Loads Of Sass..

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Hey Loves!!! Sorry this chapter sucks balls! I didn't mean for it too but I'm kinda sick at the moment and might be heading off to the doctor so I am really sorry if it sucks and doesn't make sense!

Firstly.. I really did try my best but hopefully you guys enjoy it. Vote and Comment??

Secondly... I don't know if I will continue much longer? I just am running out of ideas, I have a few but you know the support was real good for this story not so long ago but now it has kinda died off so I don't know if you guys just want me to end it? 

Thirdly... Well let me know in the comments if you want me to continue or finish up...!! 

Fourthly... Hopefully you guys can get 30 votes and 20 comments but I mean you guys are obviously too busy to vote and comment so I probably won't even get that much. 

Fifthly....With the comment Larry Stylinson Are Cake Cooking With WeHeart1Dxo and THT Readers. 

Sixthly... I love you all very much and hope you get the support (Votes/Comments) Back up but if not maybe you do want me to end this.

Kay bye! xx

Harry POV

"Have a great day" I cooed as Aiden,Lily and Louis headed out to the car. "Louis drive safe! WAAAAIT! Your lunches!" I ran back inside picking up the 3 plastic bags of lunch. "Your amazing babe" Louis gently pecked me on the lips. "Your welcome" I quickly shooed them off before getting dressed as I was doing some work at the bakery with Liams parents while trying to find myself another job. I began getting myself ready for work. 

Louis POV

"Daddy can we listen to the childrens disk?" Aiden cooed and I rolled my eyes giving in as I placed the disk in the player and they sang along to all kinds of songs including barbie girl. I am going to die by the time we get to school!


"It's the tomlinson family!" Niall and Liam beamed picking up the kids as soon as they got out of the car seats. "Hello Niall,Liam" I smiled at them. "We got ya first period Mr T" niall winked. "Uggh we are friends Niall you don't call your friends Mr _ Mr Horan" I shoved him playfully. "Sassy dad you have there Aiden" Liam cooed at Aiden. "I am learning to be like Daddy Louis, Liam. I wanna be sassy like daddy" Aiden beamed at Liam. "That's my boy!" I tickled Aidens chin while heading through the classrooms with Niall holding Lily and Liam holding Aiden heading to the classroom. 

I pulled out  my phone and decided to flick Harry a text wishing him luck today.

To Harry The Sexy Husband.

Good luck today babycakes! Love you!! xxxx

From Harry The Sexy Husband.

Aww Love you too! Thanks sweetcheeks! Say hi to the kids! xxx

To Harry The Sexy Husband.

Hi daddy! it is aiden and lily. wuv you :) xoxo

From Harry The Sexy Husband.

Love you kids too! Now tell your dad to get on with his class! xxx

I chuckled putting the phone down after claiming it from the kids, they so desperatly wanted to text daddy harry so I let them.

The class was filling up quickly, god this class really is the worst, bloody Eleanor. Poor Aiden and Lily are sitting down the back playing with Niall and Liam cause their classes don't start till 10 but Harry couldn't bring them in as he had work today. "Alright class get out your homework that I set" I heard the familiar groans. "If you didn't do it Mrs Ruffing will be taking you for a detention" 

"Why are you not taking the detention, too busy with your worthless guy at home?" Eleanor sneered then cracked up laughing with her friends. "That guy at home is my husband who I love very much, if you don't sort your fucking attitude Little Miss Bitch Calder I will be kicking you out of my class happily." I smirked at her. "Well I just can't help but wonder why a guy like you is with him" 

"We have been over this how many fucking times? Sorry Aiden and Lil block your ears" Niall adn Liam put their hands over their ears. "Well you never answer me? I mean you are always like I love him blah blah but he's just hypnotized you Louis, I know you better than that to obey him"

"You make it sound like you fucking know me! You don't know a thing about me!" I rolled my eyes while getting the class to do some work. "Mr Tomlinson, Louis" Eleanor cooed. "What do you want Miss Calder" I turned around and glared at her. "May I speak with you outside?" 

"Who do you think you are, No you may not. You will probably rape me" I chuckled along with a few of the people in the class. "The only person who is aloud to talk to my dad outside of the classroom is daddy Harry who he loves" Aiden headed up the front and hugged my leg. "Aww little Aiden" I picked him up. "Yes I love daddy Haz very much and if any of you don't accept that get the hell out of my class" I glared at everyone to see if they were going to argue with me. They all just nodded and sat there. "Good now I am coming around to check your homework" 

"Why didn't you do it Eleanor?" I was begining to absolutely lose it with her. "You told me after what happened last night at home you would let me off" I rolled my eyes. "Get up!" I shoved her. "Get up now!"


"Because! Now go sit at that desk over there" Eleanor sat down not before huffing and screaming as she sat at the empty desk at the back of the classroom. "Normally you put bad students at the front Louis" Eleanor screamed. "Well I would put you at the front but if you hadn't got the memo I don't want you up here because I am terrified that you will rape me so stay down there and don't come inside this box" I drew myself and imaginairy box. "Yeah leave my dad alone he hates you" Aiden snigered earning a hi five from Niall. Little Aiden sassing as he backs me up. Man I love my kids. "Oh Louis you and Haz are invited to the wedding planning dinner tonight" Niall spoke and smiled. 

"WHAT THE FUCK! Everyone is gay and getting married! WHY ARE ALL THE GOOD LOOKING GUYS GAY!" Eleanor screamed. "I didn't know you thought I was good looking" Niall questioned. "not you, you irish piece of shit. Liam was my next choice" Niall looked broken and Liam was hugging him obviously whispering sweet nothings in his ear. "Eleanor you know what enough is enough Niall is the sweetest human being and good looking so what the fuck get out of my class"

"AHA! I got you to admit you don't really like Harry because you said Niall was the sweetest human being and good looking!" 

"I know you want me Louis!" Eleanor smirked before leaving the class.

"UGGGGH!!!" I growled and slammed my fists on the whiteboard.

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