Warehouse Ash

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It has been at least 2 days sense the encounter with Cat Blanc. And Marinette was getting really worried about her friends.

After her friends were safely at Master Fu's house, Marinette decided to stay at a abandoned warehouse. So Cat Blanc can't find her.

During the past 2 days, Cat Blanc has been going on a destruction spree through Paris. By destroying the Eiffel Tower to the museums.

Cat Blanc had no other choice but to go straight to the Mayor.

When Cat Blanc got to the Mayor's hotel, he found that Mrs. Chamack was there giving an interview of the current supervillain in Paris.

"Mayor Bourgeois! I need your expertise of finding someone that I care about. But, I do see that you have company. So my advice is for you to sent out your police to look for Marinette and bring her to me. If not well I believe that you won't be able to see the next sun rise. Do I make myself clear?" Says Cat Blanc.

Mrs. Chamack was so shocked that the camera man filmed the whole conversation that Cat Blanc had said.

"Do you really think, that Marinette will come out of hiding that easily. Do you?" Says Mr. Bourgeois.

"Well, I believe with the right motivation and persuasion . We will be able to draw her out of hiding." Says Cat Blanc.

So with that been said. Cat Blanc took his leave and made his way towards the Dupain - Cheng bakery.

When Cat Blanc got near the bakery, he than de - transforms back to Adrien.

His kwami was no longer black, instead it turned to white because of Adrien being akumatized for so long.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Tom and Sabine Dupain - Cheng. Is your daughter , Marinette home? I would like to talk to her if that is alright with you." Says Adrien.

"Why your Adrien Agreste, that famous model!!" Says Sabine.

"Yes, I am!! Mrs. Sabine." Says Adrien.

"Well, Adrien! Our daughter is not home right now. She is currently spending the night with her friends because it was very important to her." Says Tom.

"More important than her two parents?" Says Adrien.

"Well, our daughter is a very brave girl, and she can protect herself from bad guys." Says Sabine.

Both Tom and Sabine noticed that Adrien was not himself and furthermore they found they were in big trouble. So they tried to persuade Adrien to leave the bakery right away.

"Well, if you excuse me Adrien! I need to phone a friend right now about our current new special we have at the bakery this week." Says Sabine.

"Well, that's ok Mrs. Sabine! I'll just be here talking to your husband." Says Adrien.

Sabine went into the back of the bakery to phone her daughter about the guy at the bakery.

On the phone: M - Marinette, S - Sabine, and A - Adrien.

S -
"Marinette, sweetie it's your mother! There is this guy at the bakery who doesn't seem right. And you told me and your father if someone comes into the bakery acting a little bit strange than I'll have to call you right away."

M- " Mom, calm down!! What does this guy look like?"

S - " Well, let me see. Your father is talking to him right now. But, I don't think he'll be able to hold out for long."

Sabine took a really hard look at Adrien. He has hair golden like the sun, and his eyes are emerald green. But, after she looked at him. She noticed that Adrien hit Tom with a mettle tray on the head , knocking him out cold.

Sabine than screamed for her live.

M - Mother , what is wrong? Did something happen to father?"

S - "Yes, Marinette!! Adrien hit your father out cold. And now he is unconscious and Adrien is now coming towards me. I don't know what to do?"

M - "Please calm down , Mother!! Everything is going to be alright. And I promise I'll save you and father, but for now grabbed a hold of something that would be able to knock him out."

A - "Why hello there, Mrs. Sabine. I hope you'll be able help me to locate your daughter. You see your husband wasn't that helpful in that department. So I was hoping you can help me. Unless you are currently talking to her right now, than I won't have to be less motivated to hurt you."

So Sabine grabbed a near by tray full of hot cookies and threw it at Adrien. But, Adrien activated his Cataclysm and it completely destroyed the tray.

Than Sabine fainted. And Adrien grabbed her phone.

M - "What have you done to my mother , you stupid model?"

A - "Well, designer that's no way to talk to your friend. Now is it!!"

M - " What do you want , Adrien?"

A - "Oh!! So now the cute designer knows my name even after I met your parents. Well, sooner or later they'll be my parents in laws. But, I was getting side track. Now where were we."

M - "Can you please answer my question, you stupid model!!"

A - "Well, to answer your question cutie. I am working with Cat Blanc to find you. Cause if I don't he'll hurt my father."

M - "Well, I now understand Adrien. But, you could of find me and you didn't have to listen to my partner who is now akumatized."

A - "So cutie, where are you hiding?"

M - "Do you honestly think I'll tell you , just because you hurt my parents doesn't mean I'll tell you where I am. But, you'll have to come and find me. If you can?"

A - "So , is that a date?"

M - "What? No, I was only letting you know that it won't be that easy to find me."

A - "Well, in that case. I love to play cat and mouse."

And with that last statement , Marinette ended the call. And she was really worried about her parents.

After the conversation with Marinette, Adrien than transforms back to Cat Blanc and transported her parents to the Mayor's hotel.

Cat Blanc than made his way through Paris looking to find Marinette near by.

When Cat Blanc saw a door opened and it contain no less than a inch of light through the door. He could see Ladybug's kwami a mile away. So Cat Blanc activated his Cataclysm on the Warehouse and the whole warehouse turned to ashes.

And Ladybug barely had time to escape the destruction of the Warehouse she was in.

"That was so uncalled for, you stupid cat!!" Says Ladybug.

"Well, M'lady I'm your stupid cat. You can have me any time and any day. As long as we are together." Says Cat Blanc.

"Well, that's not going to happen. So in your dreams you stupid cat." Says Ladybug.

"Well, Ladybug!! In my dreams your are already mine and no one else's . So I'm going to make that a reality." Says Cat Blanc purring.

So Ladybug uses her yoyo, and Cat Blanc uses his Cataclysm. The yoyo it Cat Blanc's cataclysm and it made Ladybug to go unconscious, so Cat Blanc took that time and carried Ladybug to the Agreste mansion.

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