4 Men and My Baby

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3 Men & My Baby!

[Scene: Canyon, day.][You, Sonic and Tails are on hoverboards and taking a ride with Enerbeams, electric ⚡️ ropes generated from your Communicator, around Knuckles' monster truck. It drives through a cactus unharmed, to your astonishment.]

Knuckles: Woohoo! Oh, where's no endangerment like reckless endangerment!

You and Sonic: You can say that again!

Knuckles: Hold on tight, guys. We're going into maximum overdrive! [Looks at the pizza oven built into the monster truck] Oh, pizza's ready! [Knuckles picks the pizza out of the oven and burns his hand. Knuckles releases the steering wheel and tosses the pizza around. The monster truck loses control and flips over once before continuing onward, now out of control.]
You: Wow, extra wheels on the roof really WAS a good idea! For once.
[You, Sonic and Tails are holding onto the monster truck with their Enerbeams all the way.]

[Scene Change: Village Center, day.] [Knuckles' monster truck drives into the Village Center. Lady Walrus, carrying a pram, gasps.]

Sonic: Knuckles, look out! [Knuckles puts his hands on the steering wheel, but drops the hot pizza on his lap.]

Knuckles: Whoooah! It's days like these I wish I wore pants! [You, Sonic and Tails deactivate their Enerbeams and let go of the monster truck. Lady Walrus screams again as the monster truck steers away from her and crashes into a palm tree. As you let out a HUGE sigh of relief, you deactivate your Enerbeam. An airbag covers Knuckles' face after the monster truck has crashed.]

Tails: Woah, that was lucky. Somebody could've gotten hurt! [Lady Walrus screams again as the palm tree Knuckles drives into falls on her. Sonic and Tails flinch. Lady Walrus is shown lying under the tree while her pram rolls away slowly, but you get it.]

[Scene Change: Lady Walrus' house, day.]

Sonic: Again, our sincerest apologies. These pizza-related incidents are becoming all too common.

You: Really?? [Sonic nods and pats you on the back, avoiding your wings.]
Tails: Maybe it's about time we as a culture, banned restaurant-grade pizza ovens from cars altogether.

Lady Walrus: Will I ever be able to walk into Meh Burger again?

You: Um, isn't it your arm that's broken and not your legs?
Doc: She bruised herself everywhere. [Knuckles looks guilty. The doctor turns to Lady Walrus.] And absolutely, yes, you will be able to walk again.
Lady Walrus: That's a shame.

Doc: But you're going to need some rest. No getting out of this bed for the next few days.

Stratford: I'll take care of you, mama.

Lady Walrus: Thank you, Stratford, but what about little Chumley? Who'll care for my baby?

Sonic: Suddenly you're worried about your baby's safety? [Tails taps Sonic] Uh, I mean, I guess we could watch your kid for a little while. After all, we saved the village every week. How hard could it be to watch one baby?

[Scene Change: Cathy's house, day.] [Chumley cries as diapers are thrown across the messy room.]

You: Bad as a werewolf surprise party.
Sonic: What?
You: You said "how hard could it be to watch one baby," and that's how bad it is. I always watch myself whenever I babysit babies like these.
Sonic: But I asked that question hours ago!
You: Ugh, questions answered in pieces. It happens all the time! [A/N: Seconded, no offense for breaking the fourth wall]
Knuckles: Why would she trust us with a baby? We dropped a tree on her!

Tails: There's gotta be something we can do to make it stop! Maybe he's hungry.

Sonic: Yeah, let's, uh, feed it a chili dog. Everyone loves chili dogs.

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