Multi Dimensional Dilemma

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[Scene: Seaside Island (Mirror Dimension).] [In the Mirror Dimension, a broken Mirror Crab Bot is seen flying across the land. Mirror Tails is chasing a Mirror Motobug, but Mirror Amy breaks it with her hammer. Mirror Sticks throws her boomerang toward a Mirror Crab Bot and destroys it. Mirror Cathy slices a Bee-Bot in midair. A Mirror Octopus Bot emerges out of the bushes. It shoots ink at Team Sonic. The ink touches the ground & Mirror Sonic slips on it.]

Mirror Sonic: I could use some help here.

Mirror Dave: I'm all over it. [Mirror Sonic falls over.] Did anyone order a butt-kicking with a side of pain and extra humiliation sauce? [Mirror Dave fires hamburgers toward the Mirror Octopus Bot. They mess up Mirror Eggman's windshield. Mirror Cathy sighs dreamily. The Octopus Bot shoots a laser that directly hits Mirror Amy at her feet, blowing her up in the air. Mirror Knuckles, riding on a pair of Hoverboards, catches her before she falls to the ground.]

Mirror Knuckles: I always knew you'd fall for me.

Mirror Amy: Ahh...

Mirror Eggman: Knuckles the Echidna, my arch-nemesis.

Mirror Knuckles: You never learn, do you, Egghead. You'll never defeat my team!

Mirror Sonic: We're a team? We should get matching uniforms!

Mirror Knuckles: Oh Sonic. Uniforms by definition match. [Pats Mirror Sonic's head] Now, if you'll excuse me, the grown-ups have some work to do.
Mirror Cathy: You're only a year older than him. (A/N: True- Sonic is 15 and Knuckles is 16)
Mirror Knuckles: True, but I have work to do nevertheless. [Mirror Knuckles releases one of his Hoverboards that destroys a Mirror Crab Bot. He tries hitting the Octopus Bot with the other Hoverboard, which hits Mirror Octopus Bot on the underbelly. The Mirror Octopus Bot catches smoke & falls to the ground. Mirror Knuckles unleashes the ground pound to finish it. The shockwave blows back a few more Mirror Crab Bots & blasts the Mirror Octopus Bot up in the air, which then crashes back to the ground. It then emits a red & blue energy beam that merges & directly hits Mirror Knuckles.]

Mirror Sonic: Nooo! [Mirror Sonic tries to save Mirror Knuckles, but he is too late, as Mirror Knuckles gets warped away before he can reach him.]

[Scene Change: Outside of Sonic's Shack, day.] [Sonic catches a chili dog with a body dive before it hits the sand.]

Sonic: Oh, got it! That was almost the worst disaster imaginable. [Eats the chili dog] Mmm...
You: Losing a chili dog to the sand wouldn't be the worst disaster imaginable. Sure, you love chili dogs, but the sand is clean, there's the 5-second rule, and you can just brush the sand off.
Sonic: Okay, okay! [Team Sonic is having a baroque outside Sonic's Shack. You, Tails and Amy sit at the table while Sticks works the grill. Suddenly, Mirror Knuckles appears out of thin air]

Sticks: Yargh! Kill it with fire!

Tails: Calm down, it's just Knuckles.

Sticks: Oh. [Shouting] Kill Knuckles with fire!

Sonic: Cool entrance, Knux.

Amy: You were supposed to get hamburger buns.

Mirror Knuckles: In mid-battle? Sweet Amy, there will be time for your delicious burgers after we've defeated that dastardly deviant Eggman.

Sonic: Nice vocab.

Tails: And impressive alliteration. You've been taking night classes?
You: What makes you think this is a battle? Eggman's not here.

Knuckles: Hey guys! [Knuckles walks in, carrying a tray full of burger buns. He looks at his doppelgänger. The two Knuckleses stare at each other.] Who's the beefcake?

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