Cat Blanc

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While at the Eiffel Tower Cat Noir de - transforms back to Adrien. Adrien hands over cheese to his kwami Plagg.

After Plagg finishes his cheese he notice an akuma flying around the park in searching for an negative emotion to consume.

Plagg needed to find a way and fast to keep Adrien in a good mood or else he'll be in big trouble.

"Kid! You need to calm down and try to relax. Everything will be ok, you just need to give her more time to think." Says Plagg staying calm and cool.

"Plagg! How can I relax when I mess up big time? I should have been even more romantic to her by giving her jewelry instead of buying her those stupid red roses. The roses were plain and none essential." Says Adrien blowing a fuse.

Plagg flew up to Adrien's face but, Adrien spat him away. Because he didn't want his pathetic attention.

Adrien didn't hear the sound of a butterfly coming towards him. He didn't try to move away instead he just let the akuma consume his miraculous.

"Ah! Yes, Cat Blanc! I have been waiting a long time for you. My name is Hawk Moth, which of course you already know who I am and what I want in return for your help is for you to giving me Ladybug's and Cat Noir's miraculous." Says Hawk Moth.

"Yes, Hawk Moth! I except your opposition." Says Adrien.

"That's very good, Cat Blanc! I sense that you are very special and enthusiastic to get the job done. And sense you are a special powerful akuma. I am sending 3 more akumas out to Paris to help you on your quest to get the girl you love. Do you have any ideas of who I should send my akumas too?" Says Hawk Moth.

"Well, yes! Hawk Moth, I do know my superhero friends won't resist the urge to help us." Says Adrien.

"Very well than, you made the right choices to choose your fellow heros. I wouldn't expect anything less from you Cat Blanc." Says Hawk Moth very satisfied.

After the akumas left Hawk Moth's lair. The akumas flew all the way too Queen Bee, Rena Rouge, and Jade Turtle. They all fought the urge to not gave in to the akuma. But, their resistance was to fragile too beat the akuma on their own.

And, eventually they all gave into the akuma's control.

The akumas flew into all the hero's miraculous. Transforming them into their akumatized selves. Their new forms are Dark Bee, Dixie Doom, and Dark Shell.

"Plagg, claws out!!" Says Adrien.

"Nooo!! I am so sorry, Tikki. Please forgive me! I tried my best." Says Plagg.

Adrien transforms into his akumatized self as Cat Blanc. His black suit silhouette turned into white.

Cat Blanc's eyes were red with lust and desire. He couldn't wait to pounce and to catch his lady in action.

After he gets what he wants he's going to destroy and kill Hawk Moth. So Hawk Moth won't effect his chances with his lady.

Cat Blanc contacts his team of akumatized villains to start terrorising Paris for leading Ladybug to the Eiffel Tower.

Dark Bee started off using her dark venom to inject the drug into near by people she saw and making them as her faithful servants. And forcing them to attack Ladybug when ever they see her silhouette.

As for Dixie Doom she conquered up a dark music note on her dark flute to make dark fighting mean illusions to robbed the Museums, Art Gallery's, and Jewelry stores across Paris.

And, finally the most toughest and hardest of them all is for Dark Shell job to fight and avoid the police and lure them away from the Eiffel Tower.

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