Catherine's Charge-tastrophe

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Since Catherine isn't stuck with Sonic and Eggman in the temple, this revolves around Knuckles, Amy, Sticks, Tails, Orbot, and Cubot arguing about who should be in charge.

It's a day in the jungle with Orbot and Cubot hot on your tail, or should I say wings, along with Tails', Knuckles', Amy's, and Sticks'. Eggman has Sonic taken care of. It's fine until Eggman pursues Sonic into a temple, which Knuckles pounds once.
"Stop smiling!!" Knuckles yells at the picture of what looks like two smiling beavers holding hands. Everyone else approaches the door.

"There's no other way in! Sonic's trapped!" Tails gasps. So do you.

"That means Doctor Eggman's trapped, too!" Orbot adds. He & Cubot begin spinning & dancing together.
"We're free! Free I tells ya!" Cubot cheers. He & Orbot hold up confetti wands, & confetti pops out as they spin around. "I could buy a houseboat, & live on it, even though it's a boat!" You don't get it. Robots don't have enough glee, so you guess Eggman made them unique like that.
"And I can finally finish my memoirs. I've been told I'm a natural raconteur," Orbot adds.
"And I've been told I'm a neutral raccoon!" Cubot puts in. The bots leave.
"Well, we're sticking around to free Sonic. But until then, one of us needs to be in charge," Amy tells the rest of you.
"Good thinking, Amy; I'll be in charge!" Knuckles replies.
"You? I'm in charge."
"I don't trust anyone in charge." Sticks looks away.
"Yeah, I'm not a very good leader," you add, telling the truth. You'd always been a nervous, shy, quiet, and sensitive girl, until you landed in Seaside Island.

"I know, why don't we all be in charge?" Tails guesses.
"NO!" the rest of you shout.
"It wouldn't make sense if we ALL were in charge," you tell him.
"Exactly, Cathy. I should be in charge because I have good leadership skills," Amy tells Knuckles.
"And I should be in charge because I have good leadership skills," Knuckles argues.
"Since when were YOU a good leader?" you argue, pointing a finger in his face.
"I don't know, since when were YOU?"
"Never. I'm not the leadership type, and even if I tried, it would get us nowhere."
"Me neither! That's why I should be in charge!"
"THAT DOESN'T EVEN MAKE SENSE!!" Amy screams. (The biggest argument since your concussion in Eggheads) Nobody says a word for about a minute until while Sticks is sitting alone on a rock, facing away from her friends. you, Amy, & Knux face angrily away from each other, with Tails standing between them, puzzled.

"Fine, if we can't decide who's in charge, we'll split up. Who wants to be on Team Amy?" Amy asks. Tails raises a hand. You're with Knuckles.

"Great! And who wants Knuckles to lead Team Amy?" Knuckles adds. Amy growls.

"Amy leads Team Amy; Knuckles leads Team Knuckles, you and Cathy. It's even."

"Wait, there's a Team Knuckles now?" You nod, frustrated.
"Tails and Amy are Team Amy, you and I are on Team Knuckles. It's equal. Two teams of two," you explain.
"Can I be on both teams?" Tails asks. You three "NO!" at him again.

"We all have to pick a side, Tails," you sigh.
"Now, who's it gonna be: Amy..." Amy begins and Knuckles finishes:
"Or Amy?" Amy facepalms and slouches down. "I still don't get how this works." Just then, the bots return with Sticks.

"Help! We can't be on our own!" Cubot screams.

"All that freedom, too many choices!" Orbot adds, equally scared.

Once you finally calm them down, everyone is sitting in a circle and you still don't know what to do.

"Let's go over it one more time; who's leading us right now?" Orbot asks everyone. You all point to either Amy or Knuckles, who also point at each other with a "Me."

"We're not getting anywhere like this; maybe I should be in charge," Tails suggests. Everyone else yells "NO!" at him once again.
"You'd just bore us to death with all your smarty-pants stuff! Knuckles is in charge!" You yell.
"No, I'm in charge!" Amy insists.
"Of your team."
"Yes! But if I was in charge, we'd be in the temple already."

"And if you were in charge, I'd be in the temple already," Knuckles adds, puzzling her. The ground nearby starts breaking, leaving the bots and you worried.
"Hello? Uh, fellas?" Cubot calls out, but neither Amy nor Knuckles listen.

"You're so incompetent, you don't even know how to argue!" Amy insults.
"You're right! Most of the time I'm confused & just yell back things!" Hydra shouts. Sticks walks over, fed up.
"It doesn't matter who's leading; we'll never get in the..." But before she can finish, the ground breaks up, & you all fall in.
Inside, Eggman is on top of Sonic's shoulders, trying to reach a higher opening. The wall caves in, & Knux, Orbot, you, Tails, Sticks, Cubot, & Amy, in that order, appear. Amy looks over & notices Sonic & Eggman.
"Sonic! Are you helping Eggman?" she gasps.
"What?" Sonic shoves Eggman up, & leans against the wall. "No." More rocks fall, & Sonic hops up to the opening. He & Eggman see an old mine cart on a set of tracks. "There's our way out!" Sonic leaps through & approaches the cart, with Orbot following him.

"An old mine cart? We don't even know where it goes," Orbot says.
"Yes, we do. There are tracks," you correct him, pointing to the tracks. A rock falls from the ceiling & hits Orbot on the head, & he madly rubs his head.
"You wanna stay here?" Sonic asks. He, you, Eggman, Tails, Sticks, Amy, Knuckles, Orbot, & Cubot board the cart, with Sonic & Eggman taking each end of the lever. "Okay, ready?" He & Eggman begin pumping the lever, respectively chanting "Lift" for Sonic and "Pump!" For Eggman. The minecart begins to move slowly, & it accelerates. You race along the tracks, but the entire tunnel behind you begins caving in. The lift & pump faster as the rock slide begins to catch up, but they soon come to an opening in the cave leading back outside. The minecart flies out, but the tracks end, & they all fall to the ground. Rocks tumble out, & Eggman & Sonic jump away, missing being hit by a Boulder. The teams reunite.

"Thank goodness we've got Sonic back again. Knuckles, I can't believe we squabbled like that," Amy replies.

"Me neither," you add.
"Yeah, you were out of control," Knux tells Amy.

"I was out of control?! You were being obstinate!"
"I don't know what obstinate means, but I refuse to learn."
Soon, ground shakes, & more rocks begin to fall. You & your friends run off. Here we go again, you think.

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