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It's a terrible day the next day. Eggman's attacking with a huge bot that looks like a fireman 👨‍🚒, but releases fire 🔥 instead of putting it out. (A/N: A reference to Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury, an ironic dystopian novel. The firemen there started fires to burn illegal books 📖!) Sonic was spinning into it and you attack with your silver sword 🗡 (you found that on the beach 🏖 the other day, but kept it in your pocket in case of emergencies).
It takes off. "Dr. Eggman's evil 🦹 fireman 👨‍🚒 robot 🤖 is running 🏃‍♂️ loose!" Sonic shouts. You spot Eggman seated 🪑 on a nearby bench, reading 📖 from a newspaper 🗞. He looks up from it. "Why does everyone assume every evil robot is mine?"
Sonic bounces off the fireman robot again. "I dunno 🤷‍♀️. Experience?" He dodged another huge burst 💥 of fire 🔥. Knuckles tries do hit it with a stick but the fire just turns it to ashes.
"Shouldn't firemen PUT OUT fires 🧯 instead of, you know, starting them?" you ask, sword unable to whack the leg off this fire-starting robot.
"Uh, 👋 hello? That's the irony? It's the opposite of a fireman," Eggman replies. You and Sonic glare at him. He stops the anti-fireman robot from kidnapping a baby walrus, then Sticks warns you of it putting a cat 🐈 IN a tree. Egghead roots for it, but then admits that it is indeed his fire-bot, much to Team Sonic's (including you, you're now in it) fury.
"Sticks, can you get that kitten 🐱 out of that tree?" asks Sonic, pointing at the tree where a ginger-colored cat is. You seem a bit worried since its claws 🦞 look as if they were never trimmed.
"Sure thing, Sonic," replies Sticks. She runs over to the tree, lifts it by the roots, and starts shaking it, but the scared cat doesn't come out.
"Um, Sticks?" Sonic shouts, "Sticks? STICKS!" She pays no attention to the screaming hedgehog. The kitten loses its grip on the short branch, bounces off Sonic's head, and he catches it. It mews. Sounds like a boy cat.
"What?" Sticks puts her hands on her hips, confused. You end up adopting the cat, definitely getting it de-clawed, and name it Gingersnap after its fur.
You all meet up at Tails's house. "Sticks, we want to talk to you about the way you treat animals," says Sonic.
"It's not a good idea to shake kittens out of trees," agrees Amy. You nod, scratching Gingersnap's tiny ears.
"I know that law of the jungle," Sticks replies, "Trees are 'no-kitten' zones." Very true- you used to participate in a cat-walking service, but your main issue was keeping the cats away from trees. You shudder at the memory.
"That's a real law?" ponders Knuckles. Tails facepalms himself with a groan.
"Oh, I know, Sticks!" Amy's face lights up, "You should get a pet! It would help you to love animals!" Gingersnap jumps on her and licks her face. She laughs. "I agree. Don't you, Sonic?" She hands you your cat back and he (Gingersnap is a boy) nuzzles against your wings.
"Yes, absolutely," Sonic nods, making the spikes on his scalp fling.
"Then you and Cathy can take Sticks pet-shopping right now!" Amy offers, overjoyed.
"No, absolutely not!" he sticks his arms out, like a scarecrow. You just shrug your arms, like this girl emoji 🤷‍♀️.
Tails smirks and you three (you, Sticks, and a frowning Sonic) head to the pet store.
"I hate cute 🥰, fuzzy, and adorable 😍!" groans Sticks, rejecting a nearby cat, a group of squirrels 🐿, and a trio of rabbits 🐇, until a nearby trash 🗑 can clatters. She peeks inside it and pulls a gross-looking dog 🐶 out from it. Her eyes sparkle ❇️ and you flinch.
"It's... oh, it's..." Sticks stammers, sounding like she's at a loss for words.
"Disgusting?" Sonic guesses, rolling his eyes.
"Yeah, repulsive 🤢?" you add. Gingersnap hisses.
"The least objectionable option!" Sticks pays you both no attention. You think, it should be the MOST objectionable option!! That looks gross 💩!
"Awww, who's a little cluster-wuster?" Sticks coos. The robotic dog barks. So it's a dog, but with no fur, slime all over it, and the paint 🎨 job is no good! "I'm gonna name him 'Buster!'"
"Buster the Cluster...?" Sonic asks and Buster barfs a huge mouthful of slime on him.
You all meet up at Sticks' burrow. Nobody else likes Buster but Sticks. Amy explains, "Sticks, when I said get a pet, I didn't mean to come back with something so—"
"Wonderful?!" Sticks guesses. Buster lets go of his bone, making another puddle of slime drool.
