A Flamingo Uprising

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After the call ended Luka was pacing back and forth due to the amount of stress caused by his sister's arguement.

"Honey! You need to calm down or else you'll have a heartattack!!" Says Rose very worried about her husband.

"Is it wrong to worry so much about your sibling?" Says Luka feeling down, but not too down to get akumatize.

"Don't put your bun in a twist, Luka! It's completely normal to feel that way, and you better go now! To help Marinette cause she's going to need your and your sister's help to defeat the supervillain." Says Rose.

"But, what about you and Roselina? Who's going to watch and take care of you both?" Says Luka very paranoid.

"I'm going to stop you right than and there!! So stop putting your family first. Your top priority should be to your friends and helping Paris in its time of need. Luka, do you remember when you first started using your miraculous?" Says Rose.

"Of, course! I remember Rose. What does that have to do with me?" Says Luka.

"Um? Let me think! Like everything that had happened in your life!! It also affected your sister in a way better than most people would think. People would say your crazy or an lunatic." Says Rose. "But, people come around and brace each other in the face of danger."

"Whaa!, Whaa!, Whaa! Ha, Roselina! It's ok, mommy's here!! Theirs no need to cry, baby girl." Says Rose soothing her baby.

"Luka, you have a habit of over exaggerating!!" Says Rose rolling her eyes.

"What do you mean, sugarplum?" Says Luka.

"Don't even think about flirting, to get you out of this arguement!!" Says Rose yelling at Luka.

"Gee whiz, Rose! You don't have to be so harsh! I'll get a move on, right now!!" Says Luka.

"Bluebird, beautiful feathers!!" Says Luka. Luka transforms into Peacock. And off he went to find Ladybug.

With Ladybug across town...

On the way to fight off the supervillain. Ladybug stumbles upon Rena Rouge robbing a jewelry store.

"Rena Rouge! Stop this right now!! This isn't you, Rena! Please stop this foolishness, and give me back those jewels you stole." Says Ladybug.

"No! Can do, Ladybug! I'm not Rena anymore, but I'm the new and improved Rena Rouge! Just call me Dixie Doom!!" Says Dixie Doom.

At lightning- bug speed Ladybug snatch the bag of jewels from Dixie Doom in one fowl swoop.

"You annoying little bug!!" Says Dixie Doom clutching her fist.

"Rena! Stop pretending to be an evildoer, and start acting more like a hero!!" Says Ladybug.

"Oh! Now, you have done it!! I'll give you a head start." Says Dixie Doom bursting mad.

Ladybug was running for her life. While saying " Well, this is getting off to a bad start!! I hope Luka is having more luck than me. Right now?"

While Dixie Doom is hot on her trail. She has nowhere else to run except for an abandoned merry- go- round.

The merry- go- round was old and rusty. But, it looks like it seen better days. So Ladybug had no choice but, to enter the merry- go- round. And hoping to not get seen by Dixie Doom.

When Cat Blanc saw an illusion of Dixie Doom heading straight to the abandoned merry- go- round. He decided to follow her, and questioning himself why did an illusion go off course. And why you think Cat Blanc stayed at the Eiffel Tower, well he did for his thinking, but he wanted to go out and have some fun.

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