Sensitive Sonic... or is he?

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Format is for normal game script

[Scene: Tails' Workshop, day.]
[A shot of Tails' home grounds is shown. The scene switches to Tails, working in his workshop. Suddenly, his laptop comes online and shows an approaching target.]

Tails: An incoming Eggman attack! Better get the gang together. [The camera displays Tails pressing her communicator in a yellow background. The rest of the gang eventually appear in their respective colors.] United Village Defenders of the Village: UNITE!

Amy: On my way!

Sticks: Let's roll!

You: I-I can do this!
Sonic: I'm on it!

Knuckles: Eh... it's not a good time for me. I kinda have plans.

Tails: Wait, what?

Sonic: Seriously, Knuckles?

[Meh Burger] [You and Sonic run/fly to Meh Burger where Knuckles is at a table with Mike.] Sonic: What do you mean, (air quoting) "you kinda have plans?"

Knuckles: I was gonna catch a movie with Mike. (Motions to Mike)

Mike: Hi. I'm Mike.

You: Hey, I'm Catherine, but everyone calls me Cathy.
Sonic: Uh, yeah, hi. Sonic the Hedgehog. (to Knuckles) Seriously, though, we gotta get moving. Eggman's attacking.

Knuckles: Aww, but today is the last day of Jungle Fighter 3: Revenge of the Jungle Fighter!

Mike: Jungle Fighter can wait. It is important to battle Eggman.

Sonic: Great! See? Let's go!

Mike: So, where are we going?

Sonic: Oh, uh... I meant me, Cathy, and Knuckles.

Knuckles: Why can't he come?

Mike: Yeah, why can't I come?

Sonic: We can't bring you to a battle. I mean... You're just a guy. [The townspeople at Meh Burger gasp]

Old Monkey: "Just a guy?!"

Sonic: No! I-I didn't mean that... what I meant to say was... he's not... you know... [Crickets chirp]

Knuckles: [Disapprovingly] I think you've said enough already.

Sonic: Ugh, we don't have time for this! [Sonic grabs Hydra & runs off with him, you following close by.]

[Scene change: Desert, day.] [Team Sonic is fighting Badniks while Eggman, Orbot, & Cubot fly around in the Eggmobile. Amy smashes one with her hammer. Sticks tosses her boomerang a Bee-Bot as you, Sonic & Knuckles rush to the scene. Sonic spin attacks a Badnik while you behead a Bee-Bot in midair. Knuckles also joins in the fight.]

Knuckles: I can't believe you said that to Mike!

Tails: What did he say? (You freeze up, your cheeks redder than Knuckles' fur)

Eggman: Uh... battle's over here, guys?

Knuckles: He called my friend Mike, (pauses to smash a Badnik o.c.) "Just a guy." [Amy & Sticks gasp. Amy hammers a Crab Bot then turns to Sonic with a scowl]

Amy: Sonic! How could you?!

Sonic: I didn't mean that--

Eggman: Yeah, Sonic! That's a crummy thing to say to a dude.

Sonic: Ugh. [Sonic quickly spins attacks & smashes all the remaining Badniks.]

Eggman: Well, gotta go. [flies off with Orbot & Cubot] You know I'm right!

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