Evil Cookie

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A/N: The evil Team Sonic (Tails, Knuckles, Amy and Sticks), sans you and definitely Eggman, have their quotes in italics.
After a while of cleaning and healing from the party, you took a long break with a resting Gingersnap on your lap until Gingersnap wildly meows, leading you to a basket of chocolate chunk cookies on Sonic's shack.
"No, no, Gingersnap, chocolate is bad for cats!" you warn, waggling a finger. You learned that the chemical called Theobromine is in chocolate, which is harmless for humans, but so dangerous for cats. Even the smallest chocolate could make pets (cats, dogs, and most birds) so sick.
But not for me, you think, grabbing a cookie 🍪 and taking a big bite out of it. But once you swallow, everything stops, freezing 🥶 you up and you feel yourself falling. That's when everything turns black.

A fire 🔥 crackling.
Tails saying something... but you can hardly hear 👂 him.
The fire 🔥 continues to crackle.
"—ey... —thy... —ke up..." Knuckles.
"Cathy!! Cathy!!" It's Amy. The darkness splits and you can make out a silver room with Tails, Knuckles, Amy, Sticks, and Eggman standing around you, but they look different. As your vision clears, you notice that everyone has the same mustaches as Eggman!!
Amy hands you her mirror & the instant you notice that you also have an Eggman mustache, a wicked feeling rises in your lungs. The cookies were Evil Cookies & made you, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks cruel!
"Feel any different?" sneered Eggman.
"Yes... and you can't stop it! And by 'it,' I mean getting away with this! You can't!" you scramble to your feet, joining your friends at the control pad. They all assembled some sort of map and each are holding a platinum statue that looks like themselves. You pick yours up, staring at the Sonic statue with a scowl.
"Exactly! Sonic will see you coming from a mile away!" Tails adds.
"Yeah! And if we want to trap Sonic, we gotta THINK like Sonic!" Sticks adds, evilly grinning from ear to ear. You all cackle as there's a dramatic DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUN-DUUUUUN in the air. (A/N: One "dun" without bold text per evil member of Team Sonic, and then the "dun-dun-duuuuun" in bold text is for the old dramatic tone. I wanted to do this since Catherine, Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks have all joined Egghead's evil side)
"This is even better than I hoped! SIX evil genius masterminds!" Eggman cheers, but Knuckles raises his hand in protest.
"Actually, I'm an evil mastermind of AVERAGE intelligence," he corrects. You already know why he'd say that. Sonic had often told you that Knuckles can't read, write, OR count past 3.
"6 evil genius masterminds, give or take! Working together under my leadership, we'll be unstoppable!" Eggman insists.
"The key word being 'unstoppable,'" you chime in, using air quotes. "Okay, evil besties, here's my plan. One or two of you need to distract that blue flash imbecile while I sneak-attack him from behind. He'll never see it coming!" You laugh.
"No, Cathy, we wait at the beach shack for Sonic, and then bombard it with an all-out robot assault from 6 different sides!" Amy argues, demonstrating it via moving the figures.
"No! What we should do is tunnel underneath to bypass his defenses!" Sticks argues.
"We should attack by airplane!" Tails shouts.
"We have to destroy her stupid friends first!" Knuckles shouts back.
"Sneak-attack!" you yell at the others.
"Robo-assault!" Amy argues, starting a quarrel.
"Tunnel!" Sticks
"Airplane!" Tails
"Sneak-attack!" You. Even your wings agree with you. Now that you're rude and evil, you can't wait to tug at the spikes on Sonic's back or head.
"Robo-assault!" Amy
"Tunnel!" Sticks
"Airplane!" Tails
"I'M YELLING WORDS!" Now Knuckles chimes in, making you want to laugh.
"Calm down!" Eggman shouts, stopping the bickering, "Even though you're evil geniuses now—for the most part—you lack experience. Time for a crash course in villainy!" He laughs maniacally.
You spend all day learning about evil, taking 16 lessons (which is really 5, but one of them is how to number evil lessons: 1, 4, 7, 12, 16– you really don't like that lesson) that range from mustache care to target practice, and then a written exam. By then, it's late afternoon.