"Icky," Knuckles finishes for Amy. You nod in tandem, full of cringes.
"Sticks, are you sure you wanna keep this... Cluster?" Sonic asks.
"Ahem! It's 'Buster.' Finally, I have an adorable little pet that doesn't disgust me!" Sticks exclaims and Buster belches another mouthful of slime on Tails.
"Eww! Buster got slime in my fur!" Tails growls, his hands dripping slime on his shoes.
"That just means he wuvs you," coos Sticks. She kisses Buster, getting his slime all over her mouth. You turn as green as Tails's fur, storming out the burrow and to your house.
"At least you don't drool 🤤 slime, right, Gingersnap? Who's a good kitty?" you pet Gingersnap.
A few days later, everyone else ends up covered in slime, and Sticks is still slobbering all over Buster (not actually slobbering on him, but acting as if he's her boyfriend). At least you stayed home all those days with Gingersnap.
"Who's a hungry little Cluster? Who's a hungry-wungry Cluster-wuster, huh?" Sticks coos at the monstrosity later on during lunch at Meh Burger.
"Would Buster like a French fry 🍟? I don't want any. They've got slime on them!" Tails growls.
"Ah-na-na-na-na-na! We only eat organic garbage now, don't we, Buster?" Sticks asks and Buster belches another mouthful of slime on the table. A battle even goes wrong afterward- Eggman's making a robbery but Sticks won't fight since it's Buster's "walk time." You tried to fight but Sonic ends up slipping on a trail of Buster slime and the bad guys get away.
A meeting's called afterward at Tails's house. "We have to talk," Amy tells Sticks annoyedly.
"Oh, no..." sighs Sticks.
"Yes, Sticks, we're afraid so," you tell her, trying to stay calm. Even Gingersnap was not amused.
You had tried to train him in several ways, but Buster kept getting in the way, even though you always keep your door locked. Installing a pet flap on your front door just let Buster ruin your life, and now, Gingersnap is covered in slime and it doesn't help any since all cats hate baths, but Gingersnap's is irrational.
"No! Buster's getting in the way of EVERYTHING!" Sonic shouts.
"Even when I tried to train Gingersnap!" you chime in, trying to brush the slime on the kitten's fur with a wet washcloth while also feeding him with your other hand.
"He got slime all over my equipment!" growls Tails, motioning to a toolbox filled with tools that have slime dripping over them. Buster patters to him, drooling slime on his feet.
"First you say you want me to have a pet," Sticks whines at everyone else, "then you say you DON'T want me to have a pet! I know what's going on here. A massive government mind-control experiment!"
"That's... one theory. The other is, we just want you to discipline him. Show some—" but Buster cuts Amy off by him jumping on her head, drooling slime on her head. "Forget it! Either Buster goes, or we do!"
"Well, if Buster goes, I go! And I'm not going!" Sticks insists, getting Buster off Amy.
"Oh, I guess that means we go," you shrug, flying back home, still carrying a still-slimy Gingersnap, the washcloth, and bag of pet food.
A while later, you hear the others yelling your name, so you look out your window. Buster looks like a huge robot dog with octopus 🐙 tentacles, Eggman is laughing by him in the Eggmobile, and Sticks is trying to tell him not to eat them.
"Exactly!" you scream, flying out and landing by Sticks, "Bad Cluster! No eat friends!" Buster wilts under her discipline.
"Cathy! Why are you doing this?!" Amy shouts. She, Sonic, Knuckles, and Tails are all in one of Buster's tentacles.
"It's for your sake," you sigh. "No eat friends! Put them down!"
"What?! No! Good Cluster! Eat friends! Keep squeezing them!" Eggman argues.
"Sit, Buster! Be a good boy!" Sticks insists.
"No! Stand! Be evil!" Eggman shouts, but Buster pays the evil 🦹‍♂️ genius no attention and drops the others. They're fine. Eggman screams in horror and disdain.
"Buster, take out the trash!" you yell, pointing at Eggman. Buster sends him flying out in the distance. "Now give the bone back." Buster spits a bone out, returning back to normal. Sticks gets a face-full of slime, but nobody minds. All she can do is laugh sheepishly.
The next day, you can only watch Sticks send Buster out into the "big world" with a little bindle of some sort.
"Hey, guys! I just found an octopus! Think I can keep him?" Tails asks, perched up against a big purple octopus that's about the size of Knuckles. Before you can say no, it grabs Tails by the waist and stuffs him in its mouth, finishing off by spitting out his goggles.
"Changed my mind. Help!" Tails cries, muffled. You end up dissecting the octopus to get Tails out and bathing him by hand.

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