Multi-Tails and Angel Addition

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A/N: The title is because Cathy is also getting cloned WITH Tails!
"Alright, everyone, I've got something very special to share with you," Tails tells his 5 friends-- Sonic, you, Knuckles (Sonic's opposite), Sticks the Badger (a paranoid wacko badger), & Amy Rose (Sonic's girlfriend). Tails had you cover your eyes before he could show you his latest invention (nowadays you love Tails—as a friend—so even YOU love tinkering with technology)!

"Please be ice cream! Please be ice cream! Please be ice cream!" You all exclaim. It's NOT ice cream!

"Introducing my invention!" Tails signals you to uncover their eyes. You all do, but once you notice his invention, they, but you, groan.
"Doesn't look like much," you scratch your head.

"So help me, Tails, that better be an ice cream maker," Knux frowns. Before Tails can say anything, a horn honks. It's your nemesis, Eggman. As usual, he's surrounded by his robots.

"Minions, attack!" he yells. Bee-Bots (a minion of his Badniks, a team of his bots) swoop down.

"Perfect timing! Behold, the cutting edge of defensive technology!" Tails announces. He presses a button on my invention & it emits a blue beam that creates a protective dome around the village. Bee-Bots try in vain to get into the dome. "I call it the Village Fortifying Electromagnetic Protective Force Field!" You knew it would work (A/N: Cathy updated the name)!

"Meh," your friends all frown. Okay, he needs a better name for this!

"I mean, uh...Shield-pocalypse?" you suggest. They applaud. Up above, Eggman's lasers keep bouncing off my dome & destroying his bots.

"What is this? Some sort of Village Fortifying Electromagnetic Protective Force Field?" he asks.

"No! It's Shield-pocalypse!" you laugh.

"Ooh, good name! But it won't stop me! & by me, I mean Obliterator Bot." That's one of his most massive robots. It appears & tries to chainsaw through the shield. It then tries to shoot a laser, which causes the laser to bounce off & send Eggman flying. It tries shooting another laser, which bounces off the dome & shoots its head off. It falls & the villagers applaud.

Later, Tails gets nominated for an award given by the mayor, Mayor Fink.

"Thanks to Shield-pocalypse, our threat level has been lowered from certain to probable doom! I award Tails this Trophy of Valor for it!" the Mayor announces. While everyone applauds, Tails examines the trophy.

"Is this trophy from a youth basketball league?" he asks Mayor Fink, just to be sure.

"Sorry kid, it's all we had," he says resentfully. Tails just turns to the audience.

"Thank you! Our village is free of Eggman's tyranny! My foolproof Shield-pocalypse has neutralized all air attacks forever!" he praises. Everyone applauds again, but the ground starts shaking & Eggman's Egg Tanks & Scorpion Bots start to emerge from underground. The villagers start running & screaming. Team Sonic fights the Scorpion Bots while the Egg Tank starts firing lasers at Shield-pocalypse's shield from inside, causing the lasers to bounce off & hit parts of the village. WHAT?!

"B-but, it was foolproof!" Tails tries to insist.

"It can't be foolproof, I got past it. Aw crud, that came out wrong," Eggman insists.

"Tails, we have to shut it down," you insist.
"It's helping Eggman," Sonic adds. You and Tails try to get to the activator, but Scorpion Bots are blocking you. Knuckles is the closest to it.

"I can't get to it. Hydra, shut it down," Tails orders. He picks up the invention & points the beam toward the Egg Tank, which gets pushed back by the dome & tries to fight back. Amy & Sticks take care of the Scorpion Bots while Sonic gets out of the dome (he's fast enough to do it) & destroys the Egg Tank. Eggman retreats & you shut the machine off. Mayor Fink calls Tails back to the stage.

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