Heartbroken Cat

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After Marinette got home from the park. She went in front of the bakery to see a clumsy frilly baker holding two plates full of cookies while balancing a plate of croissants on her head.

And that frilly baker turned out to be Marinette's mother Mrs. Sabine Dupain - Cheng.

''Be careful Mom! you don't want to trip.'' Says Marinette.

"Thanks for your concern sweetie, but I'll be ok. How about you help your dad bake cookies in the backroom. Before he gets carried away of forgetting to turn off the oven.'' Says Mrs. Dupain - Cheng.

"OK, Mom! But, why do I have to remind dad about turning off the oven.'' Says Marinette questionably.

"Well, do you remember what happened last time?'' Says Mrs. Dupain - Cheng.

"Yes, I remember! Dad was baking a cake in the oven, when suddenly their was a small fire. When the Fire Department came they recalled that every month dad cause a small fire to brake out, so the Fire Department said that if their was another fire than Dad would need to get a fire permit.'' Says Marinette.

''It was so embarrassing that when the Fire Department came. The customers were giving me a weird look. I apologize too them about my husband's behavior.'' Says Mrs. Dupain - Cheng.

After the talk with her mother. Marinette went into the backroom to help her dad baked delicious treats for the bakery.

''Hi, Dad! I am here to help you bake, and Mom told me to not let you burn any food for the bakery.'' Says Marinette.

''Well, Marinette! I don't blame your mother for all the trouble I cause her, and its my fault that the Fire Department came to the bakery so many times.'' Says Mr. Dupain - Cheng.

''Dad! Please don't get sad about all the things that happened in this bakery. I don't want you to get akumatized because of those many different mistakes you put yourself in day to day working hard in this bakery.'' Says Marinette hugging her dad.

''Well, my sugar queen! how's about you help me bake some cookies?'' Says Mr. Dupain - Cheng.

"Yes! Dad, I would love to help you bake." Says Marinette.

Marinette was handed an apron by her dad, and so she started to get working in the bakery with her parents.

When the bakery door opened some famous person walked through the door. And that person turned out to be Adrien Agreste, carrying a bouquet of roses.

"Well, Adrien Agreste! Welcome to the Dupain - Cheng bakery!" Says Mrs. Dupain - Cheng.

"Well, Mrs. Cheng! Is Marinette home? I would like to see her." Says Adrien.

"Yes! Marinette, is in the backroom helping her dad." Says Mrs. Cheng.

"Marinette! Can you come here! Someone is here to see you." Says Mrs. Cheng.

"Coming, mom!!" Says Marinette rushing to the door.

When Marinette went through the kitchen door. She realize that she was covered in flour. The flour was so white that it made Marinette resemble a ghost.

"Ah! It's a ghost! What have you done to my Marinette?" Says Mrs. Cheng frightened.

"Mom! Calm down, it's just me Marinette." Says Marinette.

Marinette uses a wet cloth to wipe off the flour on her face.

When Mrs. Cheng realized her mistake, she was laughing so hard that she fell on the floor tumbling over.

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