Butterfly Effect

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After the Akuma turned back to normal. Everything was the same, well almost the same? Paris only remembered the previous akumas before Cat Blanc.

But, one thing was for certain. Adrien and Marinette were in fact still married.

What it felt like hours had past...

Adrien finally said "Where am I? Marinette, how did I end up here? And most importantly, did I hurt anyone?"

"Well, Adrien! To answer your question,  you only hurt yourself. But, what matters is that your alright. And we're still married to each other." Says Marinette.

"Marinette, I'm so sorry. That you had to find out this way. I should have told you my identity from the start. Now, I only regret is that I almost lost you and Paris altogether. I hope you can still forgive me and maybe we can start over?" Says Adrien.

"Yes, Adrien! I would like that, but first I need some time alone. Than we can start over." Says Marinette.

Marinette and Adrien were about to kiss. Until, Alya and Chloé slapped Adrien across the face. Turning his face black and blue.

"This is for Paris and for you turning us into Akumas!!" Says Alya slapping Adrien.

"Alya, Chloé!!! Calm down, and take a look at him. He regrets his mistake, and he will apologize to anyone who he ever affected during his Akumatizion." Says Marinette.

"I don't know why, Girl you would stand up for him? I mean, look what he has done to you and Paris. He should at least leave Paris for a while. So, Paris can recover from the shock." Says Alya.

"Alya, made a point! He should learn from his mistake. And furthermore, he should pay for any damage he cause." Says Chloé.

"Aren't you guys, going a little bit overboard? He was just Akumatized, for peets sakes!! And if anyone tries to hurt him behind my back. Than, I'll trip them with my yoyo." Says Marinette.

"Marinette, please stop protecting me. Your friends are right, I should take my responsibility. It would be for the best, if I leave Paris. But, when I return I'll apologize to everyone." Says Adrien.

"OK, Adrien! If you want to do that. Than,  I'll support you all the way." Says Marinette.

"Thank you, Marinette! Your the best partner I could of ask for. And, I know it's a bad time. But, I just wanted to say that I love you." Says Adrien.

"Ohh, Adrien! I love you too. But, don't you dare pull a stunt like this ever again!! Or I'll personally put you in the hospital." Says Marinette.

"Well, Marinette! Do I get one last kiss before I go? I mean, it will be a couple of years before we ever see each other." Says Adrien.

"Yes!!"  - Marinette.

Marinette kissed Adrien, and after the kiss. Adrien left Paris.

Adrien was right, it took Paris about a couple of years to recover. When Adrien got back, he finally married Marinette the right way. And so, this story turn out to ba a happy ending after all.

The End!!!

- dear, readers!!
I hope you enjoy this exciting story,  that I have wrote. Thank you, so much for voting on this story. I never would have thought my story would get this popular.  And thank you for the great support for this story.

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With love, Lightbolb86. ♥️♥️

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