Flea Bots

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It's an ordinary day in Seaside, for me... until I spot the nemesis of my life, Eggman, flying off in his transportation aerial machine, the Eggmobile, with a Choco Num-num chocolate bar!

"Drop the num-num, Eggman!" I shout. Everyone else (Tails, my BFF & the brains of Team Sonic, my team... Knuckles, the brawn... Amy, my girlfriend & the backbone... Cathy, the angel... & Sticks the Badger, the weapon master) shows up as well.

"Oh, great. It's the Fun Police. Let's see how you do against my largest creation yet! The tremendously terrifying... & cleverly named... HugeBot!" Eggman yells. A massive bot lands behind me & I flinch in terror as a gigantic foot comes towering down, but after a couple of seconds, I don't get squashed! Focusing my attention on HugeBot, its foot is coming down about a centimeter a second! I get easily impatient, but this is ridiculous! I start to tap my foot & glance at my watch. Finally, after about 10 awkward seconds, I've had enough.

"Knuckles, give me a boost," I order. He can lift nearly anything! He throws me at HugeBot. Going into a spin, I whack it, bouncing off & spinning back to hit it again, this time knocking its head off. It crashes to the ground & everyone congratulates us with a high-five. Eggman retreats, ditching the chocolate bar.


"I keep building larger & larger robots to combat Sonic & her dopey friends..." I start showing my most hated robots, Orbot & Cubot, pictures of me beside Scorpion Bot, Octopus Bot, Obliterator Bot, & Giant Robot. "...but all it got me are larger & larger scrap piles!" I start, watching another series of images of me crying next to the wrecked remains of the previously mentioned robots. "HugeBot was the most worthless!"

"Oh, that's not true, sir!" Orbot insists.

"You're right. You two are the most worthless! I need a new game plan. If going big isn't working-"

"You should go even bigger!" Cubot  suggests.

"No, you dimwit! I need to go small! But you tried. That's what matters." Even though I don't like other people doing my work for me. I spend all this day working on my best invention, maybe a FleaBot. If those dopes can see it, they'll target it! But these are nanometers tall!

"Using micro-nano technology, these FleaBots can turn the most hygienic foe into a bumbling itchy mess." I finish up a FleaBot, trying to get it in a glass bowl with several others, but Cubot shoves me.


"Ooh! Lemme see!" Cubot insists. I want to see as well, but I break its BOWL, letting the bots loose.

"AAH! My FleaBots!" Dr. Eggman screams. Neither Cubot nor I can catch them, but our boss can with a remote. The bots go into formation & return to another bowl. "I need you blank tapes to plant these on Sonic & those cheese faced chinchillas." We go for Sonic. He's at Meh Burger, at a table & eating.

"Well, here we are at Meh Burger! Even though we don't eat food," Cubot says over Dr. Eggman's Spy Bot camera. We don't eat ANYTHING, period.

"Just two robots enjoying the elegant atmosphere of a half-star eatery," I gladly add. Cubot pulls out a blowgun & fires some FleaBots at Sonic, who instantly starts scratching his head.

Next is his girlfriend, Amy Rose, who's in front of a mirror & applying changes to a sweater she's working on. As she reaches to put her compress away, Cubot reaches in through the window, switching out her ball of yarn for one containing FleaBots. She finishes the sweater & tries it on, then starts scratching.
Knuckles, Sonic's opposite, is next, at a beach & with Staci Cadman. We're behind the bushes.

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