Marinette Mishap

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When Mrs. Bourgeois, Chloé, and Kim. Finally arrived at Master Fu's house, they were sad and depressed. Because, they couldn't save Marinette.

"Chloé!! What happen to you? We were afraid you wouldn't make it. And where's Marinette?" Says Alya.

"Alya, can you see that Chloé isn't up to discussion? Chloé has been through an ordeal." Says Nino.

"You don't think I knew that, Nino!! Of course, she's been through a lot. But, that doesn't mean we can help Marinette in anyway." Says Alya.

"Your right, Alya! I shouldn't stay silent. You guys have a right to know what happen to me and Marinette." Says Chloé.

So Chloé told everyone what had happen. In the mean time, Felix was feeling impatient.

"I can't just stand here, while Marinette is in danger!! So, I'm going for a walk to figure out a way to save Marinette." Says Felix.

And without notice, Felix left the room. With anyone else asking him too stay.

"Are we going to stop, him? Is he crazy?! He could get himself turn into ashes. I just hope he doesn't meet Cat Blanc.  Or we'll be one less person to save Paris." Says Chloé.

"Chloé, dear! Don't be negative. I believe that Felix can protect himself. For he was once a miraculous holder in England. Before his partner Ladybug disappeared. Felix blames himself for Ladybug's disappearance. And to this day, he trys to look for his missing partner. That is why, he's worried about Marinette's safety." Says Mrs. Bourgeois.

"Mom, I never knew you were this informed about the superheros in England." Says Chloé.

"Ohh, Chloé! That's just the perks of living in England. For a few years." Says Mrs. Bourgeois.

"I just hope your right about Felix, Mother. Cause, I don't want his heart to be broken." Says Chloé.

During Felix's walk, he notice a girl with the same facial figures as Marinette. He was wondering, how did she escape Cat Blanc?

So, he went up to the girl and said. "Marinette,  how did you escape Blanc? And did you capture his akuma?"

"Who is Blanc? Is he a supervillain in Paris? And furthermore, Felix! Why are you in Paris? Are you here to see your cousin? Cause, I sure am. If I'm able to find her." Says Bridgette.

Bridgette was just like Marinette, who also got the Ladybug's miraculous. She is Marinette's cousin.

When Felix stepped closer to Bridgette. He notice that she was indeed his lost partner. He was so happy, that he kissed her.

It looks like this...

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"Bridgette, is that really you? How could this be possible? You have disappeared for a long time. And I couldn't even find you. I thought I'd lost you. But, now! You can help us find your cousin. Who is in danger from an Akuma. And furthermore, she's married." Says Felix.

"Well, Felix! It's a long story. But, to shorten it. After we had a tough battle. I got seriously hurt, so I hurried to the hospital. And when I got there, I fainted. When I woke up, I realized that I couldn't be Ladybug anymore. So, I decided to take a break. That is probably why you thought I'd disappear." Says Bridgette.

So, after the long talk. Felix took Bridgette to Master Fu's house. And explain to the others, that Bridgette is actually Marinette's cousin.

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