Knux Without Lucks

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You're spending the day with Amy and Sticks (quality girl time) when Knuckles comes up, pacing back and forth.
"Knuckles, I see you're upset, but..." Knuckles cuts Amy off.
"Don't bother trying to get me to talk about my feelings," he insists. You also hate that.
"Actually, I was gonna get you to stop killing my grass," she corrects him.
"Sonic the Luck Monkey 🐵 beat me in Gopher Ball by getting totally 💯 lucky 🍀 !"
"What's Gopher Ball? What happened?" you put in & he explains a dramatic flashback.


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Tails, Knuckles, and Sonic are out on a field, getting ready to play Gopher Ball, which is pretty much like golf 🏌️‍♀️, but you have to get the ball in the hole with a single strike.
"Yeah!" cheers Knuckles as he drops a golf ball on a tee. "Who's gonna take it downtown? Knuckles, that's who!" He leans in Sonic's face. "Gonna pour Sonic a hurt tonic, and the pain is gonna be chronic!" You thought he was being pretty demonic for someone who didn't know their phonics!
"Okay, we get it," groans Sonic. He flips a coin— heads is Knuckles and tails is Sonic.
"Tails!" Knuckles turns to Tails (as in, the cute 🥰 double-tailed FOX Tails), who is acting as the official judge. "Tails, you flip it. Not sure I trust this guy."
Sonic sighs and flicks the coin to Tails, who flings it in the air.
"Heads!" Knuckles calls out. The coin lands on Tails's wrist and he reveals it to the boys as tails. Sonic!
Knuckles growls. "Lucky."
Sonic throws the golf ball in the air and hits it with his club. The ball flies to the hill where the hole and flag are and it lands right in the hole like it's remote-controlled. It then comes rattling all the way to the boys and flings out the other hole, right into Sonic's other hand (the one without the club). You couldn't help thinking about Sonic doing that at a Gopher Ball championship. Knuckles was right— Sonic really was a lucky monkey!
"Don't give me that look," Knuckles demands, walking to his tee. He aims and shoots. The ball stops right in front of the hole and slowly rolls toward (A/N: I always use toward, not towards!) the hole.
Knuckles starts silently chanting "Get it in! Get it in!", but a leaf comes floating by and sends the ball back the other way, ending in failure.
"1-nothing, Sonic!" Tails announces.
"Oh, come on! You saw the wind blew that, right?!" Knuckles whines. He goes for his second try (the next person can't go until the one after them, which is Knux in this case, gets a point. Or, it wouldn't be fair), but birds just so happen to be flying by and they knock the ball back the other way. Fail again. "WHAT?!"
Sonic waggles a finger. "You gotta factor in bird migration. That's Gopher Ball 101."
Knuckles groans and tries again. His aim's off, so the ball bounces down the hill, to the right of the hole's direction. He growls and takes his 4th shot, failing again. 10 shots later, he still can't get a point to tie it up with Sonic!
It tires him out. "That's totally unfair!"
"Maybe you need to work on your swing," Tails, who's taking care of a relaxing Sonic, suggests. Even you think that.
"Are you kidding me?! This has nothing to do with my swing— it has everything to do with luck!" argues Knuckles, who tries again, but the ball stops in mid-air before sliding back downhill. Knuckles grumbles and throws his club right into the hole before screaming in frustration.
"I thought you didn't want to talk about your feelings," Amy says as Knuckles wraps up his terribly unlucky flashback.
"I don't! I just wanna yell!" he shouts.
"That was a yell," you put in.
"We all get into a slump now and then..." Amy reminds him. True. You love playing baseball but your first few games of the season were terrible.
"I'm not in a slump."
"Oh, really? How many times have you lost to Sonic this week?"
Knuckles starts counting on his fingers, but stops before he gets to four. "I told you, I don't want to talk about it!" Yikes, Knux must be in a terrible trap of unluckiness.
"Maybe there's been a disturbance in the luck balance of the universe," Sticks guesses, making you roll your eyes.
"That could happen? Stupid universe."
"What you need to do is burn through the rest of this losing streak by bringing yourself as much bad luck as you can as fast as you can to speed up shifting the luck balance of the universe back the way it was before this all happened!" Sticks explains.
You, Amy, and Knuckles just stare at her in shock. Brining yourself as much bad luck as you can as fast as possible? That would seriously hurt!
"Yeah, that's right. You heard me," she simply adds.
"Shift the luck balance of the universe?" Amy repeats.
"Seriously?" you groan, even your wings drooping.
"I'm so there!" Knuckles nods and spends the rest of the day trying to outrun his streak of bad luck with you keeping a close watch on him, from punching rocks off cliffs, falling from heights, shooting himself from a cannon, and even punching a bee hive from a tree.
The next day lands him covered in bruises from all the bee stings, so you wrap him up in bandages.
"Oh man, Knuckles. You okay?" Sonic looks up from the book he's reading. You shake your head, your wings still drooping.
"Am I okay? Are you okay, you mean?" Knuckles just flicks Sonic's nose. "Or are you too nervous about the Gopher Ball beat down headed your—" He pauses to start wheezing. "Give me a minute! It's hard to trash-talk with a punctured lung..."
"It's hard to do much of ANYTHING with a punctured lung!" you correct him.
"Exactly, you aren't in much condition to play ANYTHING," Sonic adds.
