”

“Always” Louis smirked at me and kissed the side of my mouth.

“Cough bullcrap cough” Louis just laughed and poked my side.

The door opened and Liam and Niall flew through the door. “CONGRATULATIONS!” Louis and I screamed at them and lily and Aiden jumped on their legs and were hugging them.

“Thank you guys!” Liam spoke before picking up Aiden and playing with his hair which he always does and Aiden loves it.

Niall just stood there. “Niall… What’s up?”

“Uhm nothing yeah just uhm”

“Niall, what’s wrong?” I pulled him into a hug.

“Oh Niall babe” Liam held him close.

“He’s worried about what you’re going to say about something..” Liam trailed off.

“Tell me what? Come on spit it out?”

“Wejustadoptedtwokidsaboyandagirl” Niall spoke probably the fastest he has ever said something in his life.

“Niall repeat? Slowly?”

“We just adopted two kids a boy and a girl” Niall finished before looking at the ground.

“THAT’S AMAZING!!!” Louis and I pretty much tackled Niall and Liam.

“OH my god that’s awesome!” I was beaming now.

“What we thought you guys would be annoyed that we copied you.” Niall spoke before looking at Louis and I.

I quickly looked at Louis. “Are you serious? Our kids can have play dates and this is soooo exciting! So where are they?”

“In the car.” Liam spoke

“BRING THEM IN!” I practically threw them out towards the car before beaming at Louis. “This is awesome! Our kids can have friends Louis are you excited?”

“Of course I am!” I quickly pecked his lips before looking at Aiden and Lily. “You guys are gonna have some friends, uncle Liam and Uncle Niall adopted a boy and a girl”

Liam and Niall came back in with a gorgeous girl, she looked a little like Lily same curly hair but seemed more a darkish blonde and she had slightly green/brown eyes and the boy had a Liam style hair that was kind of flat and he had brown eyes. “This is Holly and Ryan” Liam spoke proudly.

“They are adorable guys!” I picked up Holly. “Hello sweetpea” She just smiled.  Louis was having a chat too ryan who was laughing and beaming at him.

“Well you can go and play with Lily now Holly” I introduced her to Lily and lily grabbed her hand taking her to the corner of the living room which has a little fence and a gate and toys inside. Louis showed Ryan to the toy corner and he began playing with Aiden. “This day couldn’t get better” niall began crying and Liam was hugging him tightly. “I’m sorry but I’m just the happiest guy in the world right now” I laughed.

“Don’t worry Niall I was the exact same when we got these guys” Louis spoke.

“Tea? Coffee?”

“Please!” Louis headed off to the kitchen and I brought Liam and Niall down to the couch. “We also have something else to tell you, we don’t know if you guys will like it but yeah….”

“Of course we’ll like it now spit it out.”

“We brought your neighbour’s house and yeah well we kind of moved in yesterday”

“NO WAY?!”

“YES WAY!” Niall shoved me.

“My best friends moved in together in my neighbours old house? Oh my god this is just amazing! Louis did you hear that?”

“Of course I did! Congrats guys!” Louis handed out the drinks.

“welcome to the big world guys” Liam and Niall just smiled while we raised our drinks for a toast. “I can’t get over your kids they are adorable and so like you”

“We wanted to do the same as you guys, I mean Lily and Aiden are so like you two we wanted the same and these two just stood out.”

“Absolutely we can now take them to school together and everything! How old are they?” I questioned.

“Well Holly is 6 the same age as Lily and Ryan is 8 is he the same age as Aiden?”

“No Aiden will be turning 8 in a few months but oh my god, I cannot believe this.” Louis spoke before hugging both Niall and Liam.

“We are so happy for you guys”

The History Teacher Student/Teacher (Larry Stylinson & Niam Horayne)Where stories live. Discover now