Alternate Ex Machina

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Since a large chunk of this episode takes place in an alternate universe, any lines spoken by an alternate version of a character will be prefaced with A!, such as A! Knuckles.

[MomBot's house, exterior, day] [Eggman is standing on the porch of MomBot's house, holding a cake box.]

Eggman: MomBot's going to flip when she gets a load of this chocolate bomba!

Mombot: [opens the door] You're late.

Eggman: There was a line at the bakery. But I wanted to bring you a special treat!

Mombot: You can put whatever it is next to the chocolate bomba your brother brought.

Eggman: Mombot, Steve's not my brother! He's a robot shapeshifter built by me in an alternate dimension. How is that so hard to understand? [Eggman & Mombot walk into the house. Mombot closes the door.]

[MomBot's house, interior, day] [Eggman & Morpho are at the table. Mombot uses her extending arm to grab a plate off the table, then walks away.]

Morpho: Mombot tells me things are going pretty okay for you at the lair.

Eggman: Oh yeah, never better. I'm keeping busy, staying active, focusing all my energy on elaborate schemes to rid the world of that annoying angel and pineapple...

Morpho: I'll bet if we get rid of Catherine and Sonic, the rest of the gang will tote fall apart.

Eggman: A-duh, Steve!

Morpho: I told you to call me "Morpho!" You know, seeing how I can morph & junk? [transforms into Vector, then into Metal Sonic, then into Shadow, then back to himself, then into himself again]

Eggman: Oh, now I get it, Steeeve! [Morpho grows & stands up. Eggman stands up, & they start fighting. Mombot intervenes & separates the two.]

Mombot: Hey, hey, boys! Now you boys march outside this instant & start plotting the doom of your archenemies. Together!

Eggman & Morpho: Yes, Mombot.

[Seaside Island, canyon, day] [Sonic, Catherine & Knuckles are getting ready to race. Sonic is in the Sonic Speedster, you are in the Angelic Accelerator & Knuckles is in his monster truck.]

Sonic: Oh, Knux, Cathy! I forgot to tell you one last rule for our race. Eat my dust! [drives off]

Knuckles: Joke's on you, Sonic! I skipped lunch today. [Sonic drives through the canyon. As you turn for the finish line, a portal opens up in front of it. You and Sonic yell & hit the brakes, but neither the Accelerator nor the Speedster can stop in time & they both go through the portal. It disappears. Knuckles' Monster Truck drives past the finish line.] Sonic and Cathy disappeared! That can only mean... I won! Whoo-hoo!

Morpho: Those two are so going to wig out when they lands in another dimension.

Eggman: But wait. Wasn't there a whole to-do once before when we learned if we had two of the same person in one dimension, it would cause a catastrophic anomaly that would destroy the entire universe? Or am I making things up?

Morpho: That's why I sent them to a dimension where no other Sonic or Cathy exists.

Eggman: That sounds like paradise!

Morpho: You mean, "this sounds like paradise," broseph! Because they both no longer exist here! [Eggman & Morpho laugh]

[Village Center (alternate)] [The Portal opens & the duo & the cars drive out. They finally stops.]

Sonic: Phew. A shortcut to Main Street hidden in the canyon? Sweet. [The two hop out of the cars, tossing their helmets into it. The two walk/float down the road, but stop short, seeing a billboard with what looks like Knuckles on it.] Huh?

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