"So far so good! Now the written exam. The topic is: 'How to Capture Sonic.' You may begin!" Eggman announces in the main room of the lair. He had set up the room like a classroom, chalkboard and all.
But the instant you write your name and date on the paper with a pencil, there's a crash. It's Sonic, madder than you had ever seen him. He burst through the door! "Pencils down, Eggheads!"
"Clones, change of plans. Your written exam is now a practical! ATTACK!" Eggman screams. You don't hesitate. You leap out of your desk and rush up to Sonic, about to slit his throat with your sword when he grabs it.
"Catherine, what are you doing?" he demands, "I thought we were friends!"
"Not anymore!" you laugh. Amy, Knuckles and Sticks run up to you, trying to attack Sonic, but his attention is quickly turned to Tails, who is in his own Eggmobile.
"Wonderful work, everyone! After all my years of trying, I've finally captured Sonic the Hedgehog!" Eggman applauds.
"What do you mean, 'you captured Sonic?' This is clearly the result of MY leadership!" Amy argues.
"You were losing until I deployed the robots!" Tails insists.
"With all of you arguing, I can't hear da voices in my head!" Sticks yells.
"I'm the one who nearly cut his throat off! Admit you lost or I'll slit YOUR throat instead!" You holler, stepping away from Sonic and toward the others.
"I'm an evil mastermind of average intelligence!" Knuckles repeats. Little do you know that Sonic
"We heard you say that already," you groan, rolling your eyes.
"Thanks so much, Lady Obvious," Amy rolls her eyes as well.
"Hey, don't take that tone with me!" you point your sword right at Amy as she aims her hammer back at you, starting a sword-hammer fight.
"Ha! You can't stop me and my sharp silver sword with your round hammer, you mustachioed moron!" you laugh.
"You're mustachioed as well!" Amy points out.
"Who's Lady Obvious now?" Knuckles teases as something speeds past you. It's Eggman, but he looks blue. You rub your eyes.
"Am I seeing things? Eggman, what happened to you?" you ask, but he spins around you, making you a bit dizzy. Sonic whizzes by and slams into Amy.
"Oh, no, you don't!" you shout, trying to strike Eggman, but he's too quick. That's when it hits you. Eggman is now a clone of Sonic!
You're about to say, "I could use some help here," when something flies into your mouth. It feels round and a bit smooth. Another cookie?
Your insides start to turn and everything blurs up. That's when you fall over, face up, and everything snaps to black.
"Cathy? You alright?" Sonic echoes and you start to open your eyes. Sonic's holding you up on your feet by the arm.
"I guess so..." you mutter. Hang on, he's concerned about me? You think, touching the space on your skin between your nose and mouth. Smooth.
Thankfully, the wall is silver-ish, and you can see your reflection. No mustache! Same to the others! And the wicked gas in your lungs is gone! But Eggman is still blue.
"I feel like myself again!" Amy points out.
"I'm also back to feeling like myself again! Knock on wood," adds Knuckles, and he knocks on his head. "Who is it?"
"Ugh, I never want that to happen again. But I also feel normal," you smile. Sonic lets go of your arm, but your head is throbbing wildly. You hold it.
"Yeah, and the best part is: we're all on the same team! We'll fight side-by-side, together!" Eggman cheers.
"We will not," you whisper to the others. Sticks nods, holding out the last Evil Cookie. She tosses it in the air.
"One for all, and all for—" Eggman's about to say "one" when the cookie falls in his mouth. The blue on him flashes back to his normal colors. "Okay, fun's over! I gotta get back to work! Evil doesn't brilliantly plan and execute itself, you know!" He growls and walks away.
"C'mon, you guys. Let's go home," Sonic says with a big smile.
You all do. The first thing you see once you come to the beach path close to your house is Gingersnap waiting for you. He spots you and runs up, jumping in your arms. You laugh, petting him.
"Did you miss me, Ginger?" you chuckle. He purrs and you kiss him big on the cheek. You love 💗, love 💕, love ❤️ your little kitty, who, according to the shelter, is only a year old.

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