New Roomie

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In the end, Tails invites you into his house (an invite you can't say no to), but the night is so stormy that Sonic has to stay for that night as well, since both you and Tails have Astraphobia and as long as Sonic's there, he can help.
But, at one in the morning, there's a knocking at the door that startles Sonic awake.
"Man!" he mutters. You and Tails are lucky that it didn't wake either of you. Sonic opens the door to see Eggman (the man that attacked you that morning, according to Sonic & Tails) in a trench coat & sopping wet.
"Hi!" Eggman waves nervously.
"What do you want?" Sonic groans.
"Well, first of all, thank you for answering the door at such a late hour. I do realize what an inconvenience this must be—"
"Such a late hour" is right! you think.
"Get to it, Eggface," Sonic interrupts. You laugh quietly.
"Well, I... I, uh... I need your help," Eggman stammers.
"YOU need MY help?"
"Yes! My sinister island lair—you know, the ultra-high-tech stronghold where I hatch my diabolical schemes to eliminate you—it was destroyed in the storm. I was hoping I could crash with you and Tails for a few days, just until my robots rebuild it? Please! Don't strand me in this wilderness!"
"Well, you certainly could use a roof over your head." Sonic took a whiff of the air. So did you. It smelled like a day-old egg-salad-sandwich! "And a bath. But how do I know you won't just capture me, Tails, and Catherine while we're sleeping?"
"I swear not to harm you or your fox friend—wait, who's Catherine?"
Sonic points to you. You give Eggman a tired wave. "Well, I swear not to harm ANY of you during my stay. Look, I didn't even bring any weapons! Here, check my pants." Eggman lifts his trousers, but Sonic turns around with a hand up.
"No, no, no. It's okay. I believe you. So it's only for a few days and it's just you?"
"Just me!" Eggman walks in & 2 robots follow. "And Orbot and Cubot. They're family!"
Sonic groans & shuts the door.

