Wedding Preparations

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When Marinette finally woke up, she saw both of her parents tied up.

"Mom! Dad! What happened? Why are you tied up?" Says Marinette.

"Don't worry my dear, wife! Your parents are quite safe, that is if you agree to marry me or if you don't than don't blame me for taking your parents away from you." Says Blanc.

"Are you crazy, Chat! Why would I marry you? You are not your self and your akumatized!! I'd weather marry the real you than marrying a supervillain." Says Marinette.

"Well, too bad!! Cause your going to marry me if you like it or not." Says Blanc.

"Cataclysm!!!- Blanc.

"Whaaat!! No! Not my parents!!" Says Marinette running infront of them.

But, what she didn't knew was the Cataclysm wasn't directly going towards her parents. Only to a chair that was near by.

Marinette sigh in relief, that her parents were safe. At least for now, but who knows when Blanc will get upset again?

"You see, Princess! I didn't hurt them. Why would I ever hurt my parents - laws? That would be a catastrophe." Says Blanc. "So , what will it be Princess! Marriage or your parents are going to jail?"

"Fine, you white cat! I'll marry you, but I'm only doing this to save my parents and Paris. And when the time is right, I'll get your akuma. And you'll be good as new." Says Marinette feeling sad.

"Well, it settled than! I'll inform Mr. Bourgeois of the wedding preparations to be held at the Pont - Marie bridge,  This afternoon. Oh, I almost forgot! " Says Blanc snapping his fingers together.

Than a group of bad guys, came into the room to take Marinette's parents away.

"What are you doing to my parents?" Says Marinette.

"Don't worry, Marinette! You'll see them at the wedding. But, this is a precaution if you get any ideas of running away from me." Says Blanc.

Marinette was left in the room crying, until Alix came in to help her get into her dress.

"Oh, Marinette! I'm so sorry !!" Says Alix hugging Marinette while she cried.

When Marinette looked up, she saw her best friend Alix hugging her. From that moment she felt better and remember the real reason as to why she was going to save her partner in the first place.

"Alix, what are you doing here? Weren't you suppose to be in a different country with your family?" Says Marinette.

"Marinette, I never did left Paris. From the moment everyone in Paris found out your identity. But, my father really wanted me to go with him. But, I decline saying that Marinette would need my help to save Paris one day. And now, I'm here to get you out of trouble." Says Alix.

"Well, Alix! I'm so glad to see you, but I can't leave or Blanc will put my parents in jail if I don't marry him. I wish you could help me, Alix. I really do need some help to find where that white cat's akuma is." Says Marinette.

"Well, what about your miraculous? Could you escape with that?" Says Alix.

"Ahhh, that's right!! How I could have forgot my miraculous." Says Marinette.

"Tikki, sports on!!- Marinette.

"Ohm, nothing happened? Was there supposed to be like a bright light or something?" Says Alix.

"Yes, you may be right. But, even so it's not like Tikki to not let me transform. I hope nothing bad happens to her. I really care so much about her." Says Marinette.

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