Sweet Talking Your Mother..

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Sorry again another Short Short Chapter sorry as I explained in my The Exchange update I probably can't possibly update in the next 5 days but if you give me some amazing comments and votes I may just sneak 1 in when I have spare time when I get back from the competition before I head back to High School halfway across the country but You will have to give me some motivation anyway enjoy!! xxx

Harry POV

Lunch has finally arrived and then 2 periods or classes till I am heading back to Lou's tonight. Better drop mum a text to ask if I can stay out tonight.

To Mum:

Hey Mummy, Please can I stay at a mates tonight? :) xxx

From Mum:

Harry, it's a school night

To Mum:

Please mummy dearest you know you want to! It's going to be Thursday tomorrow!

From Mum:

Who's place are you staying at? 

To Mum:

Louis he is in my class, and Niall,Liam and Zayn will be around

From Mum:

FINE but you are going to bed early tomorrow night!

To Mum:


From Mum:

Why am I not suspicious Harry, Don't make me take that back.

To Mum:

I promise you won't I will be good thank you! Love you bye!!

Yuss I jumped up and down, Andy,Stan,Josh,Liam,Niall and Zayn all looked at me confused. "Don't worry about it" they all just got back to eating at our normal table. Zayn whispered in my ear, "I know what your doing tonight" I choked on my food and kind of spat it straight at Josh and Niall. "Sorry guys" I glared at Zayn. 

"Don't you dare say a word or I will kill you Bradford Bad Boy" He just left me a wink. "Guys I have to go grab my books but I will see you all in History." Yes we have history next period with Louis. "Sex before classes isn't good for your health Harry" I gasped. "ZAYN!" I stormed off man they are going to get me in trouble.

Knock Knock, "Come In" I walked into Louis office and shut the door and locked it. "Harr" Before he could finish I stormed around and began placing sloppy kisses. "Harry you can't just walk in here and begin making out with me. I pulled back and headed back to my seat, "Hey I said you can't I didn't say I didn't want you too" I smiled. "You got your stuff for history Haz?" 

"Yeah course I do"

"Such a good student you are" he winked at me.

"Oh mum said I could stay at your place tonight"


I laughed, "No silly I told her I was staying at a mates tonight but I can stay over night at your place if you want me"

He looked shocked. "I would love to have you"

"Well I will see you in History, Oh and don't keep me up to late tonight. Mum's orders" I gave him a huge wink and headed out of his office.

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