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You're in the long line at the post office, right by Amy.
"Do you hope they'll get your package delivered?" you ask her.
"I hope! If Eggman gets done quickly," Amy whimpers excitedly. Eggman's just up ahead of you both in line.
"Are the lines always this long?" you groan. Amy nods and you facepalm 🤦‍♀️ yourself.
The instant you look up, Eggman's ranting on about his package to Leroy the Turtle and Amy's holding your hand tightly.
"I was in my evil lair all day, waiting for that package! I had to take a two-minute shower. TWO MINUTES! And when I get out, there's a note on my front door, saying I missed the delivery and I need to pick it up here," Eggman screams. You can't help laughing quietly and call the boys via Communicator.
"Guys, Eggman's finally lost it!" Amy yells into it.
"Y-You've gotta come s-see this!" you stammer. You've been flustered with guys recently. They arrive to see Decimator Bot grab Leroy.
"Tails, initiate Speeding Swing Surprise!" Sonic calls over his Communicator. He leaps from a roof into the air & hugs thin air as you slice one of Decimator Bot's legs off with your sword. You glance back at Sonic, who has just fallen into a big crate of melons, which you love.
Amy hammers at Decimator Bot, who lets go of Leroy, but Sticks catches the turtle.
"You haven't seen the last of me! I'll be back... WITH THAT NOTE!!" Eggman yells, retreating.
You walk over to Tails, who's leaning against the wing of his plane, his eyes looking sleepy, but he's grinning from furry ear to ear.
"Tails, wh-what happened... o-out there?" you ask. He's never looked like this, nor have you seen this kind of look.
"You never miss a cue," Sonic adds, but Tails' only response is a long blink. Sonic waves his hand over his eyes and Gingersnap (who, nowadays, doesn't leave your side) paws at him. Sonic waves his hand over Tails' eyes. No response.
You look in the direction he's looking and spot someone restocking a watermelon crate. A pale-yellow fox girl. Really cute!
She spots Tails and waves at him. "Hey, Tails!" She smiles proudly. Awww!
"What? Oh, yeah, I was gonna say hi, but then..." Tails stammers and his tails start whirling and lift him above ground. "Uh, see you later!"
Sonic laughs. "Okay, I see what's going on here!" He pulls the fawning fox cub down by the leg. You also get it—Tails is crushing on the fox vixen, or flattering female.
"Tails has been hypnotized by man-eating tomato people?!" Sticks guesses from behind you. She, Amy, and Knuckles have gathered behind. Sonic whooshes up to them.
"Yeah, that... OR our pal Tails has a crush 😻 on that girl," he adds. Tails turns to his big brother, red in the furry face.
"What?! Who, Zooey?! No, Sticks was right. Definitely the tomato 🍅 thing," Tails lies, looking as if he saw her cheating on him. You, Sticks, and Amy smile at him.
"Oh my gosh! Tails is in love! That is so adorable! You are so adorable!" Amy squeals. You squeal in agreement.
"I am not adorable 🥰! I-I'm serious 🧐 and formidable!" Tails stammers, showing off his muscles 💪, which are small, like yours.
"AWWWWWW!" You, Amy, and Sticks get a bunch of gleams in your eyes, looking like Manga characters.
"I just... don't know how to talk to her is all," Tails admits and glances back at Zooey, who's walking away now. You once shared his greatest sympathy 🫂 💐of not talking to guys well. (INTRO)
"Yeah, I-I couldn't talk to guys at home, either," you add, sharing an equally depressed look. "Until I met y-you both." You point at the bros.
"Don't worry, pal," Sonic tells Tails, hand over shoulder, "You're about to be enrolled in the Sonic school of impressing the ladies."
"That's a good 😌 school 🏫. It's where I studied air conditioning and refrigerator 👨‍🔧 repair," Knuckles unnecessarily chimes in. You roll your eyes at him.
"Well, I could help," you add. Tails smiles and hugs you tight.

You and Tails meet up at Sonic's shack for a school session. You agreed to be an assisting teacher at Sonic's side.
"Alright, first things first. When talking to women, you've gotta play it cool. Don't let her know you're interested," Sonic explains to Tails.
"'Play it cool.' Got it!" Tails jots this down in his new Hello Doggie 🐶 journal with a sharpened pencil. From tilting your head to the side, you can see that Tails' handwriting is evenly shaped and sized. Yours is often small, but also evenly shaped, unless you're scribbling something down when you were in a rush.
A/N: The whole scribbling part also applies to Tails. His handwriting is usually evenly shaped and sized, unless he's scribbling something down while he's busy working on something.

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