Tommy Thunder

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POV: Sonic's

Tensions are high today in Seaside Island- action movie star Tommy Thunder is coming to meet the village, so a line is forming outside of Meh Burger (the only restaurant in town). Everyone loves Tommy!

"I can't believe we're about to meet Tommy Thunder! He's my favorite movie star! He's got it all: Strength, muscles, ability to LIFT stuff!" lists Knuckles, the brawn of my team, Team Lightning (Tails is the brains & my BFF, Knuckles's the brawn, Amy, my girlfriend, is the backbone, Cathy, my new friend, is the angelic sword fighter, and Sticks, Amy's best friend, is the weapon master. I'm Sonic, the speed).

"Not to mention eyes you could get lost in for days!" sighs Amy dreamily.

"It doesn't get any better than the ONLY MOVIE I SAW, Rise of the Thunder King!" Cathy adds, and her cat, Gingersnap, meows in agreement.
"Remember when Tommy was chased by ninja pirates while skiing down Haunted Mountain?" Tails adds. Yeah, that was incredibly dramatic.

"What movie was that again?" Knuckles asks. He may be able to lift even the heaviest of dumbbells, but brains are his weakness.

"Ninja Ski Pirates on Haunted Mountain?" That's one of his highest-rated movies.

"I don't think that was it."

"Tommy's movies are great, but his heroics can sometimes seem unrealistic," I put in. He could show it someday, in real life.

"Oh come ON! It doesn't get MORE realistic than the bear fight in 'Mutant Commando 3!'"Sticks argues. She's crazy about that stuff since she's a paranoid wacko. Dave the Intern, the cruel worker at Meh Burger, gets our attention.

"Ladies and gentlemen, here to promote his new movie with cheaply made Meh Meal toys... which by the way are guaranteed to have 12% fewer jagged edges!..." He touches the toy, hurting his finger. It falls to the ground. They may have 12% fewer jagged edges, but where ON them is the question!
"Anyway, here he is, the star of Tommy Thunder presents Tommy Thunder in 'Rise of the Thunder King'..." Dave resumes. Cathy squeals, bouncing like a ball to make her angel wings flap.
"Tommy... uh..." Dave gets a piece of paper from the table. "Thunder." He leaves once Tommy Thunder zips to his chair. There's a standing ovation from the crowd.

"Tommy is happy to be here," Tommy announces.

"Tommy, you're our hero," baby Stratford cheers.

"That's great. Maybe you can be a hero someday too!" Tommy hands an awkward photo of him with his signature to Stratford. The crowd walks away, allowing Team Sonic (that's us six) to go to the front.

"Hi Mr. Thunder, we're all big fans of your work--" But Tommy cuts me off.

"That's great, maybe you can be a hero someday too!" he says again.

"Did you hear that, Sonic? He said I could be a hero someday!" Tails whispers.

"You ARE a hero, Tails," I remind him. We fight for good against the evil Dr. Eggman, our arch-nemesis.

"Thanks. Though it means a lot less coming from you," she sighs. Soar the Eagle (a news worker), along with Walrus Camera Man, come in to interview Tommy Thunder, interrupting the conversation with Team Sonic.

"Excuse me, coming through... stand aside...We're here with Tommy Thunder. Movie star, humanitarian, patron saint of kick-buttery!" Soar announces on camera.

"Mmm... buttery," Knuckles sighs dreamily.

"Yes, sir, Tommy Thunder's a hero!" Soar adds. No, he's not! He doesn't save lives! Or even if he DID, I'd never see it!

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