"Ha! You only think 💭 I'm not in much condition to... whatever you said! But in fact, I finally tipped the luck balance of the universe back in my favor! Your lucky 🍀 streak is over, Sonic! Brace yourself, my friend, cause there's nothing but sunny ☀️ skies 🌌 ahead for this..." before Knux can finish bragging, a fridge falls on him.
"What?! Where did that fridge come from?" you cup your hands over your mouth 👄.
Later on, out in the canyons, meteors are raining from the sky with Knuckles at the bottom, trying to get hit by one. "Come on, meteors! Take your best shot!" You, Sonic, Tails, and Amy are watching him.
"We have to do something! He's gonna hurt himself!" Amy whimpers.
"He's already hurt himself one too many times already. What are we gonna do?" you ask.
"Sonic could lose to him on purpose," Tails guesses with a shrug 🤷‍♀️.
"What else have ya got?" Sonic asks. Neither you nor Tails nor Amy have any ideas.
"I guess I'll talk some sense into him. Leave it to me," Sonic sighs. He jumps downward and approaches Knuckles. "Knux, you're wasting your time with this luck stuff. I've been beating you lately entirely due to skill."
Knuckles leans in Sonic's face again. "Luck!"
Sonic leans back in Knuckles's face. "Skill!"
"Skill! Like the way I beat you in this argument just now!" Sonic starts to walk off but Knuckles doesn't admit it.
"You haven't won yet, because I'm still saying the word 'luck!' LUUUUCK!" Knuckles screams as a meteor crushes him. Amy facepalms herself upon this.
"Can we discuss this somewhere else?" Sonic groans. And the "somewhere else" is Sticks' burrow.
"Sticks, you've gotta help us make Knuckles stop right away! He's gonna get hurt!" demands Amy.
"Again," you roll your eyes.
"Not if he shifts the luck balance of the universe in time," Sticks argues.
"And what if he doesn't?" Tails asks.
"I guess he'll be eaten by a carnivorous plant and slowly digested over a period of weeks or months."
"And we agree that's not good, right?" Amy asks. You just nod, your wings still in their droopy position.
"I can think of worse but I have confidence in him," Sticks replies. You can't possibly think of anything worse.
"Confidence in a guy who believes in your crazy theory?" sighs Tails.
"Did you just call my theory crazy?!" Sticks growls at him.
At the crater, you and Sonic lift Knuckles up from the meteor that fell on him.
"So Knux, I was hoping we could get you to stop this nonsense before an asteroid ☄️ pulverizes you into baby 👶 food," Sonic replies. "Any suggestions?"
"Admit that luck is the only reason you've been beating me all this time!" Knuckles insists, brushing himself off.
"How about we have a rematch right now? Skill vs. Skill!" Sonic guesses. Knuckles smiles, agreeing to the idea.
"Gopher Ball?" you ask. He nods and you 3 meet up at the Gopher Ball field. You're the one acting as the judge this time so you can see what Gopher Ball is like. And Knux was right— it looks just like golf!
"Go ahead! Take your shot!" Sonic orders.
"Don't you feel the ground rumbling?" Knuckles asks. You nod.
"Nice try, Lucky!" Sonic laughs. Knuckles shoots, but the ball hits Eggman's Eggmobile that was just so happening to be passing by.
"Okay, that was a little weird. I'll give you that," Sonic shrugs.
"A LITTLE?" Knuckles shouts.
"Are you kidding?!" you shout. Eggman moves his advance to the village. Everyone but Knux in Team Sonic arrives.
"So Eggman, what makes you think this stunt will be any better than the last dozen or so you've pulled?" Sonic asks.
"The luck balance of the universe, that's what!"
"What? You believe in that stuff as well?" Tails gasps as Knuckles runs up behind them.
"Sorry I'm late. What can I do to—" before he can finish, a roof falls from the sky and lands on the ground.
"I'm unscathed. A little schmaltzy, but no matter! It's also laundry day!" Eggman retreats. Knuckles walks up, holding his head.
"You guys okay? Wow, that was nuts! I can't believe that!" Knuckles exclaims.
"We had him cornered! What do you think you're doing?" Sonic yells at him.
"You're not helping! You're just bad luck! I know, since your bad luck just hurt OUR side, why don't you join Eggman and make it official?"
"Fine! If that's how you're gonna be about it, I'll go work with someone who appreciates me!" Knuckles growls and walks off.
"Hey! Knuckles, come back!" Amy shouts. Sonic walks up to her.
"Hold on, let's play this out," he tells her. You don't watch him and it ends up with the head falling off Eggman's robot.
"Wow, my bad luck follows me wherever I go," Knuckles simply admits. The rest of Team Sonic walks up to him.
"Or is it GOOD luck? After all, our side won," Sonic replies.
"I was on the other side."
"No, you weren't. I sent you on a secret mission for us."
"It was so secret, even I didn't know about it."
"Yeah. You see, you switched sides and your bad luck overpowered Eggman's good luck, but you were really on our side. So, by losing, you won," Sticks explains.
"Wow... yeah," Knuckles says. Your wings don't droop anymore and you just hug him. "You know what I've been wondering, though?"
"Where crazy luck theories come from?" Tails asks.
"When my bad luck leaves me, where does it go?" You're about to answer him when a big piece of the smashed robot falls on Tails.
"Well, that's your answer," you shrug. Everyone faces Tails underneath the heavy metal.
"There's a perfectly good... explanation for this..." Tails groans as another piece of the robot falls on him. He ends up heavily hurt that night, but with everyone working together, you all can get him out from it.

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