The Universal Translator

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Note: UT says the words that are in all caps, except for Catherine's line "I SPOKE TOO SOON."
It's a lazy day on Seaside Island. Sonic & Amy are relaxing under a shade, Sticks & Knuckles are playing volleyball with you keeping score (Knuckles is winning 6-5), and Tails is gonna come out soon.
"There's nothing like a lazy day on the beach," Sonic sighs.
"You said it, Sonic!" you nod, tallying Sticks on your notebook with a pencil. You're keeping score with tally marks and give Sticks a tally to tie it up. The volleyball 🏐 bounces to Amy, but she tosses it to Sticks, who catches it.
She sighs. "It's nice to breathe in that beautiful 😍 saltwater air and relax. For the first time, I feel totally 💯 stress-free."
But she speaks too soon. "Hey, guys!" Tails greets, startling her. Tails walks closer to you, wheeling something covered by cloth. "I just perfected my most brilliant invention yet! Meet UT, the Universal Translator, designed to translate any language into our own!"
He tosses the cloth off a tiny robot with compasses for eyes. You all give him an unimpressed look.
"Allow me to demonstrate!" Tails guides you to a tree where a mother bird is feeding her kids. UT watches awhile, then turns around.
"He-he-hey, it works!" Knuckles laughs.
"DIDN'T SEE THAT ONE COMING," UT adds. What??? you think. Birds don't have teeth, so they can't chew.
"WHAT. BIRDS DON'T HAVE TEETH, SO THEY CAN'T CHEW," UT repeats. You back away from it.
"Um, it's still talking," Knuckles points out.
"It's not called the UNIVERSAL Translator for nothing, but why's it still talking, Tails?" you ask nervously.
"Since what you're saying doesn't need to be translated, UT is translating it into what you really mean!" Tails explains.
"That's pretty great, Tails!" Amy smiles, but UT translates it as "PRETTY LAME."
"That's not what I was thinking at all," she insists. "MAN, I AM TOTALLY BUSTED." This made Amy nervous.
"Tails? I think it needs some more work," she whimpered.
"Ditto," you chime in.
"IF THAT THING DOESN'T SHUT ITS METAL TRAP, I THINK I MIGHT DIE," UT translated for Amy. You quietly laugh.
"Wait... this thing reads minds?" Sticks questions.
UT repeats exactly what she said. "WAIT. THIS THING READS MINDS."
"It said MY thought about birds not having teeth," you nod.
"Get it out of my head!!" Sticks screams, UT repeating her— "GET IT OUT OF MY HEAD."
"I guess your stress-free feeling is turning into a stressful one!" you put in. She scowls.
"TOTALLY JINXED," UT translates for you.
Sticks grabs her boomerang, about to whack it, but Knuckles restrains her.
"Now, now! Calm down, Sticks!" he exclaims. "TAKE IT EASY, WHACK-JOB."
"Hey!" she shouts. "I AM DISPLEASED."
"Don't be offended, Sticks. Knuckles didn't mean to think that," Sonic guesses, trying to calm them down, but UT reveals that he meant, "HE'S NOT THE SHARPEST TOOL IN THE SHED."
You gasp. "SONIC, HOW COULD YOU THINK THAT?" While it is true, you couldn't believe your ears.
"Tails, I think it's best if you shut that thing off. We don't want it to reveal anything too... sensitive," Amy said.
"SHUT THAT THING OFF BEFORE IT TELLS SONIC THAT I LOOO—" Before UT can finish, Tails shut it off, much to most of the others' relief. You know what it was going to say. AMY LOVED SONIC! Everyone, including you, give Amy a look.
"Uh, what was he saying?" Sonic asks.
"Nothing! Nothing important!" Amy lies, laughing nervously.
"You sure about that?" you give her the same look your parents always give you when you're trying to hide something. And you know she was hiding the fact that she loved Sonic. She turns fire-engine red.
That night, you can't stop thinking about Sonic and Amy. You've finished making your own house beside Tails's, but the inside isn't good, so you use nearby supplies to finish it up.
The next day, Sonic, Amy, and Knuckles relax on loungers while Sticks plays volleyball with you until Tails joins with UT, much to Sticks's annoyance.
"Okay, I know things got off on the wrong foot yesterday, but I—" he starts, but Sonic cuts him off.
"Tails, I think it would be best if you turned UT off," he says and you glare at him. "CATHERINE DEAN AND AMY ROSE ARE BIG DOPES."
"Oh, so now that's what you're thinking?" Amy glares with you. You turn the color of an overripe tomato.
"Wh-what? No, not even close!" he stammers nervously. "AND THEIR HAIR STINK! WHAT DO THEY SHAMPOO 🧴 WITH, YOGURT 🍦 FROM THE BACK OF THE FRIDGE?"
"Why would you even say that?!" you both yell at the same time.
"But I didn't say that! He did!"
"Sure, you didn't," Knuckles just rolls his eyes. "I'M STUPID." "Hey, I'm not stupid!" "AND, UM, I'M UGLY, TOO, BUT NOT AS UGLY AS STICKS."
"Hey!" Sticks shouts, pouncing at Knuckles again. UT turns to you. "I AM RATHER SUITED FOR EGGMAN. HE IS THE BEST."
"What?! No way!" you exclaim, bursting into tears. "That's just the opposite of what I was thinking!!"
"I know that," Tails tells you, "You guys wouldn't think horrible thoughts about each other. Maybe UT's malfunctioning?" He opens it up with a screwdriver, only to find a remote speaker with the Eggman logo on it.