The next day doesn't light up. 3 friends are coming over & Sonic has to let them in with a yawn.
One of them is a brown girl badger with big pigtails & what looked like Hawaiian clothing.
The next is a figure with a ton of pink on her.
The last is a red figure with a huge torso & spiky gloves. "Eggman?!" He gasped. Eggman was still in pink pajamas— onesies with his face on top.
"Oh, hey, gang! Didn't know you'd be visiting so early!" Eggman gladly greets.
"So early" indeed. It's eight! you think, looking at the purple wrist communicator Tails had given you.
"I'm still in my evil pajamas! They've got a trapdoor in the back!" Eggman adds, pointing at the "trapdoor" in the back. He sits in a chair.
"What's HE doing here?" the red figure points at Eggman.
"We have a truce. Tails is letting him stay here until his lair is rebuilt," Sonic answers. He had told you and Tails about the plan. Eggman's complaining to Tails about how he didn't get his breakfast right.
"And what's SHE doing here?" the red figure points at you.
"That's my new friend Catherine. Catherine, this is Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks," Sonic answers, pointing at the others. The badger is Sticks, the red figure is Knuckles the "Echidna," and the pink figure is Amy, another hedgehog. You give them a nervous smile and wave.
"It's all some evil plot, man! First he lures us in with some terrible roommate ploy, but then wham! Out comes this 50-foot Obliterator Bot that... obliterates us all!" Sticks starts shaking Amy. "And he lures this Catherine bot in to help Obliterator Bot in the robo-alien overlords! We gotta get outta here."
"I'm not a robot!" you start to cry.
"It's okay, Cathy. Sticks is always like this. She's a paranoid wacko... do you mind 'Cathy?'" Sonic asks, hugging you while Amy walks up to Eggman. You shake your head.
"Do you feel scared without a home? Do you feel lonely? Are you eating your feelings?" she asks in a playful tone.
"Somebody get her away from me," Eggman orders. You do.
"Guys, if Eggman needs to stay, he can stay. Who knows? He might not be so bad after all," suggests Tails from the kitchen sink.
The rest of that day doesn't lighten up. Eggman just acts like a little kid, pillow-fighting EVERYBODY, hogging all the food, keeping you, Sonic, and Tails up that night with evil laughs between snores, and taking up a couch with you on the other to where Tails and Sonic had to sleep on the floor with sleeping bags! Boy, was Tails wrong about Eggman not being so bad after all.
The next day, once the rest of the gang came over, Sonic's fed up.
"That's it! I've had enough of Eggman! Lair or no lair, he's outta here!" he shouts.
"You can't just throw Eggman out! Sure, he might be a difficult roommate, but that's only because you guys have a communication problem," coaxes Amy.
"'Communication problem?' He whacked me with a pillow. HARD! I'm dizzy and I have serious short-term memory loss," Tails pauses before saying again, "And I have serious short-term memory loss."
You step in the kitchen & come back with a glass of water & an ice pack. "I've heard this works for memory loss." You give him a hug.
"Thanks, Cathy... Thanks, Cathy," Tails smiles, putting the ice pack over his incredibly soft fur.
"Why don't we settle this with a roommate meeting?" Amy catches your attention.
A couple hours later...
"Now, Sonic, do you have something you'd like to share with Eggman?" Amy asks.
Sonic sighs. "Yes. How to say this delicately... You're a horrible roommate & nobody in this house likes you."
You call THAT "delicate?!" you think.
"Let's frame our statements with 'When you do this, it makes me feel this.'"
"Fine, okay, um, let's see... 'When you live here, it makes me feel angry...' because you're a horrible roommate & nobody in this house likes you."
Eggman fake-cries. "You're right. I AM the worst roommate. I... I've never lived with other people before."
"What about us?" asks Cubot.
"You don't count," Eggman harshly says normally before resuming to fake-cry. You just put your hand around him & Orbot & they smile.
"Sonic, I think SOMEONE here could go for two spoonfuls of forgiveness washed down with a tall glass of friendship. Whatta you think?" Amy asks. Sonic rolls his eyes and walks over to Eggman.
"Eggman, if we give you a second chance, will you promise to shape up?" he asks his nemesis who stops crying and snaps with a "You bet!"
"Ooh, roommate meeting group hug!" Amy shows her arms and Eggman hugs everyone but you & the bots, who try to join.
"Not you!" he tells them & they sulk. You just give them a group hug.
Well, he tries to shape up by washing all the dishes, singing as he works, which reminds you of Snow White and Cinderella. Then he nearly whacks Tails with a pillow until he notices you frowning & just fluffs it, putting it back.
He DOES stop harassing everyone, but he doesn't stop making you, Sonic & Tails tired via board games or TV. The results are you, Sonic & Tails turning miserable with heavy yawns, messy hair/fur & incredibly heavy bags under your eyes the next day.
"You're still hanging with Eggman?" Knuckles laughs, "How many hours of sleep did you get?"
"Zero..." you and Sonic groan simultaneously.
"It's stage 2 of his evil plot!" Sticks shouts, "We are minutes away from him summoning the true beauty of this Catherine and his Obliterator Bot with their Obliterator legs and their Obliter-bator feet!"
"I said that I'm not a robot!" you tell her.
"Exactly, Sticks, stop being so paranoid. Eggman's lived here for two days and he hasn't hatched a single evil scheme yet!" Amy argues, but she's interrupted by Eggman laughing outside. You all hustle out, but you, Sonic & Tails are a lot slower than the others from sheer exhaustion.
"What's so funny...?" Tails mutters. Sonic falls asleep standing up, but you try to stay as awake as possible, even if it means your wing feathers holding your eyelids up.
"You remember how I said my fortress was destroyed by a storm? I, uh, may have fibbed. You see, I kinda faked the destruction of my fortress as an excuse to live with you and tire you to the point of exhaust—" Eggman pauses to slap Sonic in the face, waking him up, and continues, "Tire you to the point of exhaustion! So you'd be too tired to stop OBLITERATOR BOT FROM KILLING MISS DEAN!!" He yells. Obliterator Bot comes out & knocks a tree over, forcing him to duck. He just smiles.
"I knew it! He DID have an Obliterator Bot that would mess Catherine up!" Sticks starts shaking Amy. "Why doesn't anyone ever believe me? It's not like I'm paranoid!" She then spots her shadow. "Stop following me!"
You laugh & so does Eggman. "Obliterator Bot, destroy Sonic and his four friends, but it's the angel I want." You swallow hard, seeing why he'd call you an angel. It's all in the wings. They're angel wings!
"For-tress? Fortress. Destroy fortress. Destroy island fortress," says Obliterator Bot, stomping in the direction of Eggman's lair.
"What? No, that's not what I said!" Eggman repeatedly taps his wrist controller, which only beeps in a malfunctioning way.
"We're still working out a few kinks," Orbot says from inside as his desperate boss grabs onto the 50-foot bot.
"Obliterator Bot, do not destroy island fortress! DO NOT DESTROY ISLAND FORTRESS!!" He yells, but the massive robot pays no attention.
"Affirmative. Playing up-tempo music while destroying island fortress," it says & speakers pop out its shoulders that blare up-tempo rock music. Sonic can only watch it go.
"NOOOO! Sonic, you have to help me!" Eggman's on his knees & folding his hands. You lift your wings from your eyes & frown.
"Why? He's your Obliterator Bot," sighs the Blue Blur. You learned that overnight.
"Because if you don't, I'm truly stuck living with you until I build a new island fortress."
Yeah, and we wouldn't want THAT to happen, you think, you could keep tiring us and the bags under my eyes could get even HEAVIER! But couldn't you live with someone else and tire THEM?
"Let's roll," Sonic startles you out of your thoughts. You all use Tails's plane (Eggman uses the Eggmobile and you fly) to get to the lair, which Obliterator Bot is chipping at with its chainsaw.
"Gotta stop him... but sooo tired..." Tails mutters & he falls asleep face-up.
"He must have a weak spot," says Knuckles.
"Maybe there's a clue on the ground," suggests Sonic, starting to slump over, "This soft... soft... bed-like... ground..." he falls asleep as well.

