Justin Beaver

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A/N: This is a parody of Justin Bieber. Since Cathy and Amy are good friends, this is taken from a mind-controlled perspective at which Cathy is even brainwashed by Dixon's mind control, because Cathy is a girl. Sung lines are in italics.

"Breaking news: An epidemic is sweeping across the globe: Beaver Fever... I'm not talking about an actual disease, of course. I'm colorfully describing the current teen singing sensation: Justin Beaver. Girls everywhere are going Gaga over this teen heartthrob. They just can't get enough of him—" Soar is reporting on the TV, and you are at Amy's house, spending the day. The news is making you both so giddy.
"Of COURSE we can't get enough of him! Justin is the BEST!" you screech. Amy showed you "The Feeling" recently and since then, it's been making you freak out.

"I know, right?!" Amy squeals. You both are wearing a lot of Justin's merch. Amy grabs you by the hand, running off to the others.
"Isn't Justin GREAT?! When I listened to his first song, 'Girl, I Like You,' I wasn't sure if he was actually talking about me," she starts and you finish.
"But when I listened to his next song, 'Yes, I'm Actually Talking About You,' it made me, like, TOTES freak out!" you cheer.
"How could you BOTH allow yourself to become pawns ♟ of the corporate fat cats 🐱 ?!" Sticks asks. Gingersnap, who you're holding in your arms, hisses. He is NOT fat.
"Oh, you may think that NOW, but when you listen to just ONE TRACK, you'll regret saying that!" you laugh.
"I don't want to overhype it..." Amy drops her merch and starts acting like she just had a bunch of energy drinks, "BUT HE'S THE GREATEST ENTERTAINER WHO EVER LI-HEH-HEH-HEH-HIVED!!!!!!" You laugh, getting her merch off the grass.

" Amy drops her merch and starts acting like she just had a bunch of energy drinks, "BUT HE'S THE GREATEST ENTERTAINER WHO EVER LI-HEH-HEH-HEH-HIVED!!!!!!" You laugh, getting her merch off the grass

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You both decide to prove it at Amy's house with the radio playing one of your favorite Justin songs, "I Can't Stop Thinking About You."
"Girl, it's time I told you about my serious condition
I can't stop thinking about you, had to call a physician"
But Sonic turns the radio off before you get to the good part and Gingersnap frowns at you. You pet him, stroking your fingers through his silky fur.
"Ugh, that was TERRIBLE!" Sonic groans.
"I finally have a soundtrack for my nightmares!" Knuckles adds.
"I... love it!" Sticks gasps.
"I knew we could rely on Sticks to be the voice of reason!" Amy gives you a high-five.
"We're through the looking glass here, people. White is black and black is white," Tails recites. Gingersnap meows in agreement.
"Wait till you hear the rest of the album!!" Amy cries. You three are sent into a squealing frenzy.
"Hey, Cathy?" Sonic interrupts. You turn to him. "You still up for Gopher Ball tomorrow?"
"Um, sure. Whatever," you shrug and resume squealing.

You work so hard on your house all that day with the Justin Beaver merch. By the next morning after breakfast, your house is even more purple than before, you have Justin bedsheets, and the walls are covered in Justin stickers, etc.
"Whoa, what happened here?" Knuckles asks once the guys arrive for Gopher Ball.
"My house is now a totes-adorbs tribute to Justin!" you show them around. They are clearly unimpressed, except for Sticks. With every item you show her, she gives it "5 stars" and/or a high-ten.
"STICKS! CATHY!" Amy comes running in, still wearing her Justin shirt. "You are not gonna believe this: Justin Beaver is in town and he's doing a singing at the music shop right now!!" SQUEAL. "AND he'll be performing a concert at Village Center this weekend!!!" SQUEAL, at the top of your lungs, making the guys cover their ears.
"You really need to stop doing that," Sonic begs. You frown at him.
"What should we wear?!" Sticks directs your attention back to her and Amy.
"I was thinking about wearing the one outfit that I own!" Amy answers.
"Me too!"
"Oh, I'm going fancy!" You insist. SQUEAL.

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