Secret Out

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After Marinette and her friends,  made it to Paris. They were surrounded by strong Akumas.

The Akumas were... Papa Bear, Pirate Queen, and King Mummy.

"What are all these Akumas doing here?" Says Mrs. Bourgeois.

"Well, it sure isn't a welcome party." Says Alix.

"What are we going to do, Marinette? They have surrounded us from all sides." Says Lila.

"Well, Lila! The only way out of this situation,  is to fight them head on. And distract them, so we can get their Akuma." Says Marinette.

Lila, Felix, Luka, and Alix all transform to protect Marinette.

"Come with us, Marinette. So, your friends don't get hurt." Says Papa Bear.

"Dad!! Why did you get Akumatized? Aren't you suppose to be with mom? What did Blanc do to you?" Says Marinette.

"Ohh, Marinette! He didn't do anything. He made me realize that I'm not cut out to be a good father. So, I agree to bring you too him. Inorder for him to not hurt your mother." Says Papa Bear.

"Father, I understand what your going through. But, you need to realize that this is wrong. And to stop, this. Before you regret your decision." Says Marinette.

Meanwhile, back with the others...

Luka was versing his mother, while Alix was versing her brother. They were both neck and neck. And neither of them were pulling out of the fight.

Until Luka decided, to knock out his Mother with his magic fan. Which, caught his mother to loose her balance. But, only for a short while. Causing, Pirate Queen to use her upper hand and knock out Luka with her sword on the back of his head.

Luka fell unconscious. And Alix was having difficulty to stop her brother from harming Marinette.

"Brother, this isn't you!! Please, stop this madness. Before you get yourself hurt. I don't want to fight you brother. But, this is the only way to get you back to normal." Says Alix.

"Ohh, Alix! You don't understand history. You were always a slow learner. Which, is why I can do this." Says King Mummy.

"Do, What?!!" Says Alix.

King Mummy wrapped his bandages around Alix's neck to cut her circulation. Causing, Alix to be unconscious.

When Marinette saw her friends unconscious. She realize that she couldn't hide anymore. So, she decided to comply too Blanc demands.

"Alright, Father! I'll go with you. Just as long as you won't hurt anyone else. Me and Mrs. Bourgeois,  will go and talk to Blanc." Says Marinette.

After Marinette and Mrs. Bourgeois left, Lila than called Master Fu and told him about what had happen with the Akumas and Marinette.

When Marinette and Mrs. Bourgeois finally arrived to their destination. They realize, the place was the Agreste mansion.

Upon entering the mansion, they were greeted with Adrien.

Marinette was so happy to see Adrien. That she gave him a big hug. And Adrien gave Marinette a hug in return.

They looked like this...

They looked like this

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"Well, I hate to interrupt this fine moment. But, the question here is... where is my daughter?" Says Mrs. Bourgeois.

"Don't worry, Mrs. Bourgeois! Your daughter is save. I happen to find her after Cat Blanc left. He won't be returning anytime soon. So, we better go get her before Cat Blanc returns." Says Adrien.

Mrs. Bourgeois felt that Adrien wasn't himself. Cause, she knew Adrien from a young age. Adrien's  mother and her were best friends. She hopes that Marinette will notice his strange behavior before its too late.

When they finally reach the room. Mrs. Bourgeois ran to Chloé and gave her a hug. Chloé was shocked that her mother actually came to rescue her. Even though it's a trap.

"Marinette, congratulations on getting married. Your husband must be lucky." Says Adrien.

"I wouldn't say lucky. But, I'll do what ever it takes to get his Akuma." Says Marinette.

"Wow, Marinette! That hurts, I thought that when we got married that you'll love me. We'll, I was wrong to believe you'll love me so easy." Says Adrien.

"Wait, Adrien!! What are you talking about? The only person who I got married to. Was Cat Blanc.  Please, don't tell me that your Cat Blanc." Says Marinette worried.

"Ohh, Marinette! Your assumption was right. Now, what about a kiss?" Says Adrien.

Adrien pulled Marinette into a strong kiss. While, transforming into Cat Blanc.

After the kiss, Cat Blanc knock out Marinette.

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