Tone of Terror

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"What's so awesome that you had to bring us both all the way out here?" Sonic asks Tails one day. Tails had gathered you and Sonic out to the canyons in his Tailsmobile for something "awesome."
"Check it out. Voice. Activated. Controls. Start engine," Tails orders. The Tailsmobile beeps, turns on, and starts hovering slightly aboveground.
"Huh. Let me try. Give me two chocolate shakes," Sonic commands. A compartment on the Tailsmobile's instrument board opens and out come two mechanical arms, each carrying a vanilla milkshake. You and Sonic take one anyway.
"Vanilla? I asked for chocolate. Fail," Sonic says sassily.
The Tailsmobile beeps and two mechanical arms come out of the same board, each carrying two cups of chocolate syrup. You gladly accept yours and quickly slurp it all, but before Sonic can take his, the mechanic arm dumps all the chocolate on him, causing him to scream. Tails faces his adoptive big brother in shock.
"Still working out the kinks... There's a towel back at the workshop," he tells me. Sonic sets the milkshake in the Tailsmobile & jumps out, rushing to the workshop. But in his wake, a deafening whirring tone shakes the Tailsmobile. Both you and Tails cover your ears.
"Ow!" Tails screams. The Tailsmobile beeps & starts flying uncontrollably. After drying himself off, Sonic takes off back to the canyons.
But the Tailsmobile is on the edge of the volcano in the canyons! Noticing this, he heads into the volcano. While the Tailsmobile plummets, Sonic heads down the path inside the volcano before jumping in the Tailsmobile, knocking it back on solid ground. He lands next to it.

"I guess voice-activated rocket thrusters are a bad idea if you're screaming," Sonic suggests. Tails scowls and unbuckles himself.
"I wouldn't have been screaming if you weren't making that noise!" he points a glowering finger at the hedgehog. You also unbuckle and fly close to him.

"What noise? I didn't hear any noise."

"Wait a minute..." Tails jumps out & walks up to him. "I bet because you are faster than the speed of sound, you don't hear it." He has a good point. Sonic might be too fast to hear it.
"I guess your running caused that awful noise," you put in.

"I'll prove it wasn't me. When I start running & nothing happens, you're going to feel so dumb," he tell Tails. So he starts running, but before he even get out of the canyons, the noise sounds. Both you and Tails scream, ears blocked again. Sonic stops & turn back to you. Your ears are covered & your face is a mixture of pain, worry, & anger.

"Now, that's just circumstantial evidence," Sonic shrugs it all off.
We met up later that day at Tails's workshop. Tails has Sonic sitting on his table while he has a reflex hammer & you carry a stethoscope.

"Sonic, I'm gonna run a few tests to figure out what's wrong with you," Tails replies. You both run Sonic through many tests, including a knee reflex check, a regular sprint, an energy bike, & dancing, all failing. Most of them either cause the noise or upset your vision. By the time you get to the heart check, Sonic easily gets impatient and kicks you back.
"I can't figure out what's wrong with you. Until we get to the bottom of this, you better not run," Tails concludes.

"Alright, no problem." Sonic runs out of the workshop, but it causes the noise again. Tails jerks around in pain, trying to cover his ears. You simply get your wings to cover your ears and yell, so Sonic quickly reappears with a "Sorry, old habit" & slams the door.
"Tails! Sonic not running will take him a lot of getting used to!" you whisper-yell. He nods sadly.

Later that day, you all meet up at the beach outside Sonic's shack. You all had agreed to play girls-against-boys volleyball.

"Sonic! You were supposed to bring volleyball," Amy reminds. Sonic has the only volleyball, but he forgot it.

"Oh, sorry. I'll just zip back home to get it," he replies, but on the word "zip," you frown at him and everyone covers their ears, preparing for the worst. He quickly resumes a normal pose.
"And by zip, I mean walk slowly & deliberately." He shouldn't have said it that way. It's a hot, cloud-free day & he has to take it slow! Sweat pours down his face.

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