Kiss Me..

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Sorry guys it's probably rubbish! I am really tired with Christmas and all! But anyway YAY 25 votes but 5 comments! Come on guys.... Please try harder next time?

Harry POV

I legit can't deal with his sexyness. We are just chilling listening to the band playing quietly in the background. I love when he sings to me, it sets off all my romantic feels. "You alright BabyCakes?" I return my attention to Louis. "Yes I am Sweetcheeks" I gently peck his check. "Do you know how excited I am for our pudding" I interrupt. "Me too, I ordered your fav" I smiled at him lovingly. "Is it possible for me to love you any more?"

He winked, "I don't know about that Haz" I feel like a sex god has decided to grace me with his presence. I hope tonight I get to have a little Louis loving because I have been missing it just a little to say the least. "I will be back sweets" I get up and head over behind the stage. I actually feel like singing him another song. Yet I sang one the other day but I am really feeling this one song. "You can be up next" I smiled. "Thank you very much"

I got up on the stage and Louis shot me a puzzled look. "This song is for my boyfriend, and if you don't stop giving me that look you are going to put me off" he giggled that gorgeous giggle he posseses. I signalled to the band and they began playing the soft tune.

Settle down with me 

Cover me up 

Cuddle me in 

Lie down with me 

Hold me in your arms 

Your heart's against my chest 

Lips pressed to my neck 

I've fallen for your eyes 

But they don't know me yet 

And the feeling I forget 

I'm in love now 

Kiss me like you wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

This feels like I've fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

Settle down with me 

And I'll be your safety 

You'll be my lady 

I was made to keep your body warm 

But I'm cold as, the wind blows 

So hold me in your arms 

My heart's against your chest 

Your lips pressed to my neck 

I've fallen for your eyes 

But they don't know me yet 

And the feeling I forget 

I'm in love now 

Kiss me like you wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

This feels like I've fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

Yeah I've been feeling everything 

From hate to love 

From love to lust 

From lust to truth 

I guess that's how I know you 

So hold you close 

To help you give it up 

So kiss me like you wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

This feels like I've fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

So kiss me like you wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

Wanna be loved 

This feels like I've fallen in love 

Fallen in love 

Fallen in love

Harry POV Cont...

I hope that went as well as I thought it did. I looked down at Louis who was stood up cheering his heart out. I looked up and saw everyone else cheering well not even close to Louis but they were all zoned out by him. I gently got off the stage and just as I took my last step. Louis lips connected with mine, one of my hands trailed only to be caught in his hair and the other on his waist pushing him closer to me. I felt him moan on my lips as our bulges briefly met, my tongue shot into his mouth only to dance with his, feeling all of him. I pulled back feeling myself being flustered with the lack of oxygen. "You have been holding out on me Tomlinson" He smiled entwining our fingers leading me back to our pod.

Louis POV

Why do all the songs he sings spark like intense emotion? I make his all at least light hearted but his are all like romantic lovey songs, but hey I ain't complaining. Yep I gave him the kiss of a lifetime, He is such a good kisser. I giggled pulling him back to the pod. "Can we skip pudding and head back to yours?" He whispered into my ear and gently bit at my ear. "If you have that attitude hell yes" I giggled and headed off to pay. "Leaving so soon Mr tomlinson" I smiled. "Sorry I have somewhere to be" I headed back and entwined mine and Harry's hands heading to the car. 

Harry POV 

Finally we made it back to his place, we drove in complete silence. Giving me time to think of my plan of attack for tonight. We both sauntered into his house. He shut the door and I pressed him up against the door attacking his neck with kisses. "Jesus patience my boy" I giggled. "Lou are you trying to be a total turn off, sounding like my step dad?" he laughed. "Sorry, carry on" I gently placed my lips to his leaving them to do what they wanted which was to be pretty rough. My tongue forced it's way into his mouth battling for dominance. My hands slowly made their way up his toned chest. I gently pulled the buttons and pulled it off with his help. Louis obviously feeling exposed pushed me back so he could take my shirt off, His lips attacked my neck and by now he know's my sweet spot, where he sucked and nibbled letting a tad to loud moan roll off my lips. "Fuck Lou- the bedroom" We both headed up the stairs to a pretty restless night.

YAY 25 votes but 5 comments! Come on guys.... Please try harder next time, I mean I did update with only 5 comments but you know 25 votes so of course but anyway! I love you all anyway but please comments at 10? votes at 14? Thanks Loves .xx

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