Amy's Hammer

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The story begins at Amy's house, where a gleeful Amy greets everything in it, including her stool, and her plant, which she waters. When she gets to the stand where she keeps her hammer, she suddenly sees that it has gone missing.
At Hedgehog Village, Amy mopes about her missing hammer to Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, you, and Sticks. She says that her without her hammer is like Sonic without his speed, and you add that it's also like you before you met the team (you once were so shy, quiet, with an awful stutter, making you feel like a wallflower, meaning you were invisible until you met the team), and Knuckles says it's also like him without his fists. He suddenly worries that his fists have also gone missing, but Sticks points out that they're on his hands. Knuckles is relieved, then says that he was briefly as useless as Amy without her hammer, making you frown.
Sonic then asks Amy who'd want to steal her hammer just as Dr. Eggman walks in, carrying a bag of groceries. Amy accuses Eggman of stealing her hammer, but Eggman points out that if he wanted a hammer, he'd make his own. (He has a point, you know!) He then gets angry at Amy for getting him all worked up when he had such a lovely morning.
Sonic then asks Eggman, "So what are you gonna do about it, attack us?", prompting Eggman to do just that with an army of Ball Bots. As Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, you, and Sticks battle the Ball Bots, Tails scolds Sonic for putting ideas into Eggman's head, and you add that it messed them up! They were trying to figure out where Amy's hammer is and this interrupted them (many people think Tails scolding Sonic was more like a burn when it's not). Amy tries to attack a Ball Bot, but is so used to attacking withher hammer, that the Ball Bot passes right by her and straight up to Knuckles. As Knuckles destroys the Ball Bot, Amy asks what she's supposed to do with her hands and you suggest punching, but then reconsider it because when Amy tries punching like Knuckles, it just hurts.
Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, you, & Sticks continue destroying the Ball Bots as Amy realizes that Knuckles was right; without her hammer, she's useless. Amy takes off in tears & Sonic then glares at Knuckles for upsetting her, but Knuckles tells him he can't help being insightful. Sonic then decides that he & Eggman should end this quickly, & as he knocks the Eggmobile away, Eggman yells after Sonic that he completely understands.
Later that day, Sonic, Tails, you, Knuckles, and Sticks stop by Amy's house. Sonic tells Amy that her worries are over, but you interrupt with a "not exactly," as they didn't find the hammer. Amy is confused at first, but then Knuckles reveals that while he, you, Sonic, Tails, and Sticks didn't find her hammer, they did find a crate of hand-to-hand-combat weapons. Sticks points out that every one of them is unregistered, as their serial numbers have been scratched off.
Amy tells her friends that while she appreciates her help, she called in a professional. Just then, Vector the Crocodile barges into Amy's house. As he is being filmed by a camera, Vector explains to the viewers that he will begin his investigation of "The Case of the Missing Hammer." Sonic asks Vector what he's doing at Amy's house, only for Dixon to cut the take and tell Sonic to be excited for Vector's arrival. Amy explains to Sonic that Vector has a detective show, and that she hired him to help her find her missing hammer, much to your delight. Sonic then asks Vector when he got a reality show, and Vector tells him when he got paid a lot of money to do it as his eyes turn into dollar signs. Tails sees this and tells Vector that he probably should see an optometrist about that, but you tell Tails not to break the fourth wall.

Vector is now outside Amy's house as he is being filmed, and explains to the viewers that he is looking for clues. Sonic, trying to prove to Vector that he's perfectly capable of solving the crime on his own, tells the viewers that he's looking for clues as well, and can do so 50 times faster than Vector can. After running around Amy's house, Sonic finds no clues. Vector then points out the footprints right next to him. The footprints lead to a bush, where Vector finds a Meh Burger VIP card. Sonic tells Vector that he's never seen one of those before, and Vector tells him that they're reserved for the cultural elite. He then tells the viewers that he and Sonic have their first clue.

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