"What the heck?! I didn't install a remote speaker!" he rips it out and faces the others. "You guys, stop! We've been duped! Eggman swiped UT and replaced him with this impostor! We've gotta save the real UT!"
"I'm with you, Tails. No matter what happens!" you bow & both fly off, but no one else follows either of you. "...Don't you guys wanna get UT back?"
Sonic faces Tails sadly with a sigh. "The thing is, bud, that robot 🤖 of yours just makes us fight all the time."
"It's evil, I tell ya!" Sticks adds.
"You're going, Catherine?" Amy asks. You nod.
"It's for Tails, and he's a good fox 🦊. I wouldn't turn against him," you explain sadly & hug him. With that, you both run/fly off to Eggman's lair. Tails took care of the security Motobug while you throw a spare rope at the entrance so you can get up there.
You both land in a cake Eggman was feeding to the real UT.
"Not now, UT!" Tails demands, tossing a piece of cake at it to shut it down. "Give me back my robot!"
"Or what?" Eggman asks.
"Good question," you tell him as robots enter, surrounding you both.
"Where's that blue loser? And the rest of your friends?" he asks.
"We're here alone. I came to negotiate the release of my robot, UT!" Tails declares.
"Negotiate? Usually we just battle until the losing party—sometimes you, sometimes me, it's about a 50/50 split—retreats to his lair!"
"Let's pretend that's true and that you don't always lose. In exchange for the safe return of my robot, we're prepared to offer our services as your lab assistant." You nod.
"Intriguing... with two mechanical geniuses, and one's best friend, under one roof, I'd raise my ratio well above the 50/50 mark that we all agreed earlier was completely accurate."
"Then it's a deal?" You ask hopefully. Eggman pats Orbot.
"I'll have Orbot draw up a contract. This will be delicious! Having 2 of Sonic's friends helping me build the tools that will destroy him!"
"It's ripe with irony, Your Evilness! Sonic won't know what hit him!" Orbot replies. "But wait. The moment Sonic realizes both of you are missing, he'll come bursting through that door with that circus troop he calls his friends and put a damper on all the fun!"
"I already thought of that. Since you're letting UT go, I'll just send a message along with him," Tails says and you step to the side. Tails presses the record button and you hold his soft and furry hand.
"Hey, gang. It's Tails and Catherine," Tails starts off.
"We're going to be staying with Eggman," you add.
"No need to rescue us. We're both 100% safe and happy," he finishes and stops the recording. UT heads out to your friends.
Soon, Eggman's working on a broken Bee-Bot when he turns to you both.
"Tails, be a doll and plug my drill into that outlet over there?" he asks. Tails faces the outlet, which is sparking with electricity ⚡️.
"Uh, that doesn't look very safe," he tells the evil genius.
"Yeah, I know. That's why I'm having you and her do it." Tails swallows hard, but goes to do so. Before he can, an alarm 🚨 sounds. A monitor lowers, revealing Sonic, Sticks, Knuckles, and Amy fighting off Eggman's bots, much to your and Tails's relief.
You three step outside, and Sonic demands, "We're here to save our friends from your evil clutches."
"Wait, what? No! Tails, Catherine, and I have a contract!" Eggman insists as Orbot comes out with the contract.
"Here's the lab assistant contract! Ready to be signed!" he says cheerfully. Tails just laughs and walks over to Sonic, who gives him a noogie.
"Good to have you back, Little Bro," he replies.
"Wait, he's your little brother?" you ask. They both nod as Amy gives you a big hug 🤗.
"Fine, lucky 🍀 thing I always have a Plan B," Eggman sighs, pressing a button to summon a huge robot.
"It's the Mega," Amy whispers, letting go of you. The others try to attack it, but it's too strong. It then tries to crush the pink hedgehog 🦔.
"Ames, look out!" Sonic shouts, getting his crush 😻 out of the Mega's line of fire. "That was close."
"I CARE ABOUT YOUR WELL-BEING," UT translates for the Blue Blur. You smile and the team keeps on trying to attack the Mega, but to no avail, every single time, much to Eggman's joy. You notice the Mega has shields 🛡 on its wrists and it's probably even more massive than Obliterator Bot.
"I DON'T THINK WE CAN WIN THIS," UT translates for you.
Eggman laughs. "Catherine, deploy the photon bombs 💣!" You just turn to him and scowl as hard a scowl as you can.
"Oh... right," he remembers that you left him and deploys 3 photon bombs himself. They circle ⭕️ you. One lands near Tails, blowing up the Bee Bot he was attacking and sending him flying.
"Tails!" Sonic shouts, rushing to catch him. He almost flew off the cliff.
"Sticks! Set Knuckles up!" you yell, beating a Motobug. Sticks hits the third Bee Bot with her boomerang and Knuckles spikes, like he did in volleyball 🏐, a photon bomb 💣 into the Mega's eye, and it's the one that falls off the cliff, sending Eggman retreating.
Tails scratches the back of his head. "Thanks for the rescue, guys. Sorry Cathy and I were such a nuisance with UT." You nod and UT reads your mind. "I'LL NEVER DO THIS AGAIN. I HOPE TAILS WON'T, EITHER."
"Actually, UT let us know where you both were," Sonic says with a smile.
"Good! You got our message! I think we'll be going on a lot more adventures with UT from now on," you reply. Everyone but Sticks agrees.
"I'M GOING TO DESTROY THAT STUPID ROBOT," UT translates for her. She picks up UT and throws it in the ocean 🌊, much to everyone's dismay and anger. Your wings droop.
"Sorry, guys. Had to be done," she says proudly.
You shake your head, upset, and imitate what UT would say, "I SPOKE TOO SOON."

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