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When Marinette woke up she found herself in a hospital room. When she looked out the window. She had a great view of the Eiffel Tower.

When Marinette looked at her nightstand she saw a big beautiful bouquet of roses. She was wondering who sent them.

When the doctor came into her room. He was surprise to see her awake.

"How are you feeling, miss Dupain - Cheng?" Says the doctor.

"Well, doctor! I am feeling just fine, but I can't remember how I got here in the first place." Says Marinette. " The last thing I remember is that I gotten akumatized, than the next thing that I knew. I ended up at the park when all my superhero friends were right by me."

"Well, I guess that makes a lot of sense because your Ladybug." Says the doctor.

"Does everyone in Paris know I'm Ladybug?" Says Marinette.

"You know what? I have an idea! I'll turn on the TV so you can see for yourself." Says the doctor.

"Ok! Thank you, doctor." Says Marinette.

When the doctor turned on the TV. Marinette was so shocked that she hit the bouquet of roses off the nightstand.

"Calm down, Marinette! You are overreacting." Says Tikki.

"Calm down! How should I calm down? This happened because of me, that I wasn't careful of my many actions that I took to become akumatized." Says Marinette.

"Marinette! You are an amazing person, and you should never doubt yourself for saving people's lives before yourself. Don't you ever forget to trust yourself and others around you." Says Tikki.

"Your right, Tikki! Thank you for believing in me. And I love you Tikki." Says Marinette.

"I love you too, Marinette." Says Tikki.

Tikki gave Marinette a hug on her cheek.

While Marinette was talking to her kwami. The doctor went to tell her parents that she was awake and well.

Marinette's parents were waiting in the waiting room, so they can see their beloved daughter.

When Mr. And Mrs. Dupain - Cheng saw the doctor they were a little bit worried about the outcome of Marinette's condition.

"Doctor! How is our daughter?" Says Mrs. Dupain - Cheng.

"Mrs. Dupain - Cheng ! Their is no need for you to worry, your daughter is just fine. She has just woken up do you can go and see her now. And as for me I'll go and get those discharge papers for you. So you guys can go home." Says the doctor.

When Marinette's parents got inside Marinette's room they were shocked too see a bouquet of roses on the ground near her hospital bed.

"Oh, Marinette! We were so worried that we thought we would loose you." Says Mrs. Dupain - Cheng.

"Mom! Please don't cry, cause if you cry than I'll cry too. And you and dad don't need to worry so much about me because, Cat Noir dropped me off at the hospital cause I was really hurt." Says Marinette.

"Don't you ever scared me, and your father again! You hear me Marinette!" Says Mrs. Dupain - Cheng.

"Yes, Mom! I promise to not scare you and dad so much, but that comes with the job of being Ladybug." Says Marinette rolling her eyes.

"Your right, Marinette! We shouldn't have yelled at you. You were just doing your job to save Paris, and we know that being Ladybug isn't always easy." Says Mrs. Dupain - Cheng.

"Thanks for believing in me! Mom, and dad. I love you guys so much." Says Marinette.

"We love you too, Marinette!" Says both of her parents.

Marinette gave her parents a big hug. After the hugged, her mother gave her some cloths to change into.

After Marinette got changed she was wearing one of her new designs. Than she picked up her bouquet of roses, and while she was holding them the hospital door flew open. And the doctor came inside to give the Dupain - Cheng's their discharge papers.

After Marinette was handed the discharged papers. She went home with her parents, than she went upstairs to her room to work on her fashion designs.

But, after some time Marinette decided to go to the park to clear her mind about what happened during the previous two days.

At the park...

When Marinette arrived at the park she saw a small crowd gathered around a couple who were arguing with each other.

But, the crowd than left due to the policeman asking them to leave the couple alone.

After the crowd had finally left Marinette got a good look at the couple. The boy had bright blond hair as golden as the sun,and his eyes were emerald green. But, the girl had blond hair in a pony tail with light blue eyes.

Marinette soon recognizes the couple from one of the famous magazines. The girl was the Mayor's daughter, and the boy was the famous model.

"Look! Adrien, I am breaking up with you. It's not you or me, it's that I am in love with someone else. And I feel it's the best way for both of us to go our separate ways, and to be just friends." Says Chloe'.

"Look! Chloe' , no one ever breaks up with me, and gets away with it!" Says Adrien really mad.

Adrien was holding Chloe's wrist so tight that her wrist turned purple. Adrien was about to slap Chloe' in the face, but someone step in between them and took the hit instead of Chloe'.

And that person who interfered was Marinette. When Adrien hit Marinette's right cheek it was a little bit bruised.

"Who are you? That can interfere with other people's situations." Says Adrien.

"Ah! My name is Marinette." Says Marinette rolling her eyes.

"As in the famous fashion designer?" Says Adrien questionably.

"Yes!!" Says Marinette.

"Well, designer! Don't you know? That it's not nice to interrupt something that you don't belong with the situation." Says Adrien.

"Don't remind me of the situation! I had no choice, but to interfere and help this girl." Says Marinette pointing a finger at Adrien's chest.

Chloe' just watched the whole arguement fall out of their hands like two peas in a pod. But, she couldn't help to notice that Adrien, and Marinette were made for each other. And one day they will be together.

Chloe' felt happy for them, but she also felt really sad about the typt of situation she was in.

"Ow! My wrist kinda hurts." Says Chloe' with hurt in her eyes.

"Oh! I almost forgot! I have something that can help your wrist feel better. It's my family's medicine. I am also sorry that I couldn't have given it to you earlier, but I was so preoccupied with the model and I totally spaced out." Says Marinette facepolming herself.

"It's ok! It's not your fault." Says Chloe' looking at Adrien.

Marinette got out her family's medicine and puts some on Chloe's bruised wrist, and then she wraps some fabric around Chloe's wrist.

Their was a very long awkward silence between all three of them. Until Chloe' decided too leave.

"Well, designer! I hope we can see each other again." Says Adrien.

"Well, maybe!" Says Marinette.

"Well, bye Marinette! See you latter." Says Adrien walking away.

"Well, bye model!" Says Marinette sarcastically.

A Regretful Decision: A Miraculous Ladybug Story.Where stories live. Discover now