You laugh quietly

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You laugh quietly. Sticks runs over & stomps on his back to wake him up.
"What? What's wrong? Are we under attack?" He asks & stands up, getting into his battle stance.
"Oh... right," he yawns.
"Eggman, you built that thing. How do we take it down?" Asks Knuckles.
"By activating two kill switches at the same time. They're inside the lair. There..." he points to his right. That's a safe wall. "...and there." He points to his left. It's an open hatch with tangled wires that are generating sparks.
"Oh, come on..." Sonic takes the words out of your dry mouth. "Alright, Amy, Knuckles, Sticks, distract that metal monstrosity. Tails and I are on the kill switches. Eggman, Cathy, you'll have to show us how to activate them. Cathy's coming because I don't want Obliterator Bot to obliterate her," Sonic yawns.
"Pre-mission group hug?" Amy asks.
"NO," Sonic declines & takes off. He runs around a laser defense wall with Tails at the safe route. He deactivates the laser wall in time for you and Sonic, but a near miss from 2 lasers sends him sliding & going to sleep. The next laser wall deactivates just in time for Sonic to wake.
The next door opens to reveal a lever that you study. It is one of the kill switches, but Sonic can't stay standing & falls asleep again. Thankfully, your wings keep you up, despite sheer exhaustion. Eggman runs over, stomping all the way, to wake Sonic up.
"Jam the kinetic barrier processor! The kinetic barrier processor!" he yells.
"What do you mean?" you yawn.
"The lever over there!" he points to the lever you studied. Sonic pulls it & you hold his hand in place for about 30 seconds before he lets go & falls asleep & your feathers hold still to where your eyelids also droop.
Outside, the others are facing Obliterator Bot. (A/N: I want to show the interesting parts, like Sticks being unable to say "unobliterateable")
"I knew you were coming! But you will never obliterate Sticks, because Sticks is unobliter—" Sticks stops pointing her boomerang at Obliterator Bot and tried to say the opposite of being able to be obliterated. "Unolib—unobliterabee—" Finally, she sighs, giving up and reduced it to say, "You can't kill me."
Back in the lair, Eggman is getting frantic.
"JAM THE KINETIC BARRIER PROCESSOR!"He screamed to wake you and Sonic up. He jams it and you hold his hand in place, trying not to doze off again.
Eggman, from a distance is turning between the sleeping Sonic and something else. You take a peek, leaning over as hard as you can without letting go of Sonic, and it's a sleeping Tails, in front of his kill-switch. While you think Tails looks so adorable when he's asleep, you try to focus on the mission.
Eggman blares his kazoo from last night to wake the boys up & they pull their levers down. Sonic, Tails, and you go outside to see Obliterator Bot shut down & Sonic grabs a piece of metal.
You carry him in midair up to Obliterator Bot's head and he screams:
He whacks the head off Obliterator Bot.
"Yes!" Eggman silently celebrates as the rest of his lair explodes.
"No...!" Eggman's excitement quickly turns to depression.
Later that day, Team Sonic (Sonic's team- you learned that overnight as well) is relaxing out on the beach with you when Eggman walks up with a couple suitcases. You, Sonic & Tails are still so tired.
"Hey, fellas, as you know, my fortress is now a smoking ruin. I was hoping that I could stay with you guys for a few days until my robots rebuild it?" he asks.
Not this again, you think. Sonic reads your mind & you both bring Eggman, a lounger & his suitcases to what's left of his lair & Amy walks over with a balloon in her hand & Orbot & Cubot. You watch the action.
"I can keep you company! Let's explore your feelings about being a roommate. Now, pretend this balloon is your self-esteem!" she tells him.
"Stop, stop, STOOOOOPPP!!!" Eggman runs off. You hear him before dozing off for almost a day.

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